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Friday, January 25, 2019

'The Perception of Impropriety'

On Thursday evening the City of Miami Commission met in a Public Hearing for further discussion and public comment on the highly-contested REVISIONS TO NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2 & 3-which is proposed to further protections of multiple neighborhoods in Coconut Grove. For nearly two years, several groups of dedicated residents, the Village Council, civic groups, lawyers and lobbyists have been meeting with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission to present their views and correct some of the language to avoid misinterpretation of the code which was designed to protect the unique character of these communities. Preservationists, cultural advocates and environmentalists are pitted against some developers and other proponents of larger developments that many view as a detriment to the area.

A near empty Commission bench listened to a multitude of citizens who each stood in line, waiting to speak their positions on the subject with a two (2) minute time limit, a procession expected to go on for hours, based on the number of attendees.  

Upon finishing my statement and leaving the chambers, I saw in the adjacent hallway, separated from the public view, a Chief of Staff (a position of influence and authority) of one of the City Commissioners who was not seated at the dais, in deep conversation with a paid lobbyist and developer. This lengthy conversation was not monitored, recorded or subject to a timer like the rest of the Public- giving the perception of back room trading and demeaning the public trust that our voices are being heard.

I do not claim to know what they were speaking about, that does not matter.  What matters is the perception of impropriety in the administration of City priorities. The need for trust in government extends to the Commission and to the ability of all parties to be heard throughout the process with, confidence trust. This is especially important when there is such a broad division of public interests, as evidenced by the larger political arena in America.  This was precisely the kind of behavior that erodes public trust and fosters cynicism in our governing bodies. The people want and deserve transparency in government.

Carol López-Bethel
Coconut Grove

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is call politics .

January 25, 2019 8:53 AM  
Anonymous JK said...

Some arguments against the legislation were plain disgusting, pointing to experiences of having been born in communist countries, implying those who want to preserve the qualities of their neighborhoods, environment, history and follow the law of the land are like communists. Don't expect waivers and special treatment, follow the law to the letter (unlike the crazy warrant process) and expect everyone to do the same and above all don't be greedy and you won't have a small group becoming your master ever.

January 25, 2019 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"THE PERCEPTION of IMPROPRIETY" can be seen, literally, in Wynwood & especially Coconut Grove's tattered brick sidewalks, tree canopy, trucks & cars literally parked on our roadways blocking traffic hourly, no City of Miami code enforcement or traffic tickets issued. Rain water drains blocked be leaf blowing gardeners filling our air and covering our cars with dust, soot and air blown pesticides. Unattended right of ways filled with bricks, weeds, animal waste, plastics & beer cans. Every roadway covered with block long grease, hydraulic fluids and stinking leaking garbage trucks residue trails. Traffic, endless block long traffic on 17th, 22'd, 27th, 32'd & 37th avenues. It's folly to think this will change without the people taking harsh deliberate action. And going to hearings, writing letters and commenting in the Grape will serve zero purpose; in fact doing so is what "THEY" plan on. Those lobbyist are anything but stupid. Jobie Steppe

January 25, 2019 3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the “known lobbyist.” I was born, raised, and educated in Miami. I’ve lived in Coconut Grove for over 16 years, and practice land use, zoning and environmental law. I have been vocal in my comments for and against the NCD at community meetings and public hearings. As an attorney representing others before governmental bodies, I am registered as a lobbyist in accordance with city and county regulations. I am representing myself on this legislative issue that affects my family and my neighbors, and can speak to whoever I wish, wherever I wish, whenever I wish. It’s called the First Amendment. You may not like the First Amendment as you may not like Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, but I do. Fortunately, Coconut Grove is still a part of America where we can have a difference of political opinion and still be civil neighbors.

January 25, 2019 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great anon lobbyist, however who's being un-civil neighbors? You, a professed lobbyist simply invented/injected incivility into the equation where the subject matter was titled 'The Perception of Impropriety'. There are good lobbyist and there are bad lobbyist. Bad lobbyist who represent greedy developers have written these new codes that no one, (no one) construction and stop zero lot lines, extreme & excessive traffic, a reduction in our tree canopy, a lack of enforcement related to code violations and oh yes your 1st, fifth & 14th amendments. Obviously you are a bad lobbyist for the Grove who is hesitant to fess up.

January 25, 2019 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you “known lobbyist.” It’s good to know that at least one of the people commenting here understands First Amendment rights. The vocal minority of this particular issue can’t seem to get the Constitution right.

January 25, 2019 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vocal minority are the aspirations of the silent majority. It is shortsightedness, closer to ignorance to invoke a document titled "CONSTITUTION". The entire history of humanity, tribes, cultures, civilization and countries depict failure, after failure, after failure and more failures where billions have perished by the sword, guns, bullets, bombs and bigger bombs. Documents galore, everywhere, a flood of immigrants into Europe, another flood into the U.S. & Canada, Cubans and Haitians into the U.S., Central Americans into Mexico and the U.S., Venezuelans into Columbia, papers, documents, Constitutions litter the landscape, SO? Now, down to ground level in Coconut Grove, Florida. We have banana republic municipality rules, regulation & codes, ruled by Florida State rules, regulations, codes and a Constitution ruled by Federal Jurisdictional rules, regulations, law, a constitution, senate, house, supreme court and president. Yet in our Grove our sidewalks are dangerous to walk on, our roads & right of ways are unkempt, cars & trucks speed down our roadways cars & trucks park blocking traffic everywhere, leaf blowers blow soot, dust and pesticides into our breathing air, on our houses and cars, traffic is chaotic, our trees are disappearing (trees that remove toxic poison gas out of our environment) and some dim witted SOB invokes a CONSTITUTION thinking he can simply run his mouth and all is well.

January 26, 2019 10:15 AM  

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