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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Go Arva!

There is a lot of talk about nominating Arva Moore Parks as a City Commissioner, and many people are saying she would be a good replacement for Marc Sarnoff. I say wrong.

I think she would compliment Sarnoff. Sarnoff is already on our side, like him or not. Now we need someone else on our side. We need to turn the commission around so that we have three votes now. It doesn't make any sense to change one person who is on our side for another person who would be on our side. We need three people on the commission on our side.

Ms. Parks needs to run in another district. Not District 2. While it seems like a loss for District 2, it would really be a gain. She has a lot of class and intelligence. Hell, let's make her Mayor!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy there’s sure a lot of butt-cheek clenching going on in the Sarnoff bunker this morning at the emergence of a GREAT IDEA that we don’t have to “settle” for whatever it is the Marc brings to the party. Granted, he has a very fundamental appeal. He’s AGAINST a lot of dicey ideas. So, it seems, are hundreds of bloggers are elsewhere around town. So THAT’S clearly not a qualification for political office. The truth is: political leadership requires more, MUCH more than simply opposing things. It requires a whole lot that Marc lacks. Empathy for others. Broadmindedness. Ability to forge coalitions. Knowledge of history. Ability to see the BIG picture.

Arva would be a good choice. And, I suspect, so would many others. We owe it to ourselves to look around and NOT settle for the accidental commissioner who just happened to be standing there when the Mayor’s hand-picked temporary replacement for Winton wilted under the demands of office.

Marc is NOT the considered choice of District 2. He was the fortunate beneficiary of a lot of confusion surrounding the “will Winton return?” question. The “who is Haskins?” question. The “can Rollason do it? question. And lots of other unique circumstances.

Let’s look around for alternatives. We owe it to ourselves! And Marc is NOT entitled to re-election. He has to earn it and the only way he can is to be vigorously challenged by one or more credible alternatives.

Who shall they be?

May 16, 2007 10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not spend your time trying to find someone who can run against Angel Gonzalez; that would solve a lot of problems. You all complain and complain and then get someone who is a great advocate and you are still not happy.

May 16, 2007 11:05 AM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

That is what the whole post about -- getting a replacement for one of the three we don't like.

May 16, 2007 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm focused on district 2 because I LIVE in district 2. There was a awful lot of belly-aching here about these folks from outside district two messing around with OUR community. So let's keep our paws off their elections and leave it to the residents of the other districts to pick their leaders!

May 16, 2007 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been having a hard time logging on so I had to log on as anonymous but I want to identify myself. My name is Len Scinto. Could Mr. Anonymous please identify themselves? I think you are totally wrong about Marc being the "fortunate beneficiary" of Winton's mishaps. I have worked with Marc many tireless nights at the grassroots level. Marc had the people's support in the last special election because HE EARNED IT...and A LOT of us BUSTED HUMP to get things changed and get him elected. I think there could be many fine people to help the Grove but Marc is doing a great job and building a strong base for the future. Divide and conquer if you want but I think that would work against us. You say you live in the Grove? Why not come to a meeting or two to voice your opinions and maybe lend a helping hand. I am on the board of the Village of Center Grove and would love to discuss stuff with you and also to get you to volunteer and help out the neighborhood.

May 16, 2007 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who attends commission meetings knows Marc Sarnoff is doing the best job possible, but his hands are tied because of the other three commissioners who are contrary, small minded and ignore long term damage of their gut reaction emotional decisions.

Sarnoff's presentation regarding the Mercy Hospital was well thought out, well organized and brilliantly presented. To any intelligent person, it was obvious he'd done his homework. Luckily it is on film and shows how little he has to work with in the way of the three commissioners who are supposed to represent the people and the city and do what is best for people, not one developer.

Long ago Mercy Hospital, sold the Bay Heights land to a developer and history is repeating itself.

I saw Winton sitting on the commission and it was embarrassing. Just as the arrogant behavior of Gonzalez, Spence-Jones and Sanchez is insulting to the residents of the City of Miami.

For the first time in years we finally have a man, who is looking our for our best interests. Sarnoff was elected by a grassroots momentum of District 2 voters who are sick of the way this city is being mishandled. District 2 feels positive about the job Marc Sarnoff has done in his short year.

The residents worked hard to get the District 2 seat filled by someone who would look out for the people. And no one worked harder than Marc. He takes this job seriously. Anyone who thinks he was a fortunate beneficiary must have been lost in space for the last few years.

May 16, 2007 5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arva lives in District 2. She cannot run for any other seat. We need her to represent us. She can bring some integrity to District 2 and to the entire commission.

Sarnoff cannot do that. He makes us all look bad. Arva will have a lot of support and she knows how to build bridges. She is a genuinely good person. Sarnoff is a bad seed who likes to intimidate people who disagree with him. Probably the result of a difficult childhood. The sooner we get him off the commission the better.

Arva on the other hand is a well-rounded, well-spoken, extremely intelligent and conscientious diplomat. Like everyone I know, I have the utmost respect for her. District 2 deserves to have the best representation possible and that means Arva Moore Parks and not some neighborhood troublemaker.

May 16, 2007 6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think for a minute that the residents of the other Commission Districts are sitting around pontificating self-righteously on the foibles of the Commissioners from other Districts? I promise you they aren't. Both because they have lives and responsibilities and other things to think about AND because they have the good sense to know what IS and what IS NOT their business.

May 16, 2007 6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arva is OK, but seriously, who thinks she wants to attend 60 meetings a week? And what does she know about Edgewater? Upper East Side?

May 16, 2007 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does she know about Edgewater and the Upper East Side? ...Everything!

Arva Moore Parks

A lifelong Miami resident, Arva Moore Parks graduated from the University of Florida in 1960 and earned a master's degree from the University of Miami in 1971. She is the author of more than a half-dozen books on South Florida, including Miami, the Magic City. She has produced films on Miami and Coconut Grove and has received several honors, including an Emmy from the Florida Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. In addition to the service on a number of civic boards and committees, Parks chaired the Florida Endowment for the Humanities in 1982-83.

May 16, 2007 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here are few more things that Ms. Parks has done....

Arva Moore Parks is the President of Arva Parks & Company and Centennial Press. Ms. Parks played a principle role in the restoration and preservation of the Biltmore Hotel, Harry Truman's Little White House, the Florida Governor's Mansion, Coral Gables' House and the "Barnacle," Ralph Munroe's House, among many others.

She has written numerous books and films on preservation and history and has been the recipient of many awards including the AIA Preservation Award, Women Who Make a Difference: Lifetime Achievement, Who's Who in American Women, Florida Women's Hall of Fame, Outstanding Citizen's Award (Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce), and the Museum of Science Award for History and Literature.

She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Miami, the Orange Bowl Committee, and served as the Southern Regional Chair of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Ms. Parks is also the former Chair of the Florida Endowment for the Humanities and the past President of the Historical Association of Southern Florida.

May 16, 2007 8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people seem to think that a book writing historian might want to be a commissioner.

And I concur with other writers. What does being a historian have to do with learning every legal and political issue in all 43 neighborhoods and communities in Dist 2? Who wants that headache?

Is Arva Parks ready to knock on 7,000 doors? In August?

May 16, 2007 10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked Arva Parks how she feels about running for commissioner or even mayor. Working with Sanchez, Gonzalez and Spence-Jones would be maddening and she would end up beating her head against the same wall Sarnoff is encountering.

District 2 needs to stay united, backing one commissioner against the city's stooge. This is what they want people, to get several candidates running to spread the vote around and weaken our position. Stay focused.

May 16, 2007 10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You went from a l7 year stint with J.L. Plummer to a Johnny Winton who started off okay and then got sidetracked and greedy to someone who is focused, cares about his community, has integrity and no agenda; someone who ran for this office, expecting nothing in return and is just out there doing his best for his district. Remember you could have ended up with a Linda Haskins. Had you ended up with her, you'd be begging Sarnoff to run against her! Remember she was Manny's pick backed with money from Manny's chronies and is Spence-Jones' good buddy - where would that have gotten you - back to a 4-1 Commisison vote.

May 16, 2007 11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone remember how Linda Haskins turned on the Omni/Grand/Plaza Venetia neighborhood and pushed through a 67 story high rise on NE 15th Street? Just two days after she came in second in the general election forcing a runoff where she would get crushed? Remember, prior to the election she had promised the neighbors she would support them? Instead, she stabbed the neighbors in the back and several days later dozens of checks arrived from Terra Group, the beneficiary of Haskins treachery. Anyone want another commissioner like that?

May 16, 2007 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arva is a much better choice. She would have my support as well as that of my friends and family. A respected, educated intellect or a bumbling, crooked, egotistical, naive attorney? Seems like an easy pick to me....Go Arva!!

May 17, 2007 6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear what Marc will have to say about a Arva Parks candidacy. What? That she's not qualified? When she's been a highly regarded local, state and national historic preservation leader for many years. And he just popped out of a dinky little neighborhood improvement group a couple of years ago. That she doesn't understand land use and zoning? When she CHAIRS the Planning Advisory Board. And he has never handled a zoning or land use case as a lawyer.
Oh yes, I can't wait to hear what Marc says about this!!!

May 17, 2007 8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Len Scinto again. To the last anonymous poster. I am not against Arva. I have heard her speak on several occasions. But you are obviously anti-Sarnoff. Well to each -his-own. Yes we might be a dinky little neighborhood imporvement group...but I ask You "What have you done to improve your neighborhood". You complain, rant, rave, and talk disrespectfully to many people on this blog, all while hiding behind the "anonymous". You make some good points about condsidering other options but your vitriolic attitude really lessens your message. I challange you to get involved and help your neighbors instead of just being antagonistic. If you would like to discuss this off-line my name is Len Scinto and it is easy to get in touch with me. Especially if you would like to attend a dinky little neighborhood improvement group like the Village of Center Grove Neighborhood Association Meetings. BTW memberships are renewed in June for the cost of $25 per household and I encourage all to join and become active. VOCG is the group to bring the code 33 cards...Do you have yours Yet?

May 17, 2007 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VOCG, you can have your leader back. We do not want or need a leader who helps to create a neighborhood where a Home Depot fits in so nicely.

May 17, 2007 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped by the new Home Depot this morning. Had to park at the far edge of the packed parking lot and entered a nice well-lit store filled (yes FILLED) with happy shoppers from the surrounding neighborhoods. Home Depot staffed cheerfully welcomed each arrival. The cash registers buzzed. Cart loads of paint, hardware, tools and other materials flew out the door.

And I thought: What was all that anguished wailing and gnashing of teeth all about?

May 17, 2007 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was all about a bunch of suckers having the very strange need to feed the ego of a not too smart yuppie-wannabe-politician in a three-piece suit. It was rather amusing to watch at the time, but now I seriously hope they will all seek therapy. Especially Sarnoff.

May 17, 2007 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arva Parks? Anyone watch her bumbling fawning performance at the Planning Advisory Board Miami 21 hearing? In the face of massive opposition from neighborhood groups, land use attorneys, developers and private citizens Ms Parks was missing. Not missing physically but missing mentally. She either did not undertand the crucial concepts or she was too awestruck in front of Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Not a pretty scene.

Ms Parks might have been OK several decades ago. Past her prime now. And why all the chatter? She probably has no desire to subject herself to real pressure. Who could blame her?

May 17, 2007 11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to bed Mark.

May 17, 2007 11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not understand. In 2006 Marc Sarnoff was not that well known outside Coconut Grove. Sarnoff was not well known throughout Dist 2. Sarnoff knocked on 7,000 doors to meet the voters and learn the issues. In 2006 Sarnoff was outspent $725,000 to $185,000. Sarnoff still wins with 65% of the vote. Now that Sarnoff is better known and now that Sarnoff seems to be doing a very credible job under very difficult circumstances why would anyone want to consider running against him?

May 18, 2007 12:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, maybe because he's gone from low profile aspiring politician to a high profile complete failure????

May 18, 2007 7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous 7:11 am. You must be able to come up with a better answer? Try to mention a fact? Mention something specific? Did Marc take your phone number and not call you back?

May 18, 2007 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Past her prime? By what standard are you making that obsevation? What a sexist comment!

Most successful politians are successful because they have lived long enough to build a solid reputation and build upon a lifetime of achievement.

By that standard Arva Parks has just hit her prime baby! She has earned the right to be commisioner or whatever she wants....

Is that really all you can come with?

May 18, 2007 12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Arva want to do?

May 18, 2007 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

District 2 needs to stay focused. People making outrageous comments on this blog may not even live in District 2. But they are trying to stir up trouble and divide the residents. It's a game, about power and money. About the loss of it.

District 2 has a good commissioner in Sarnoff. In my half dozen years spent at city hall, for the first time we have a commissioner who actually listens and represents the people. How refreshing.

Arva Parks is doing a great job on the Planning Advisory Board. Leave her alone. We need her right where she is, looking out for us.

We are finally lining up people who have common sense, are educated, intutive and are looking at the long view of their decisions.

Arva needs to stay where she is. Marc needs to stay where he is.
We need to keep Tomas Regalado. Finally we are getting somewhere, trying to take back our city.

Concentrate on the good things that have been achieved. Lets keep Sarnoff, Regalado and Parks where they are. We need to dump Angel Gonzalez. Once he's dumped the tide will turn.

All this infighting and chaos is confusing the issue. This is exactly what Jorge Perez and Diaz are hoping for. It's called dirty tricks. Don't waste good energy trying to fix something that isn't broken.

Concentrate on a decent, intelligent replacement for Angel Gonzalez. That will be energy well spent.

We got rid of Winton. One down, three to go.

We are strong and on a roll and they are scared. Keep moving forward.

May 18, 2007 3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you Crazy? We are horrified at the prospect of having to keep Sarnoff for any extended amount of time. We cannot be strong with an idiot like that representing us.

We need Arva. I for one am very excited that she is considering running for commissioner. She really is our best hope for a bright future in Miami. She will finally bring some dignity and sanity to the commission.

Sarnoff cannot do that. He only has one ally on the commission in Regalado and believe me that will never change, so why keep him? Why have a commissioner that the other commissioners and the Mayor will never cooperate with or respect?

It does not matter what you think about the Mayor or the other commissioners and it does not matter who they are. The person that represents District 2 must be an intelligent and savvy diplomat that can work effectively with representatives from other districts who hold opposing points of view to achieve the most favorable outcome possible.

Sarnoff has proven that he in incapable of doing that. Arva on the other hand can do with ease and poise. Sarnoff has already burned all of his bridges and he just got there. Lets not let it get any worse. He should save himself from any more embarrassment and step down now.

May 18, 2007 5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorn, I can honestly say that I am glad that somebody finally has the guts to speak the truth. Lets all stand up and for once and not be afraid to say what we know in our hearts is true.

Lets do what we know is best for our beloved Coconut Grove and for District 2. We deserve decent representation and I know that we can find that in Arva Moore Parks. Lets Go Arva!!

May 18, 2007 11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is one person stirring up trouble for Marc Sarnoff? Can the troublemaker name one issue where Dist 2 fared badly other than Mercy? And Mercy might be overturned on appeal. (Hard for even Marc Sarnoff to overcome massive campaign contributions et al from Related to the three "Yes" votes.)

And why can't Arva speak for herself? Sure she is almost 70 but she probably has no intention of running against Marc Sarnoff. Who want that trouble?

May 19, 2007 2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My God! A commissioner with an historical memory in Miami. Would that be possible? Arva would be an interesting candidate.

Yet Marc has done a good job. Concentrate on Gonzalez' district!

May 19, 2007 8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth is, Arva probably wouldn't want to do it. I thi nk her name was tossed out as an example of they type of person we should seek out and support. The main point is: WE HAVE OPTIONS. Good options. And in the months ahead we owe it to oursleves to look at them. The postings above commenting on Arvas age are dispicable and most certainly the work of someone who is now sucking on the teat of the City through Sarnoff's office. He has rounded up an army of long-time losers who are frantic to keep him in office for their own benefit.....and financial well-being.

And by the way, the rest of the City is pretty tired of hearing smug Grove yuppies attacking Commissioner Gonzalez, a decent, hard-working man who has devoted his life to serving the community. It stinks!!

May 19, 2007 8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happygrovite is "happy lobbyist"?

Or should we say "unhappy lobbyist"?

May 19, 2007 12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is an unhappy lobbyist? They got the Mercy deal. They got the Home Depot open. What's to make a lobbyist unhappy?

May 20, 2007 9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mercy rezoning might be appealed.

Home Depot is open but it is only 70,000 sq ft not 125,000 sq ft.

No access for loser lobbyist.

Unhappy lobbyist.

May 21, 2007 12:41 AM  

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