More land raping

I still don't get how the neighbors at Bay Heights, Glencoe and Natoma Manors agreed to the monstrosities that are planned for the Mercy Hospital parking lots. The poor waterfront will never be the same.
The neighbors seem to feel that the high-end condos will be empty most of the year because they will end up being second homes to most, so that will alleviate the traffic problems.
The problems are unbearable now, try turning out from any of those neighborhoods during rush hour, it is impossible. No matter what is built on the 42.5 acres is going to add to the overdevelopment of the area.
I find it very disturbing lately the way the neighbors in the Grove are selling out to developers. Last week it was the Hiawatha Village Project, now the land rapers The Related Group and Ocean Land Equities. The quality of life in the Grove is getting worse and worse, day by day.
Again, we say NO to changing the variance on the Mercy Land, just like we did with the Hiawatha Village Project.
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I'm so with you. This smegma mascarading as businessmen make money by changing zoning and getting away with the sort of projects that would have never flew before. Again, I say that people brought this on themselves with Manny Dickhead and Johnny Wimpin'. The most rapacious sort of developers literally run our government.
Right now traffic coming into and out of the Grove is impossible, density is overboard and the character of the neighborhood is disappearing in front of our eyes. Real planning is non-existent. The lovely canopy that so typified our neighborhood has been largely torn down. The Grove is becoming a memory.
It takes so long to make a healthy, real community like the Grove but it has taken Manny Dickhead and company a mere few years to destroy it.
Voters, take a long hard look at yourselves...
I'm just starting to wonder how long you,those that are always opposing change, have actually been in the Grove. As a Grove resident for over 35 years, I have seen changes that have been good and some horrible. However, I have never spoken unless I knew what I was talking about and studies all of the facts. In the case of Mercy; is traffic a problem ? yes; would I like to see a park there? yes; do I want Mercy to build anymore medical offices when they can't even manage what they have? no. Will building super luxury 2nd and 3rd condo residences alleviate the traffic congestion, probably not, but a new medical facility will certainly not!! FYI, medical facilities require more parking and peak hours are all hours. You do the math. Why not learn about the projects before we object and at least try to work with these big developers to come up with a solution as it is inevitable that it will happen.
As a Grove resident of 33 years. We are against constant variance changes. Even Mercy would have to stick to the variances if putting medical offices there.
Developers are greedy, they are not putting up structures out of the goodness of their hearts. Rather than build a nice little building they need to put monstrosities that devour all resources in the area. All for the almighty buck.
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