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Monday, May 20, 2019

City Commission Should Override Mayor’s Playhouse Veto


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

The playhouse, as a large venue, has failed financially five times in its 91-year history. If we ignore this simple fact and allow well connected individuals to impose their will through political pressure (nothing new to the playhouses history) then we will repeat the folly of the past, and yet this time with the most far reaching consequences. 

As a Candidate for Commissioner of District 2 and former Chair of the Coconut Grove Village Council I’ve had a front row seat to the long-running playhouse drama.

In 2014, as the county began the lengthy process of securing a lease with the State of Florida -- satisfying all liens, developing a business plan, identifying a proven theater operator and educational component -- the Village Council, at my request, received a presentation from Miami Dade County’s Director of Cultural Affairs, Michael Spring. We were impressed with the county’s plan then; I remain impressed now.

Over the past four years, the County has done its due diligence by gaining approvals from City and County boards, and by gaining the support from local businesses, foundations, preservation groups and the Village Council. It has held countless meetings to hear residents’ concerns, it has overcome a litany of legal and regulatory obstacles, and most impressively it has engaged in robust public debate without stooping to incivility and deceit. 

The County plan has the funding in place to complete the project. A competing plan does not. Given the opportunity to raise fund for this alterative vision, supporters came up woefully short. Donors did not come forward, and the plan proved untenable.

I urge the City Commission on this Thursday to override the Mayors Veto and let the playhouse project move forward so that we can begin the revival of great regional theater in Coconut Grove.

Thank you,

Javier Gonzalez
Coconut Grove

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Blogger James said...

Very well said.

May 20, 2019 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jav for District 2 Commissioner!!! Ken has unfortunately sprinted to appease an unsophisticated vocal minority that opposes progress at any cost and sinks to calling anyone in favor of giving the Grove a much-needed face lift as "in developers' pockets." These tactics silence the majority. Who wants to be accused of being a cold-hearted community destroyer? No one wants that. In trying to be this minority's supplicant, Ken does not realize that he has betrayed the silent majority. Ken's a nice guy, but not cut out to be a true representative of his community.

Hello out there! Ken, if you're listening, you're losing us...

May 20, 2019 9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn’t agree with you more!

May 20, 2019 1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken and Suarez are aligned. And it's unlikely Hardemon is voting in favor. I think this plan is not going to pass. It will have to go to court, again. This is the unfortunate truth.

The fact of the matter is, as highlighted in the Miami Herald article, Mike Eidson is the leading financial backer of Suarez and Suarez's father. If Suarez doesn't comply with Eidson's demands, Suarez likely won't get his funding anymore (and neither will his father). Simple as that.

In reality, Mike Eidson is likely the one responsible for causing this chaos with the playhouse. If not for him getting involved, this chaos likely would not have happened and the playhouse would be on its way to being transformed. What a shame.

May 20, 2019 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ain't having it.

May 20, 2019 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Melissa Meyer said...

It's always been a scam to demolish the structurally sound historic Playhouse and redevelop the largest developable parcel that's closest to the water, at the highest elevation in Coconut Grove.

Why do you think so many citizens were unaware of the intent to demolish? Because the county and Arquitectonica went to great lengths to obscure the demolition and present this to the public as a "preservation" project that brings great theater back to the Grove.

It's not that at all! They even lied to the HEP Board and the Commission! It's over 60% commercial, retail, office, and parking - CocoWalk 2.0

The County even financed a fake poll with leading questions designed for only YES answers, and Andres Viglucci reported on it as if it were a legitimate poll. That is the definition of fake news and Viglucci should be ashamed.

Luckily, Commissioner Russell and Mayor Suarez are not idiots. After given the CORRECT information by RESPONSIBLE professionals, they did their due diligence and confirmed the facts themselves, hence the veto.

With the nationally registered historic landmark saved from demolition it remains eligible for national and state funds and tax credits that are available NOW, that match and exceed the voter approved bond money allocated for RESTORATION - NOT demolition.

There is MORE than enough money available for full restoration. Historic preservation, not more empty retail and office space, is what brings REAL economic stability to communities like ours.

Come hear all about it on Thursday at the commission meeting and support the first honest, hardworking Mayor and District 2 Commissioner we've had in over a decade!

May 20, 2019 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing new here - the commissioners and the mayor go where the money flows [to them].

I don't think they listen to residents at the commission meetings. They sit there with those dumb looks on their faces thinking to themselves, we already made up our mind so wake me when its over.

Case in point - Mel Reese - how many students lined up to discuss what the golf program did for them, all night they were united and I could have told them to go home and not waste their time. The Beckham project should have been tabled at the beginning and never has gotten to a vote. That land is zoned for parks! Ah, but the money wasn't flowing in their direction; it is now.

May 20, 2019 4:34 PM  
Anonymous Richard M. Lobo said...

Sorry, to be a spoiler, but I disagree with most the Anonymous commenters.

With all due respect, I admire Ken Russell’s courageous stand and I do not think his challenger,a lovely individual, but a real estate person, has the Grove’s best interests at heart.

Mayor Suarez is to be commended for having the backbone to be outspoken on behalf of the preservationists , activists, architects and historians who wan to see the historically designated site preserved.

I’m with Arva Parks and the true Miami lovers who wish to preserve our precious few iconic building.

The Grove has enough Starchitects , Ciprianis , White box houses, and Starbucks for the moment. Must we become another Brickell?

Richard M. (Dick Lobo)

May 20, 2019 4:37 PM  
Blogger James said...

Melissa, you kind of missed the point of the letter. The playhouse in it's current form has failed 5 times. What is the point of redoing it in it's current form, to allow it to fail for a 6th time?

May 20, 2019 4:40 PM  
Blogger Mark Weiser said...

Wasn't this put up to a vote?
Didn't the Public say Yes to a
RENOVATION ? The rest of
this story should Never Have
Happened. Where did I get
this story wrong?

May 20, 2019 4:46 PM  
Blogger Tony Scornavacca Jr. said...

The Playhouse being listed on the National Register of Historic Places is a fact that, unbelievably, many people just dismiss outright. Friends, that is hugely significant and the whole theater must be saved.

Attending an event at a real theater such as this is a much more enjoyable cultural experience than watching a mini-production in a school-sized auditorium.

Coconut Grove does not need another mall nor a mixed-use project. This is overwhelmingly evident by the existing rows of shuttered restaurants and retail spaces.

The county's outdoor mall plan can be implemented anywhere else. Why on earth would they choose a historic building and try and force it down the throats of a community that is clearly and adamantly opposed?

"Not viable" is a word being used repeatedly to justify demolishing the Playhouse. Well, please note how obsessed (for good reason) many Grovites are with protecting trees. Last I've seen, all of our trees have produced zero income.

Thank goodness we have elected officials that have respect for beauty and history.

May 20, 2019 4:46 PM  
Blogger Andy Parrish said...

There IS a compromise to be had--which means everyone gets something while giving up something. Almost everyone is agreed already on the parking garage, saving the east and south wings, and respecting the concerns of Bahamian West Grove that their community is not ignored once again. That leaves the"auditorium." The County plan demolishes it, resulting in the Playhouse's removal from the list of National Historic buildings. The demolition would also be a major slap in the face of the HEP Board and everyone who has ever voluntarily served on it, or would consider serving in the future. Why then have a HEP Board at all?

But if we do the things everyone is agreed upon, we can then find the correct use of the auditorium, even if that means demolishing the entire interior if that's where impartial architectural review ends up--which I highly doubt would be the conclusion. This unending argument about 300 seats vs 700 seats vs 300 AND 700 seats is a tough one to resolve. Some people's minds are made up. The experts are divided. The County says it's worried about starting a "money pit" if all issues are not settled now. The Preservationists are saying it's not about the money, it's about historic preservation, period.

C'mon, folks! We can do this...together. Let's start on what we are agreed. Leave the auditorium for another day, when the compromise has most everyone saying "Hey, this turned out pretty good, didn't it?"

Andy Parrish
Coconut Grove Citizen
Former Chair, Miami HEP Board

May 20, 2019 5:06 PM  
Blogger cmp said...

Those that say the playhouse has failed so why preserve haven't seen the financial records of the playhouse and are ascribing mismanagement to failed cultural venue.

I also find it interesting that nobody is dealing with the facts that the County has missed its own deadlines, never bothered designing a plan that respected preservation, are turning a 100% cultural space into 30% cultural with 70% retail, and that the County's numbers do not add up.

If the County gets its way the 'village; in the grove will turn into another design district. Preservation saves the neighborhood-brings back 40% business back to the grove and reinstates our cultural standing.

Carmen Pelaez

May 20, 2019 5:34 PM  
Blogger cmp said...

Also think its interesting that 'Anonymous' is casting such dispersion without signing their name.

Question the COUNTY and see how many answers you get about they plan.

Carmen Pelaez

May 20, 2019 5:35 PM  
Blogger Sabina Levine said...


May 20, 2019 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all should be thanking Mike Eidson, not Suarez. If not for Mike Eidson and his money, I doubt Suarez would have done anything or gotten involved.

Tony, I am not sure how protecting trees has anything to do with this. If the playhouse project is not viable, it goes into disrepair, like it is now. So the viability of the project is very important. If it is not viable or produces negative income, it ends up the way it is now and we are back to where we are now!! What a waste of time, money, and effort that would be!!

I'm sorry, Tony, but the grove has many shops that are thriving. The quality of the retail in the grove has improved dramatically over the years and more people are being drawn to the area. Yes, there may be some empty storefronts, but that is the reality in every neighborhood across the country. If the quality of the retail is good, people will come!

A fully restored playhouse is doomed to fail. We will end up the same place we are now. The current plan is a compromise that is viable and preserves the facade, the most important architectural feature of the building. The ones who are uninformed about the plan are the ones who are against it.

If you look a the history, you will see that the theater just does not work the way it is. If it worked, it would not be in the state of disrepair it is in right now and we would not be talking about this!! Become informed about the history of the playhouse and how many times its failed, and you will see the current plan is the best option to revitalize it!

May 20, 2019 5:47 PM  
Blogger Tony Scornavacca Jr. said...

Anonymous, it's good to hear other viewpoints but if you don't believe in what you're saying, then why would anybody else? Your words are empty.

May 20, 2019 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scaremongers; it what the County supporters are selling tonight. We don't need a Cocowalk II; a theatre surrounded by non-performing restaurants and retail space. Even Michael Spring doesn't believe that restaurants and retail will work. He's betting the garage will be the golden egg layer. Talk about a bad deal; $20+ million of our bond money for a parking garage with a micro-theatre. The County's next brilliant project, which all of the naysayers here will support because it doesn't make money, will be to fill-in Venetian pool (loses money every year), replace it with a jacuzzi, and develop the surrounding property with shops and restaurants.

May 20, 2019 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is an incorrect statement to say that the County's plan is fully funded -- it is not! The County plan provides that, from the available $22 million or so, it will fund the 300 seat theater and backstage elements. Nothing more.

The Miami Parking Authority is assigned to fund and construct (1) a parking garage and retail space facing Main Highway and the back of the parking garage and (2) restore the front area of the three-story Playhouse building (a very expensive assignment). Currently the Parking Authority has available $9 million for work estimated to cost over $30 million. The Parking Authority is supposed to (but, to date, has not) seek a developer/joint venture partner to provide the balance of the required $20 million-plus in funding. This means that all the key essential players to the success of the County's plan are NOT yet in place, nor is the funding necessary for the County's plan in place.

The source of this information is the Memorandum of Agreement between the County and the Miami Parking Authority, as approved by the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners in October 2018. (It is available on the BCC's website.) So, to all of those interested in the Playhouse, get the facts and disabuse yourselves of the false belief that the County's plan is fully funded and ready to go. It is far from being fully funded and ready to go!

May 20, 2019 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Art Noriega's Miami Parking Authority have so much power over restoration of a Historic Playhouse???? Who is stopping historic preservation of a registered historic 100 year old landmark really?

May 20, 2019 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those in favor of the current playhouse plan understand that the playhouse theater is not workable and needs to be reinvented. If the current playhouse theater worked, the playhouse theater would not be in the state of disrepair it is currently in!!

This is the common sense logic that drives those who are in favor of reinventing the theater and understand that something new is needed to make the playhouse work. Otherwise, 40 million dollars+ is spent renovating/restoring the whole theater that will eventually fail and we are back to where we are and 40 million+ down the drain!!

The County put thought into this to minimize the chances of it failing again! It was not whimsical and not out of malice. This has been a long process of many, many years because they wanted to get it right!!

Those who are saying this is "Cocowalk 2.0" are exaggerating and using that as a smear tactic. This theater plan is a partnership with FIU which I believe would be offering an MFA theater degree program at the playhouse!! This is more of an educational/theater campus than a mall!! What an opportunity this is for the Grove. Just because there's retail doesn't automatically make it a "Cocowalk 2.0." The original playhouse even had retail/a restaurant!! (I guess that was "Cocowalk 0"?)

People should become informed and not have a one-track mindset of preservation! Otherwise, there would be no progress or opportunities in the world! The current plan represents the balancing act of preservation and progress!!

What a lost opportunity for the Grove if this plan is not approved. It would be very disheartening.

May 20, 2019 9:54 PM  

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