
Monday, August 01, 2016

Keep Carcinogens Out of Our Water

From the City of Miami:

After Florida's Environmental Regulation Commission voted last week to approve a proposal that would increase the number of regulated chemicals from 54 to 92 allowed in rivers, streams and other sources of drinking water, the Miami City Commission unanimously voted to strongly oppose any amendments to the assessment methodology or the surface water quality standards which would increase the allowable limits of certain chemicals and carcinogens in surface waters in Florida. The resolution, which was sponsored as a pocket item by Commissioner Francis Suarez, requests that the Department of Environmental Protection, the Environmental Regulation Commission, the Environmental Protection Association, and the Governor reject and/or withdraw the proposed amendments.

"The Environmental Regulation Commission's vote is clearly concerning, as it presents yet another obstacle in being able to keep our water free from pollutants," said Commissioner Suarez. "Because of the negative effects this action will have on our health, our environment, and our quality of life, we must strongly oppose any amendments to the assessment methodology or the surface water quality standards that allow for more contaminants in our water supply."


  1. Note the words "SURFACE WATER". Surface water is water on top the ground after it picks up all the crap people, private & business allow to be sprayed or placed on their properties for whatever the reasons. Most of Miami/Dade's drinking water comes from aquifers that begin around Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida, which still picks up this crap, but requires less man made chemicals for human consumption. And if you don't agree, take your tap water for testing, and if not so, I'll pay for your testing. Jobie Steppe

  2. The original That GuyAugust 02, 2016 12:12 PM

    This rule not only affects 'surface water', but also the seafood we eat and the drinking water. It is impossible to separate them.

    Moreover, if you look specifically at what is being added to the"safe list" or increased allowances, it is exactly what the fracking process uses/creates. This is a fracking bill being passed by unconstitutional means.

    Everyone must step up and speak out.

  3. That Guy, are you indicating fracking is taking place in or around Florida or is about to begin? Jobie Steppe

  4. From what I understand this ruling allows additional pollutants to be dumped by private users, and anticipates water utilities will clean it up before it gets to our taps. In other words the costs of cleaning up are being passed from the polluters to the taxpayers, and to H*ll with anyone who drinks well water. Typical from Tallahassee.

    Jack Fitzpatrick

  5. Gang initiation rituals require novice members to commit heinous crimes? That is what happens in the political arena as well and allowing more carcinogens in Florida water ways is almost like the gang initiation ritual. In many advanced economies that would be considered a criminal act?

  6. The original That GuyAugust 05, 2016 11:54 AM


    Passing this is step 1 of the plan being orchestrated by our governor to bring fracking to Florida.

    Look at the list of chemicals being added, and compare it to polutants resulting from fracking. Identical - fracking doesn't cause problems or violate environment protections, if you first change the environmental protection laws. Then you can say, look our fracking operations will are well-within the safe limits set by the state environmental authority. They'll even try to use it as positive PR, try to sell it like "clean coal".



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