
Tuesday, August 09, 2016

You can always find him in the Center Grove

10 With Tom
10 questions in 10 minutes

You all know Louis Del Borrello, the Grove Ambassador. He's either in his information booth in front of CocoWalk or roaming the streets, helping tourists and locals. I asked him my 10 With Tom questions so we can get to know more about Louis.

Tom: What are your 3 favorite things about Coconut Grove?
Louis: The Barnacle, our mature tree canopy, and the amazing people who are my neighbors and friends.

Louis Del Borrello
Tom: If we could have any store or restaurant added to the mix, what would you like to see come to Coconut Grove?
Louis: A real bakery, bread and sweet treats.     

Tom: What do you usually order at Starbucks?
Louis: Venti bold

Tom: What did you have for breakfast today?
Louis: Banana and cranberry juice

Tom: Which tv show would you like to crawl into and spend the day?
Louis: Any version of Star Trek

Tom: Favorite food or dish in Coconut Grove?
Louis: Shrimp and pasta at Greenstreets, with a great salad.

Tom: You have taken part in the King Mango Strut for many years, which was your favorite character or group to be a part of?
Louis: During a e coli spinach recall, we held Popeye"s funeral. A local group played music and behind Popeye's ornate coffin, followed a grieving Olive, SweetPea and Bluto. I was Bluto, it holds a special place in my heart.

Tom: Favorite season and why?
Louis: Fall and winter in the Grove is the best. I enjoy the many holidays, events and influx of visitors.

Tom: You see hundreds of people a day, what is the first thing you notice about people?
Louis:  I look into their eyes first.

Tom: What have you learned today?
Louis: That we have 11 restaurants, here in the Grove, participating in Miami Spice. Its my goal to eat my way thru each of them.

Thanks, Louis!

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