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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Marc Sarnoff comes out ahead

Well, Marc did it, now we just need to deal with the runoff. I think this sends a big message to "business as usual" at City Hall.

Herald story

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of little people in the diverse communities of Distict 2 got out their checkbooks and dug into their pockets because they believe in Marc and because they believe that he can make a difference. While this list of contributors may not be as voluminous or as impressive as those in the Treasurer's Report filed by Ms. Haskins campaign, which is filled with contractors, lobbyists, big developers and permit expediters (and a Home Depot lawyer or 2), the fact that Marc Sarnoff is ahead, without the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars of sophiticated television and print ads, says a lot about the people who are supporting Marc. And even more about the candidate they support.

I salute Frank Rollason, Linda Haskins and the other candidates for their time and effort. But Marc Sarnoff can continue to count on my vote.

November 08, 2006 1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc coming in first is very exciting. Evidently Marc's visiting over 8,000 homes paid off.
I think this does send a message that people are upset with "business as usual." Please support Marc on Nov 21st.

November 08, 2006 2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Marc Sarnoff. A wonderful victory.

November 08, 2006 2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm looking forward to it,'' an upbeat Haskins said from a celebration party at La Loggia Italian restaurant downtown. ``I've just had so much fun.''"

Yeah right, being driven around in her suv with a driver at tax payer expense.

Congrats Mr. Sarnoff!

November 08, 2006 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc has just met so many people who just like him. And, of course, Marc shares their concerns. Nov 21st.

November 08, 2006 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upon hearing the results of yesterday's election Linda Haskings says, "I've just had so much fun."


I don't consider running for Commissioner to represent me and other taxpayers as something to be taken lightly...to be considered be fun.

I want someone serious. Someone who campaigns seriously, who takes representing me seriously, who takes issues that affect my quality of life seriously, who takes the spending of my tax dollars seriously. I don't want someone up there having fun.

Since Haskins, is spending someone elses money, is being chauffeured around at the taxpayers expense, is not dipping into her own coffers, is not concerned with the responsibility of the position she is vying for, I guess she could condsider this process fun.

Marc Sarnoff campaign has been a grassroots effort, funded on a shoestring by the residents of District 2, who believe in him and trust him to represent us. Marc Sarnoff's campaign has been anything but fun. It's been work. And everyone one who has helped him knows he takes this position of Commissioner seriously.
It is a job he wants to do well.

My idea of a Commissioner representing District 2 is someone who is WORKING for me, watching out for me. My support goes to Marc Sarnoff. If I want fun, I'll go to Disney World.

November 08, 2006 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media watch report:
The Herald's favoritism of Linda is evident beyond their endorsement, still, it is good to see Marc Sarnoff finally taken seriously by the "big paper" to make it off the pages of Neighbors and in a prominent column on the front page of the Metro Section, even if they could not bring themeselves to call him by name. This is not the writers' faults. This is an editor's choice based on the cumulative efforts of their advertisers (think developer).

Some observations on how the Herald worked to favor their candidate, and how even th3en they still failed:

In her favor: Headline edited to read "Haskins, activist headed for a run off" mentioning her name first and not even mentioning Sarnoff by name.
BUT: The description "Activist" carries a lot more weight with readers.

In her favor: LH picture is given the top position
BUT: but Sarnoff's looks better-- he is making eye contact with the reader
In her favor: Inside there is a giant photo (a whopping 4 column x 5") of her celebration at La Loggia, but none of Sarnoff's campaing celebration, even though he came out ahead.

Personal quotes
In her favor:LH is quoted first.
BUT: it is a rather banal, "I am having lot's of fun," which trivializes the importance of the job to which she aspires, underscoring the fact that she is really running for Manny and his collective agenda and not for herself.

AND: Marc's quote is the more poigniant, "David is standing toe to toe with Goliath."

In her favor: Linda's big picture caption describes her in a warm moment with a "campaing worker"
BUT: "a worker" implies "paid worker" -- and why not? With $405,000 raised by the concrete gang, one can certaily afford to pay for campaign workers.
In his favor: Peter Erlich, who is quoted, is described as a "volunteer." Which indicates that Sarnoff's grassroots campaing is peopled with hardworking volunteers.

Supporter's quote
In his favor: Peter Erlich, MS supporter discusses pertinent issue: "This is a referendum on whether Diaz will maintain control of the city. Many people...would like to see change."

All the LH supporter can say is the (again)banal "She's a professional educated businesswoman. She's the right candidate."

Here's a clue: all the candidates for district 2 are professional, educated businesspeople.

But only one can be our true voice at City Hall.

So, whose voice would you rather hear at the commission chambers regarding issues that affect your quality of life? The one that was personally handpicked by Manny, endorsed by the Herald, showered with beaucoup bucks from developers, and who thinks all this has been "lots of fun," or the one who has been a tireless, unpaid activist for many many years?

November 08, 2006 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how Haskin's can spend $405,000 on a campaign to secure a $50,000 a year job? I know it's not her money, but still there is something terribly out of balance here.

November 08, 2006 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is fascinating is who contributed to Haskins campaign and how it spends its money. Almost every contributor is a corporation domiciled outside Dist 2. Many are from out of state. Almost all are developers, speculators, land use attorneys, contractors and sub-contractors for a handfull of developers. There are very very few contributors who are actually residents and taxpayers in Dist 2.

While the Sarnoff campaign has no political operatives the Haskins campaign is paying at least one operative over $7,000 per month.

It is time we elected a commissioner who can succeed on a budget. It is time we elected an independent commissioner.

November 09, 2006 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Haskins. But, now that there is a runoff, I will vote for Sarnoff. I really did not think he had a chance the first time around. He will probably win the runoff. Marc, remember how important the Grove waterfront development is when you get into office.

November 11, 2006 6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We understand many people in the Omni area, the Grand and Plaza Venetia are very upset and disappointed in Linda Haskins for caving in to the Herald/developer scheme to build a 63 story high rise on a small waterfront patch. And they feel Haskins actions will greatly increase traffic in the Omni area. They feel Haskins betrayed them after promising to help. Many will switch votes from Haskins to Sarnoff.

November 12, 2006 12:56 AM  

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