
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The trolley binds us together

The trolley during FAM Night a couple of Saturdays ago was really fun and useful. Maybe because of the rain, it was used by people to get from one end of the Grove to the other. But I suspect that people would love the trolley in bright sunshine, too. It literally tied us all together, something that has not been the case in Coconut Grove; we have always been two communities, but the trolley binded us all together as one. 

We are on the books to have a free trolley service like the rest of the City of Miami, but it could take up to a year. I was told that we finally bought the final trolley, by "we," I mean the Grove - the BID actually. Four trolleys are needed to service the area and between the city and county, we have all four trolleys now, but the rub is that it takes from nine months to a year to get them, due to the backlog these days of trolleys. Every town wants a trolley and the trolley-makers are trying to get them out as soon as they can.They drivers are a pleasure, the ride is a pleasure and the convenience is a pleasure. It's a perfect situation and just a shame that we have had to wait so long while other areas in the district have trolleys that do not have much ridership.

There has always been talk that the other commissioners are not willing to give up trolleys in their neighborhoods so that the Grove could have a trolley, but District 2 probably has the most trolleys between Midtown, downtown, Brickell and Wynwood. Only the Grove, the poor stepchild has been left out all these years. I remember when the Grove was the only game in town. But we're coming back and it behooves the new businesses and condos to get the trolley here fast as it really does add to the neighborhood and quality of life.

Last week I was in New Orleans for a few days and I used the streetcars often; the streetcars are part of the fabric of that city, like San Francisco's cable cars are to that city. What's old is new again, in those cities it's always been.

I took this photo last week on Canal Street in New Orleans.


  1. A reliable, prompt, well connected, safe, clean and comfortable public transportation system can make life in Miami ten times happier and rewarding.

  2. Miami lacks any suitable infrastructure for "reliable, prompt, or well-connected" public transportation. The roads cannot handle the daily traffic flows, the train is a joke, the bus system is horrid, and the city needs billions in infrastructure to match the more and more and more units being packing into it.

    In all truth, Miami should be condemned, and rebuilt from scratch, but short of that... everyone is just going to need to plan on spending two hours in the car for every ten miles they want to travel.

  3. They're just freakin' busses. Paint a couple to look like trollys andput them out there.



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