
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Schools in session; traffic nightmare is back

School's open again and traffic is worse than ever. The big traffic tie-ups are mostly caused by private schools, which always have had an air of entitlement, it seems.

Ransom middle and senior are terrible on Main Highway and Tigertail and Carrollton and the rest are just as bad. Rather than block neighborhood traffic, they should be required to give up some of their grassy areas on campus and let parents sit in the cars there for drop off and pick up.

On Friday, I headed down south for our family pizza night. I leave early usually to avoid traffic, but at one point, about 3 pm, all traffic stopped on Old Cutler Road. It literally stopped. I sat in one space, crawling maybe a car length at a time, for about 40 minutes, no exaggeration. I assumed it was guys working on the bike path through Pinecrest, which seems to be a non-stop project this year, it's been going on and on. Then I assumed that maybe it was an accident. Finally, when we made the turn where Red Road meets Old Cutler, and headed south, the traffic stoppage was apparent. It was Gulliver, the private school. Traffic was literally stopped for 40 minutes due to Gulliver.

Now Gulliver has plenty of grass inside the gates, that is where people should wait for their kids, not on Old Cutler Road, where the Coral Gables police try to direct traffic, but they favor the Gulliver parents over us peons driving on Old Cutler Road, so they are allowed to enter and leave while the rest of us wait - for 40 minutes!!!

I know I've said it before, but what happened to school buses? When we were in school we took buses, our parents didn't take us to school one by one with one child per car, tying up roadways and traffic. Gulliver Prep is the same, on SW 88 Street. They tie up traffic. But the thing with this school traffic is that the hours are staggered, so you never know when you are going to come upon a school letting out. I've almost got it down to a science at Ransom middle school on Tigertail here in the Grove, but every once in awhile I get caught up in the traffic.

It reminds me of something I saw on Twitter this weekend, with the hashtag #ThingsMyFatherSays - "When I was your age, I walked through 10 feet of shag carpet to change the channel!"

Happy school year.