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Monday, April 30, 2007

Seat on Village Council available

The Coconut Grove Village Council is looking to fill the seat recently vacated by Ron Nelson, who has joined Commissioner Marc Sarnoff's staff. The Coconut Grove Village Council is an elected body of nine (9) representatives who work to bring information to the residents of Coconut Grove about issues happening in the City and County government that could affect them, to provide a forum for discussion of these issues, and to bring the views of Coconut Grove's residents to our government officials. The Council meets the first Tuesday of every month at City Hall for a televised meeting beginning at 7:00 pm.

By-laws require the vacant seat to be filled by appointment until the next Village Council election, which will take place in November, 2009. To qualify as a candidate for the Coconut Grove Village Council, an individual must:
(1) Be a registered voter;
(2) Have resided in Coconut Grove for at least the twelve (12) months prior to qualifying;
(3) Not have previously served on the Council for either two (2) terms or a total of four (4) years.

Applicants are urged to submit their applications NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM ON THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2007. There is a $100.00 non-refundable application processing fee, which will be waived for any applicant who previously applied for the seats vacated my Commissioner Sarnoff and Yvonne McDonald, however new applications must be submitted by all who wish to be considered. Applications and instructions for submission may be downloaded directly from www.coconutgrovevillagecouncil.com

May 10 - Applications Due
June 5 - Finalists will give presentations at televised Village Council meeting.
June 19 - Decision will be made by Village Council.
July 3 - (subject to rescheduling due to holiday), new member will be sworn in and seated as member of Village Council.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you do it?

May 01, 2007 9:47 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

I would love to sign up, but unfortunately, the Council requires that members be residents of the area, and not just property owners. To some extent, I can see the value in limiting membership to just residents, but at the same time, I think that people who own property in the Grove have just as much at stake, if not more at stake, than people who may be residents but not owners. We are, alas, paying a great deal of property taxes, and have a great incentive to improve the Grove (i.e., property value!), so it would seem logical to me that our voice should be included on the Council. I guess the fear is that a developer who happens to own property in the Grove will end up sitting on the Council and using that post to encourage more development. A legitimate fear, I suppose, but still, I think that it's only fair that property owners who do not live in the Grove be allowed to serve. Maybe the bylaws can be revised to allow non-resident property owners as a minority, but not majority on the Council?

May 01, 2007 9:57 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

I have to respectfully disagree with that. Here in our own condo, those that own units but don't actually live here are always against things that those who live here would like.

For instance, they see no reason in repairing the generator, because they don't need it, while those who live here do.

I think it is important that people actually live in the town that they will represent. The fools on the City Commission are proof of this, they all voted for the Mercy project because they don't have to live with the noise, mess and traffic.

May 01, 2007 10:03 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

Okay, okay.... I guess it'll just have to wait until I am able to move back to my wonderful village... I do miss her so!

May 02, 2007 9:01 PM  

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