Grove is going to the dogs again

Under the Dog Friendly Dining Program, restaurant owners can apply for a special permit to allow dogs in designated areas -- only at outside areas.
The program will have a three-year trial.
Citations started going out last fall and dogs were all of a sudden not permitted after being allowed at various places, including Scotty's Landing. Now it is all reversed. I saw a lot of pets this past weekend, people and their pets were taking advantage of the dining program and the beautiful weather.
And as a welcome back to the Grove: "Haute Dogs on the Catwalk" will take place at 11 a.m. Sunday at Kennedy Park (2400 S. Bayshore Dr.). Your dog can model on the "catwalk" and show off his or her favorite outfit and can play games and get pedicures and such.
Admission is free. Call 305-642-1271 for details.
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Have they not researched the effects of such "pet friendly" places in Europe?
We have several such areas here in the Netherlands and the cafees that have such permits and any place near them have 35% fewer patrons than their non "dog friendly" places in the same area because who wants to deal with Fido humpping their leg as they try to have coffee or find themselves stepping in the puddle Fifi made on their way to the W.C (bathroom)?
The few places in town that keep permits do so simply because they are owned by dog owners who enjoy the "Gazeligheid" (there's no real single word translation in english but basicly the relaxed feeling of being around your own kind in this case)of having fellow "outcast" pet owners who feel the need to tote their pooches along with them in the area.
But at least people here don't dress their animals. I think I'd kill someone if I saw a pet fashion show in my city centrum ( Basicly a fancy strip mall) and I'm pretty sure the animal protection people would go off on these idiots who dress their doggies if they dared come near this area (there are actually posters telling people not to do this posted in the "pet friendly" places in town).
Places like this belong in large parks that have Dog parks attatched but not in town. But this is typical since the City Commission tards have been so focused on attracting tourist and wealthy transplants since at least the late 70's and bent over backward to do whatever they think will attract the $.
They see dippsie doodles like Paris Hilton and such running around with their pooches in hand bags and think this is a service these people want if we provide it they will come and don't look beyond that to the existing community that wishes they would take down all the crap they've built up in the town over the past 20 odd years and quit tring to make the grove in to an extention of south beach.
I was just looking at the pictures of the old wooden houses that had once rested between the playhouse and Marjory Stoneman Douglas' place that were ripped down before I was born and found myself thinking "this is the Grove as it should be" because to me those things seem like more of a get away from the modern world that so many wish to excape from than this crap they keep building. If those places had remained to become B&Bs or something of that sort they would serve the community far better than places for people who wanna have lunch outside while walking their darling doggies.
Let me begin by saying: I have a dog. She does not eat at our table. She does not sleep in our bed.
I find it really gross to be eating near a dog. They chew with their mouths open, make noise and burp (and I avoid people who eat like that too!).
I also find it pretty gross to be in a restaurant or cafe with a dog. They smell and I choose not to be exposed to that.
Finally, hey, what happens if the dog gets aggressive?
I, for one, will avoid restaurants that allow dogs to eat next to patrons.
I won't patronize a restaurant that allows dogs, either.
Well, they shouldn't allow people to smoke outdoors either. It's disgusting. I took a small dog to spris on lincoln road the other day and the table next to us was smoking. I almost couldn't finish my meal it was so disgusting. If they are going to ban dogs outdoors again, they should ban cigarettes too. People who don't like dogs can go indoors. And for the sophisticated dutch who don't like dogs at the table, I find their allowance of smokers indoors at restaurants a revolting custom.
Lived in Europe for many years and didn't observe what Dianne refers to above...the places I went that allowed dogs were allows packed. This is logical; the more patrons you can appeal to (vs. the fewer) the more patrons you are likely to attact.
As for me, I won't patronize a place that allows smokers, feminists, or people from the Netherlands. Can you imagine eating near one of them? Disgusting!
I don't know why it's such a surprise, but it's not the dog that misbehaves, it's the owner.
Dogs' behavior at restaurants (and else where) are a reflection of how well trained they are by their owners. I have taken my dog out to the Grove many times and have received compliments about how well he behaves. He obeys my commands and will sit or lay down next to me throughout our meal without a sound. I will dare say that he behaves better than most children that dine near me.
I also have witnessed many a bad dog owner in Miami that give the "dogs" a bad reputation. Dog owners need to take the responsibility - if their dogs are not well behaved, then they should get a trainer or leave them at home.
The intolerance I've just witnessed is just plain strange. You people must be the new Grovites - the very same ones who live in those mod townhomes and ridiculous mac mansions that now litter Center Grove.
This gentrification of one of the most liberal areas to live in Miami has definitely negatively affected the once laid back, accepting, and non-judgemental places to hang out with your friends, neighbors, local politicians, flotsam jetsum and, yes, those dirty dogs!
Too many rules and regulations extinguish the very exuberance of just being. Who wants to worry about whether Fido is allowed here, but not there...does it really intrude so offensively on your delicate sensibilities? Lighten up! Instead of scoffing at the people who include their beloved doggies on family outings to the neighborhood cafes - show a little flexibility and acceptance. At least the dogs are on leashes, whereas most of your kids who need to be restrained in public places are not.
You gotta' love people who make nasty remarks about children in defense of bringing their dogs into restaurants. I find this especially ironic because I've seen so many childless persons doting on dogs as substitute children.
I'm a rather tolerant, libertarian individual, who's in favor of live and let live. But as a free person I also have the right of freedom of association. If a restaurant owner chooses to allow dogs in his establishment, I have the right not to patronize that establishment.
And here's why I wouldn't patronize such an establishment: First, there is no way of controlling whose dog will behave, and whose won't. I have never met a dog owner who didn't think that his or her mutt was the sweetest and most wonderfully behaved animal on the face of the Earth. But let's face it: dogs are pack animals who instinctively defend their tribe, so there is no telling when someone's dog might bite you or your child, if within reach. Even friendly dogs can be an annoyance when they insist on jumping on you, drooling on your lap, or humping your leg (how many of you gals have had to put up with a pair of torn nylons because someone didn't have the good manners to restrain his or her dog?). Also, not all dogs are toilet trained, but there is no way of controlling whose dogs are and whose aren't.
So, it's nothing that I have against dogs, per se (we own a pug, who is quite happy to eat at home). It's just that I don't like being involuntarily subjected to the presence of dogs, esp. large, smelly dogs, when I sit down to spend money and eat at a restaurant. It's rather unappetizing, you might say.
Fwiw, I live in what is probably one of the crappiest houses in North Grove. A pack of wild dogs would feel right at home.
No fancy McMansion for us!
To SWLIP...Pugs are really cute and quite social. I'm sure your little Pug would love to hang out with you at Scotty's, and even play with the leashless wild children running rampant.
To SWLIP & Everyone Else...
I most certainly agree that absolutely not all dogs are appropriate outdoor cafe guests! Even dog lovers are at the mercy of those pet owners who don't use discretion nor common sense when bringing their unruly, unpredictable, unclean, possibly vicious and worst of all, non potty-trained dogs into our midst. Maybe we should reserve blanket criticisms against all dog owners who frequent cafes and instead, on a case by case scenario, pointedly address those aforementioned dogs (and their companions) who are obviously offensive to fellow diners. I say this because my pooch is truly well behaved, and a pleasure to be around. The kid is definitely more unpredictable!
To the person who compared dogs to feminists: The comparison is very offensive, from my perspective.
The Dog
Who compared dogs to feminists? I didnt see that anywhere... Dogs at restaurants arent that bad as long as its a quaint, sit-down place like Green Street or Berries, etc. that has plenty of room to walk around them if they choose to lie in the way. Places like Scotty's are not for dogs, or kids for that matter. Scotty's at happy hour is a noisy bar and gets quite crowded. Ive seen many dog fights go down there because there is so much going on that dogs get all riled up, not to mention their owners are drinking and not paying them any attention. Kids have no business being at Scotty's for happy hour. Its a bar and while I know it is a restaurant as well, pretty much 99% of the people there are throwning em back like no tomorrow. Kids, especially those in strollers, just get in the way and could get hurt. Not smart parenting if you ask me.
I haven't been to Scotty's in a while. Sounds like that place got wild and crazed! Fights, drunken inattentive crowds, strollers underfoot - little doggies beware!
"Who compared dogs to feminists? I didnt see that anywhere".
Right up above, someone said "I won't patronize a place that allows smokers (or) feminists". Since the topic was how some people won't eat near dogs, saying you won't eat near feminists equates the two. Now look here: I may slurp water with my mouth open, I may scratch fleas, I may even lick myself in every private placed, but I DRAW THE LINE at being compared to some ugly feminazi! Even a dog has his pride. A female dog is a female dog, but a feminist is a real
- The Dog
Looks like Stan Glaser's Grand Avenue Farmer's Market will be with us for a while. Developer's were threatening to evict him, but now, since the Grand Condo Canyon plans went bust, he's welcome again.
Who in the hell would want to spend a $550,000 to live "Cocostyle"? That's the dorky name of developer Bruno Carnesela's condo monstrosity across from CVS on Grand. While the ugly white, 6-story box was completed months ago, apparently no one lives there.
Every unit is dark at night. The retail space on the ground floor is empty as well. Word is he was able to sell a few but no one actually want to call the place home.
Which is great. Hopefully it will send a message to the many puveyors of concrete when it comes to mucking up our village any further.
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