
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Turning a pioneer's house into a B&B

The EWF Stirrup House at 3242 Charles Avenue was built in 1897, it is one of the oldest houses in Coconut Grove. The Barnacle  was built in 1891. And the Mariah Brown house, a few houses up from the Stirrup House, was built in 1890.

Ebenezer Woodbury Franklin Stirrup, a Bahamian immigrant who settled in the Grove, built the two story house, shown here as it was for over 100 years, before renovations started. Mr. Stirrup ended up being one of the largest land owners in the Grove. Stirrup lived in the house until his death in 1957, at the age of 84. It remained in the hands of the Stirrup family all these years. 

The Stirrup House is now in the process of becoming a B&B.  At the other end of Charles Street is The Charlotte Jane Memorial Park Cemetery, named for the love of Ebenezer Stirrup's life. It's a very historic street with most if not all of the houses built by Stirrup to house fellow Bahamians who settled here. That is Mr. Stirrup at left.

Peter Gardner, of Sabal Hill LLC, involved with the renovation, answered a few questions for me regarding the job.

TOM: When do you think the job will be complete?  
PETER: April 30, 2017

How many rooms for guests?    

TOM: Is it an exact replica of the original house?  

TOM: What will the name of the Inn be?   
PETER: Not decided yet

TOM: Is it connected to the other restaurants, Spasso, Taurus, etc.  
PETER: No, we are currently working on food and beverage options for the inn.

TOM: What is the cost of renovation?   
PETER: In excess of $1 million

TOM: It appears as if the house was almost knocked down and then rebuilt, why was this? Couldn't anything be saved?  
PETER: Very little could be saved due to termites, etc.

TOM: What type of wood is being used? Florida Pine?
PETER: Florida Pine and Cedar outside

TOM: Does the house have historic designation?   
PETER: Yes – City of Miami

TOM: Have you seen the Mariah Brown house up the street?
PETER: Yes  

TOM: Any thoughts on that?   

This is the Mariah Brown house, just up the street. She came to the Grove from the Bahamas in 1899 by way of Key West. Mariah worked at the Peacock Inn, which was in Peacock Park, back, behind where Glass & Vine is now. This house was constructed in 1890.