
Friday, August 26, 2016

I asked Raquel Regalado about the Grove Playhouse

It has been over 10 years that the Coconut Grove Playhouse has been shut and left to rot. I know they keep saying something is being done, but I don't see it and I don't believe it. I honestly believe the county is in bed with some developer who will turn the place into condos or an outdoor mall or something once it caves in on itself, which is going to happen if something doesn't happen soon.

I asked Raquel Regalado what she would do if elected county mayor. I didn't ask Carlos Gimenez, our current county mayor, since it seems that under his current watch, nothing has been done except for the proliferation of termites. I believe it's time for a change and also that Michael Spring, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs leave as well. He's in charge of the Playhouse and has done nothing to secure it's future. Too many developers have given Gimenez campaign money and he's approved large projects like the American Dream mega mall in Northwest Dade, which will be larger than the Mall of America in Minnesota. Less than smart in the era of dying malls. Not a good sign for the Playhouse.

I asked Raquel the following:

"I had a question about the Coconut Grove Playhouse. The current administration has done nothing to renovate the Playhouse, it's been sitting there rotting for over 10 years now.

What will you do to change that and to get the ball rolling with restoration? Your father has done nothing as City Mayor, what would you do as county mayor? Why should Grovites vote for you pertaining to this issue?"

Raquel's reply:

The failure to get a resolution to the issues of governance and finance for the Coconut Grove Playhouse is a civic tragedy. If the voters are with me, as the next Mayor of Miami-Dade County, you have my commitment that the stage lights will shine again in Coconut Grove.  

I will convene all the entities in this town who are interested in getting the Playhouse opened again and an agreement will be negotiated. I will not predict the specific narrative of such an agreement, as I am not looking to impose a preconceived notion of how it should be structured. My commitment is that an agreement will be approved.  

The indecisive nature of the current mayor, and his failure to lead this community toward a solution on the issue of the Playhouse, is just one reason I am seeking the support of the voters to be the next County Mayor. We have tremendous talent and resources in this community, and an "A" list of civic leaders anxious to participate in moving us forward. I intend to tap into all of that desire for a better Miami-Dade County and bring about real change.  I hope I can count on you to give me that opportunity. 

I like Raquel and know her, and since Carlos Gimenez hasn't done anything regarding Coconut Grove and the Playhouse, I think we need to give Raquel a chance. My vote goes to Raquel Regalado for Miami-Dade County Mayor.