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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Parking issues discussed at BID meeting; again

At a BID board meeting on Wednesday, Coconut Grove parking issues were discussed, or lack of parking in the village.

The board came to the conclusion that will possibly force developers to provide their own off-street  parking for the construction workers who take up a large part of street parking. The City Commission will take up this issue at a future meeting.

The issue was discussed at a community meeting in October 2017, the subject of construction workers parking off-street and out of parking lots was discussed then, but nothing has been done so far.  

Too little, too late? Restaurant owners tell me that they lost a lot of business mostly do to congestion in the Grove, along with the lack of parking. It's impossible to get from here to there on any given day. Construction projects seem to be on every street, even in quiet neighborhoods, where developers and their crews seem to take up the streets at whim. I find it impossible to believe that permits and waivers are given to construction crews 365 days a year.

Driving up Bird Avenue is very difficult these days, every few blocks there is a mini-condo going up. Large machinery, cement trucks and the like blocks the streets daily; traffic is at a standstill and backed up for blocks.

This, along with parking is a major problem. Will the renovation of the Grove ever end, or is this an on-going thing until every building is replaced over the years?

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Anonymous Jack said...

Wow nothing done since the meeting on Oct 2017. Why are we not surprised.

November 18, 2018 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should create a tourist tour, i.e., there are bus tours and there are bicycle tours, so why not lionize a national & international Coconut Grove tour paid for by the Grove BID earmarking negative issues;, vacant stores, traffic, streets blocked, hurricane damaged boat ramp & piers, missing sidewalk bricking, special interest permitting, related to inept City of Miami government. Coconut Grove can present our present state of decay in real time. Government officials can visit the Grove to view real & take pictures of life examples and show case real ignorance about how not to do it. Jobie Steppe

November 18, 2018 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good idea. If the tour covered both the residential and commercial sections of the Grove it would probably take about 12 hours to cover the mess we deal with every day.

November 18, 2018 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, such an effort should or must be revised, say in 3 years to demonstrate if the future is better or worse and by what standards. Obvious it cost a lot to run a city like Miami. Presently the Grove is generating a ton of cash for City coffers. Where does this money go? Is the cash cow helping the homeless, schools, expand transportation or some part thereof. Is the Grove thriving in three years, i.e., plenty of additional tourist collars, eateries, clean street and safe sidewalks. Do this inconvenience turn into more profit for our retail outlets or create, say 10,000 office jobs that feed the workers. Do all these MacMansions bring in millions in tax revenue? Was it worth it to lose the old and move in the new?

November 19, 2018 6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just knock the Playhouse down and build a humongous ten story parking garage on top of it. How about that Arturo?

November 19, 2018 7:42 AM  
Anonymous Tony G said...

Agreed 100%. The grove is a disgusting trash heap right now. I'll never live there again and feel bad for those who bought property there. It's sad because the developers city leadership only care about money, and perpetual construction is how their pockets get filled.

November 19, 2018 8:27 AM  
Blogger Sledge said...

The construction on Central Grove will eventually end. Let's not be over-dramatic here. Yes, it has been a nightmare for years now, and it still looks ugly, cranes everywhere. But when it's done, it's done. West Grove is another story. North Grove, where I lived for 11 years, hasn't changed much and won't change much.

Whatever damage to the Old Grove to be done was done. But we still have Tiger Tail, for instance, and many shady old back streets around Virginia St, etc, that are intact. That's where there real Grove is. Except they don't sell anything there, you need a bike to enjoy it.

November 20, 2018 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good sledge and I feel the same. The commercial downtown has has never been our heart beat. It's been in heart and minds of those who own their homes and open their front doors for friends and like minded friends to gather and create community. Jobie Steppe

November 20, 2018 4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business is lost in the Grove because the developer of Cloisters wanted the the bars closed earlier than all the other revenue producing neighborhoods. BID should lobby the city to overturn this and have bars open late like Loggerhead.

November 21, 2018 10:13 AM  

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