This morning, it took me one hour to link my new JP Morgan Chase Slate VISA card with my current Chase accounts so that I could easily pay the bill online rather than send a check each month.
The people at Chase had me transferred to the Fraud department! All I wanted to do was pay my bill.
Here's the whole story in the Huffington Post.
Here's the whole story in the Huffington Post.
I stopped reading half way through - - - - because so many people have had their credit "stuff" ripped off, and after all is said and done, forget your agreement with whom-ever, whatever, this crap, that crap, "they" are still liable for whomever they mistakenly give credit to in your name, al-be-it, it was ripped off. Simply stated you are always protected by the law if you "know" the law, real law, not what "they" say. You were actually being protected by who ever you were talking to. It the new credit world where just about any savvy person can get your info. Jobie Steppe