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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mayor Diaz responds to Comm. Sarnoff

Mayor Manny Diaz responded to Commissioner Marc Sarnoff's request to Veto the 300 Grove Bay project. You may have read Marc's letter here or received a copy in the mail. Here is the Mayor's response.

Here is Comm. Sarnoff's reply to the mayor.

To read the letters, you'll need Adobe Reader. It's free here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Link wont open... :(

May 11, 2007 9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc just got seriously spanked.

You know, this is something that has concerned me from the beginning. If Marc is to be an effective advocate for the Grove, he needs to do more than play to the bleachers; he needs to effectively build bridges to the other commissioners and, as you can see, to the Mayor. Right now, he has egg on his face.

May 11, 2007 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Grove just got effectively cut off.

May 11, 2007 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to read the Mayor's letter but cannot.

May 11, 2007 11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Download Adobe Acrobat and you should be able to read it.

May 11, 2007 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please Mr. Mayor, Veto the election of Sarnoff....

May 11, 2007 1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but there is no way that Manny Diaz has such a intelligible grasp of the english language. I've heard him speak.

Who's the ghost writer?

May 11, 2007 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Manny Diaz does not have the ability nor does he have the time to attempt to write a letter like that. Manny Diaz, and his staff..., could not come up with any factual reasons to deny the veto so they tried to rewrite history. Many people are saying Manny got someone at Related to ghost write the letter.

Marc Sarnoff's letter responding to Manny Diaz was excellent.

Time will tell. Perhaps Grove Isle will appeal the change in zoning? Then a court can study the evidence. Obviously, Manny Diaz has little respect for the facts.

And getting back to the facts; what makes three commissioners from outside Dist 2 think they know what is best for a neighborhood within Dist 2?

May 11, 2007 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Marc Sarnoff's reply to Manny Diaz. It was sent out on miamicitywatch.com. I thought it was excellent.

Frankly, I am glad we have a Dist 2 commissioner who fights for us.

May 11, 2007 6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you work for Related or Seth Gordon, I couldn't understand how the Mayor's reference to a meeting that took place prior to the facts presented at Commission could be taken serious. I know that the Mayor never sits in on these meetings like he is suppose to. Perhaps if he did he would have heard the county say no, DCA say no, and all the evidence presented against it. When they went before the CGVC it was not known that Bay Heights and Natoma had been paid off! Oh, give me a break. What he should have done, as a trained lawyer was to review those tapes and respond based on those critical facts. Now we know...CGVC has more clout than the thought!

May 11, 2007 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were 4-5 hours of testimony and evidence presented in January 2007 at a Commission Meeting and there was 8-9 hours of testimony and evidence presented in March 2007 at a Commission Meeting and Manny Diaz only reviews a May 2006 CGVC Meeting? How ignorant could Manny be? Does Manny hope the public is stupid?

There were hours of testimony and evidence presented at the Zoning Board and at the Planning Advisory Board. Both Boards voted to deny Related's application. Manny?

The facts demanded a denial of the request for a change in zoning and the facts demanded a veto. So Manny reviewed a year old tape from a neighborhood council? It does not appear Manny Diaz properly reviewed the request for a veto? Should not Manny have based his decision on competent and substantial evidence?

May 11, 2007 7:40 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

My pee-pee is bigger than yours.... no MY pee-pee is bigger than YOURS... NO MY PEE-PEE IS BIGGER THAN YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what this sounds like to anyone outside of the Grove. Unfortunately, this issue is extraordinarily important to many of us INSIDE the Grove, and so it's such a shame that the debate over this absurd development has essentially devolved into a pissing match between a couple of egotistical attorneys turned politicians.

Let's grow up, please.

May 11, 2007 9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should concern ourselves with always having the three votes necessary to accomplish our goals.

May 11, 2007 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would that our very own Larry, Curly and Moe?

May 11, 2007 11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coco: This is not a matter of growing up, this is a matter of a very important issue, improper land-use change and the inability for our Mayor to veto it. If there is a land-use that should be vetoed, it should be this one. And after all is said and done, can someone please suggest to tighten the G/I ordinance to also include height limitations when abutting a residential heighborhood? The only G/I that is properly used in the City of Miami without shadowing a residential neighborhood are Jackson & Cedars. They do not abut a residential neighborhood and yet their height is lower than what they threaten could be built there under G/I.

May 11, 2007 11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissioner Sarnoff says that he sat mute during the Village Council deliberations on the Mercy project because Robert's Rules of Order prevented him from speaking or voting.

Not so.

Robert's Rules of Order says: "If the president is a member of the assembly, he or she has exactly the same rights and privileges as all other members have, including the right to make motions, speak in debate and to vote on all questions....."

May 11, 2007 11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Sarnoff is a lawyer. Why would he so totally misrepresent the facts over something so easy to confirm as this?

And gosh, if he'd lie about THIS...

May 12, 2007 12:00 AM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Folks, just so you know, the negative comments here about Sarnoff usually come from one person who has some really negative feelings about him. Guess he dumped her or something and she can't take it so she spreads rumors.

I don't want to delete her negative and obnoxious posts, but just take them with a grain of salt. She likes to point the finger and make up lies, and she never signs her name.

She calls him a liar and likes to accuse him of things, yet she hides behind her anonymous comments. She has no class and says the stupidist things.

May 12, 2007 12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Sarnoff makes enemies everywhere he goes do to his immature tactics. He seems to ask for trouble and seems to set himself up for failure…Some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes him to loose perspective I think.
It is rather sad. At least the Mayor has the wherewithal to have someone intelligent to write his letters.

May 12, 2007 1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You elected Marc Sarnoff to represent you because we had been neglected for so long and when he does you get upset? We finally have someone who will stand up for Coconut Grove, take chances, take the slings and arrows, and do this while he is up for re-election. That is gutsy.

May 12, 2007 7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How intelligent can Manny Diaz be if he bases his "no" veto decision on a tape of a May 2006 "council" meeting? Would not Manny Diaz have shown intelliegence by reviewing the 12 to 15 hours of testimony from 2007? And from reviewing all the supporting documents submitted in 2007? Perhaps Manny could have reviwed the letter from the Dept of the Interior? Perhaps after reviewing the facts even Manny would have vetoed the change in zoning?

But who wants to let the facts interfere with possible campaign contributions?

It appears Comm Sarnoff bases his decisions on the facts.

May 12, 2007 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t want the let the “Robert’s Rules” matter slide by unchallenged.

Marc claims he acted a certain way because he was abiding by Robert’s Rules. Well, he wasn’t. He is wrong. His claim is false. Sometimes you need to focus in on seemingly small matters like this to see clearly what people are made of.

And Marc has a long record of relying on “truthiness” to overcome the facts.
NOTE: Truthiness is a satirical term coined by television comedian Stephen Colbert to describe things that a person claims are true because that is the way things “ought to be” without regard to evidence, intellectual examination, or actual facts.

May 12, 2007 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone (previous blogger "parlimentarian") is actually quoting a personality (Steve Colbert) from a fake news show, while pointing the finger at someone else (Mark) and calling him a liar. How bizarre you are.

"Truthiness"? Really now. Make your point with viable words from the english language.

Everyone wants to be a comedian.

May 12, 2007 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One shouldn’t denigrate comedians. They not only make us laugh (a wonderful gift) but they are usually the first among us to peel away the disguises of slippery politicians and reveal that such “Kings” (and King pretenders) have no clothes.

And Mr. Colbert is not to be trifled with as an intellectual. “Truthiness was selected by the American Dialect Society as the 2005 Word of the Year, and by The New York Times as one of nine words that captured the spirit of 2005.

"Truthiness" has also been discussed by some of the most important political analysts of our time in the Washington Post, USA Today, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Editor & Publisher, Salon, The Huffington Post, and Chicago Reader, and on ABC's Nightline, CBS's 60 Minutes, and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

In January 2006, truthiness was featured as a Word of the Week by the website of the Macmillan English Dictionary.

Viable English language words, indeed!!!

May 12, 2007 2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems I stand corrected on the viability of the word "truthiness".

It also seems I hit a nerve commenting on Colbert! How cute!

However, I still stand by my humble opinion about not bastardizing words in the English language, especially when done to better understand slippery politicians. I can see how this word "captured the spirit of 2005". But, what a sad account that is of our culture, and from the NY Times no less.

Until the average American* (*does not apply to anyone on this blog who does not post anonymously) can get a grasp on speaking, spelling and comprehending words in the English language; literary and comedic powerhouses should refrain from "alterating" ones that already exist.

And, it really doesn't validate a non word, no matter how many times politicians and people of the media machine reuse a word until it saturates our psyche. Think about it... the leader of the free world ("W") can't form sentences that make sense! Hence the new American grammifications, aka: "Bushisms". Now those are fun!

"Truthiness" in not a word you'll catch me using.

And, to get back on subject, Sarnoff is doing "a heck of a job", truth be told.

May 12, 2007 6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s cut to the chase.
Those folks that are supporting the rezoning of Mercy Hospital come up with many rationalizations but the real reason is to have financial gain.
Those folks supporting the denial of the rezoning of Mercy Hospital fear that they are losing too much of their community and have no interest
in financial gain.
Those folks supporting Mayor Manny Diaz, his political machine, the glut of overdevelopment and all of the problems caused by it, wish to accumulate even more financial gains.
Those folks supporting Commissioners Regalado and Sarnoff care about our community and feel that the price for rezoning is just too high
a cost.
Commissioners Regalado and Sarnoff are courageous for taking a stand against the establishment that is well entrenched and continues to do a great disservice to our community.
Sarnoff’s Letter to Diaz may sound disrespectful to some, but if there is disrespect then it is well deserved, since it has been earned for quite
a few years.
Sarnoff and Regalado have the right to disagree with the travesties that the three other district commissioners and the mayor continue to perpetuate.
Their efforts are well appreciated and respected by those of us that care about or community, respect the rights of others and obey the law.
Not so long ago the City of Miami and its elected officials believed the Fire Fee was just and lawful.
Then after a lawsuit they believed a settlement was required and negotiated a less then just settlement.
Then the case was brought before a reasonable, logical and law abiding court that ruled that the City of Miami was totally wrong.
I believe that the rezoning approval of Mercy Hospital for the financial benefit of a mismanaged business and the ego of a billionaire will eventually be brought to court as well.
I believe that a reasonable, logical and law abiding court will once again rule that the City of Miami was totally wrong.
Stay tuned…
Harry Emilio Gottlieb
Coconut Grove

May 12, 2007 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual, Harry Emilio Gottlieb states the truth.

May 13, 2007 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mercy wants to sell their property to a developer that is their right. Sarnoff's then and now speech at the commission meeting was totally invalid and pointless just like most of his letter to the mayor. There are plenty of examples all over Europe where historic buildings stand right next to contemporary buildings and the contrast is beautiful. The environmental impact of the project is really not that great as there are already several condos near Mercy. Mercy itself is an eyesore and now they will finally have the money they need to renovate. Good for them and good for me since I live right next door. It is obvious that the mayor does not respect or take Sarnoff seriously. Like many of us, he never will. Sarnoff is incapable of playing with the big boys. District 2 is screwed unless another commissioner is elected. The truth is, the Related Group is known for hiring some great architects. The Grove Bay project has already been greatly reduced. I look forward to seeing what the final design will look like and I look forward to having a livelier, more interesting and better-looking neighborhood. I wore a yellow shirt at the commission meeting and was not paid to do so. Why don't you all spend your time more productively? Especially you Harry. Get a job. Volunteer. If you really want to make a difference you could tutor kids after school or you could volunteer for habitat for humanity. You could organize an anti-war rally. If traffic is your beef then you should be in favor of this project because it is much better to increase the density of an existing neighborhood that is close to downtown than to create a new neighborhood out west, where the environmental impact on the everglades would be devistating and the pollution created commuting would be much more detrimental. You should relax and learn to embrace change. Some change is really not that bad.

May 13, 2007 10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Where did this guy "Bob" come from? I'm stunned to find a smart, realistic contributor here. Keep it coming Bob!

May 13, 2007 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does "Bob" live in one of the neighborhoods that took cash from Related? Did "Bob" get cash? Is "Bob" expecting to get some cash? Related paid cash to people so they would not speak out against the re-zoning.

Perhaps "Bob" is unaware the City of Miami has designated downtown to receive height and density. Perhaps "Bob" is unaware Miami 21 has designated downtown to receive height and density. Perhaps "Bob" is unaware the Zoning Board AND the Planning Advisory Board both recommended denial of the re-zoning. The Secretary of the Interior opposed the Mercy re-zoning. Miami-Dade County executives opposed the re-zoning. Professional planners opposed the re-zoning. Neighbors opposed the re-zoning.

Luckily we have "Bob" and "longtimegrovite" to provide Related's side.

May 14, 2007 12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps “low rise lover” should consider the terrible environmental and economic consequences of allowing dinky little “low rise” buildings to squat selfishly on precious parcels of urban land that could easily accommodate hundreds of people in graceful skyscrapers.

Think of population as the contents of an inflated balloon. Squeeze people out of areas that should be dense and vertical because the urban infrastructure is already built out, and they will be redistributed to areas such as extreme west and south Dade where we will have to build new roads, sewer connections, schools and all the other accoutrements of society.

And I don't need to carry water for Mr. Perez of Related. He seems to be fully capable of fending for himself....

May 14, 2007 7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To longtimegroveite from another longtimegroveite. Imagine stopping development and the rape of our city? Imagine telling the selfish greedy people enough. Imagine not having to worry about too many people for too few resources. There is a glut on the market, we don't need more housing.

May 14, 2007 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I did not receive cash from anyone. I do not know anyone from Related. I am just a guy that is capable of thinking for himself.

May 14, 2007 11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you are thinking for yourself why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself.


May 16, 2007 12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob is redundant.
Sorry Bob.
...Should've just taken the cash to make it all worth your while.

May 16, 2007 12:57 PM  

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