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Thursday, February 28, 2019

NCD deferred. Again

Michael Putney from Channel 10, interviews Debbie Dolson of Grove Watch Group

Silence. That is what there was at Thursday's City Hall meeting regarding the Coconut Grove NCDs. After hours of discussion, including public speaking, the commissioners could not agree about passing or not on First Reading. District Commissioner and chair, Ken Russell asked for a motion and there was literally silence. So it went to indefinite deferral.

A few hours before, there was a protest held by neighbors and groups from Village West. They want development to slow down and they want the over-development to stop in their neighborhood.

In the end, Commissioner Manolo Reyes asked for a deferment. He wanted to clear up some issues and wanted them spelled out and written down. He was concerned about the size of lots and the size of the structure in regard to smaller lots which he felt should have a larger floor/lot ratio. He was afraid of law suits by disgruntled homeowners. So was Commissioner Willy Gort. 

With each deferment more and more demolition permits and waivers are accelerating, according to Commissioner Russell. His office is swamped with them. Ken asked the fellow commissioners to give him a chance to pass it. He practically begged them. He is the district commissioner and his wishes should be respected he felt. But in the end, the commissioners never respect each other's wishes, do they?

Standing outside, hours before the meeting, I heard from both sides; not from developers, but from neighbors who are just as opposed to the NCD re-write as those who want it locked into law. Recently there have been amendments after many meetings. One issue in Village West is that while the size of residential property development will be reduced and/or controlled, it's just the opposite for commercial development which can doubled - commercial properties will be able to build to the lot lines and right up to the sidewalks and abutting properties, those behind the commercial properties will be able to build up a floor or so, increasing their size. Also, many feel the whole issue violates the Fair Housing Act.

The problem I find is that there are two NCDs - 2 and 3. NCD2 is for the Village West and NCD3 is for the rest of the Grove. The dividing line affects property values by a lot. NCD2 homes have a lower value than NCD3 homes. After all these years, why are there two NCDs and what was the purpose in the first place? The new re-write addresses this, but any change would have to be approved by 51% of the neighbors.

It all boils down to money for everyone. There are those who live in Village West who don't want to be told what to do with their properties. They want to sell to the highest bidder and cash out allowing for little or no property lines in new homes that are built. Then there are those who feel that their neighborhood is being destroyed. As one speaker said, "You come to our house and adapt to us. We don't adapt to you." Many feel that new residents to the neighborhood don't belong. It's an old neighborhood where everyone knows everyone else and generations grew up there, but that is all dying out now.

It looked like all the news outlets were at the protest, from tv, radio and print. About 100 or so people turned out, for a protest that was hoping for 1000 people, but I think the 100 or so made their point.

I find it interesting that those who are opposed don't realize that all the other municipalities in the area have strict rules. Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, to name a couple. Why should Coconut Grove be a free-for-all? That is why the Grove is being over-built. Developers are taking advantage of our lax building code. As one lady said, it's like passive smoke - you want to smoke and it affects me. So does over-development.

"We are allowing speculators and developers to decide what our homes are going to look like," said Commission Chair Ken Russell. 

The whole point is to keep the homes that are here. Not replace them for a quick buck.


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Blogger anonymous said...

The “evil developer” approach is no longer credible. They are profit-driven businesses that will build WHERE AND HOW ZONING ALLOWS. Whether that is a Home Depot//office building/hotel on every corner, or oversized residential units, the fault lies with government.

March 01, 2019 7:10 AM  
Blogger cafepress.com/iart said...

I've said numerous times if folks don't like what's going on with the smoke & mirrors inherent within these NCDs 1, 2, 3 or 93, re-writes, don't re-write, takes 51% of neighbors votes, expected 1,000 protest turnout, but only got 100. I've been offered $800,000 for something I paid $50,000, sell don't sell. Whatever, it's my FREE CHOICE. And I've said if anyone living in the Grove doesn't like the housing scene they can do what Commissions Manolo Reyes & Willy Gort fear, which are folks who take the time to file legal complaints. Jobie Steppe

March 01, 2019 8:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been living in the Grove since 1993 and attended all of the NCD workshops and P&Z Hearings. Like many of you that read this blog, I have my opinions about the proposed NCD modification that I won't get into at the moment. What I found most troubling about this post is the following statement, "Many feel that new residents to the neighborhood don't belong". Who do you think you are making a statement like this?? EVERYONE living in the Grove came from somewhere and just because you have been living in your house a little longer than your neighbor doesn't give you the right to decide who you feel "belongs" and who doesn't. Whoever said this should be ashamed of themselves and you, Mr. Falco, are just as shameful for repeating a such statement!!

Long time resident who welcomes all of my new neighbors.


March 01, 2019 9:22 AM  
Blogger Frank Schnidman said...

Dear Friends;
As I read this post on the Grapevine, the thought came to mind, What did the Indians think when the Bahamians showed up and started building homes on their land and forever changing the neighborhood?
Frank Schnidman

March 01, 2019 10:05 AM  
Anonymous West Grove Resident said...

This article continues to be caught up in the old racist mentality of South Florida, NCD2 and NCD3 are the codification of racism. Different laws for different colors.

The Ken Russell proposal would further distance NCD2 from NCD3, making properties in NCD2 ever LESS valuable, he is in a struggle to maintain segregation against the forces of integration (and the free market).

As a resident of the West Grove, my 2600 sqft home could not be built up under the new code while the existing code allows me to add to my home a further 1500 sqft. Those 1500 sqft that were taken from every single family home in the West Grove were to be given to developers within NCD2 who would receive huge improvements in the amounts they could build.

This is a "Hood Robin" strategy taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

March 03, 2019 7:26 PM  
Blogger Kathy Suarez said...

What happened to just COCONUT GROVE?
West Grove is now the Village West! Sounds like a nicer updated GENTRIFICATION NAME not so generic West Grove.. its always struck me in a haunting way as to why there is
North Grove
South Grove
Center Grove

West Grove way off in the sunset no East Grove
Is this a side ways around to real meaning like days gone by Colored Town?
I just dont get it
Ken was literally put into the run off and won the election because this community came out.. the empty promises that were made campaigning keep me up at night.

So what has Ken done in the 3 1/2 years in office?

He immediately threw everyone in the street that got him to city hall
Hired all rookies
Went to make friends downtown & Brickell the area in which shunned us during campaign
We couldn’t get any help in any building to knock doors but by golly he made up for that once ridding himself of the ones who made things happen

He ignored the West Grove no matter what was brought to him
March 24 2016 the day he fired peter botwick Ken received disturbing photos inside a grand avenue apartment
To this day he has never made mention

To say there was nothing that could have been done w those buildings is crap. It’s being done in Overtown and Kens having a jolly time talking to the press about it..
What happened to the July 15 2016 shut down of 3410/20 hibiscus? Nothing everybody is gone. Money promised to relocate people money no where to be found. Not 1 person has been considered to return
Rather more buildings have been condemned
How is this just the landlord previous owners blame when the city never enforced the already existed code

July 18th or 19th ish 2016 Ken went off to become a politician just a couple days after he committed to the residents 3410 Hibiscus he had brought the city attorney along to file a lawsuit against the slumlords
This is when the fever of stardom or as some are calling fifdome set it
7 weeks just 7 weeks later September 8 2016 Battersea Woods was shut down and Victoria Mendez the city attorney who he proudly pointed out on that hot summer July afternoon 430pm as the second hero on site
To venom spewing vial hateful horrible things said about Vicky Mendez the developer of Battersea
Woods and several of the city staff
Waterboarding the city attorney because there was no authority to fire her instead a witch hunt ensued
Grown ups educated grown ups
Parents & grandparents
Pretty sick
My oh my what a ride this has been and it doesn’t seem to be getting any less bumpy

Now the South Grove has risen and wants to help the West Grove
excuse me Village West as they call it
They have all the facts talking to a couple of oldies but Goldie’s
Attended a few meetings that have no attendance or really care about the younger generation
Village Council chair buys property is west Grove and butchers 1 of the few trees left
$3,000.00 in fines then chases code Enf guy
“Do you know who i am”
Debris on a Tuesday for Friday pickup
It’s gotten to be so insane around here
It’s a full time job just keeping up w the do do

Accusations accusations nasty nasty meanies
Well yes i wanted the slaughter to stop in the West Grove
But while my selfish neighbors were shutting down
5 $2.2 million dollar homes in my front yard people were being evicted
Demo permits kept coming into the NCD2 -wasn’t even close to the T3Rs Ken is using as example
Well now they want to be left alone
You let it get there and they dont want Ken or my white selfish neighbors telling them what to do
Especially those w the little lots who are sooooooo screwed

So please leave the GROVE alone and be ONE GROVE
There is no boggie man
The more y’all open your mouths the more racist you sound look

It’s all a big fat LIE
Kathy Parks Suarez

March 03, 2019 9:04 PM  

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