Bohemia lost; the new 'reset'
Part of the new "reset" |
The story is full of facts but it is all based on the newcomers to the Grove - the developers. It's about these strangers coming into our village and remaking it, getting their money and moving along to their next project. There were not many residents interviewed, I think only one, my friend Harry Gottlieb.
Harry says in the article, “The Grove is being ruined. Some of us who have been here 30 years don’t like the changes.” I know that sounds like "not in my backyard," but people moved to the Grove for the small village life, not to live in Brickell South. If we were our own city, I don't think any of these changes would be happening.
I have spoken to many people today about the article. The developers love it. I spoke to one manager from CocoWalk who spoke about property values going up. He doesn't live in the Grove so I feel that he really doesn't care what happens here as long as he still gets his paycheck, but I am sure many Grovites are happy about that - property values going up. There is no more charm or village life, but property values going up is their happy place. Tourists, the few wandering around look shell shocked. We are not what they see in the travel guides.
The Herald article says, “In two years, it will be transformed. It will be vibrant. A place where people want to go. All that’s happening, it’s lifting the whole village.” As of now, there is nothing going on during the day and the sidewalks are folded up at night, usually after 6 pm according to one retail store owner here. So maybe that will change when all of these new condo dwellers come pouring out into the village center.
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Getting Grove Ink's new location ready. |
He said the Grove was an entertainment district and needs to be that again. But I don't see that happening.
Businesses can't afford the rent. Just today I noticed that Grove Ink, the tattoo shop is moving. They couldn't afford their new raise in rent, they are now going to be at the former Condom USA location. A few other stores and possibly one local bar are on their last legs.
There may be two issues here - the over-development and the ruination of retail. They may or may not be intertwined, retail problems are an issue all over the world. Online shopping took a bite out of that. Right now, a few hours during the day, and lack of much business at night will not support businesses in the Grove.
Over the weekend I read a long post on Facebook from a friend who moved away, she said she came back to visit and was saddened by what she saw regarding "the new Grove." Everyone who commented on the post felt the same. Many old Grovites are moving out and new people are moving in. I guess that's the new "reset" the Herald article is talking about.
A friend posted an aerial view of South Bayshore Drive on Instagram last week, it was all lit up with lots of lights and new buildings. I thought it was Brickell and then realized it was Coconut Grove. The new "reset."
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
We have been living in the Grove since 1993 and have watched the ebb and flow of the times move through the Grove and quite frankly, even though the Grove is a mess of construction these days, it is certainly a lot better then the Grove 5 years ago when it was a ghost town of vacant storefront and dilapidated houses. I understand that many people don't like the Modern Architecture that has taken over the Village, but again, it is a lot better then the crack shack with the broken down car in the yard. Looking at the picture in this story, please tell me what exactly is charming about that building that used to house the Condom store, or the building where the Tavern is? The Grove is long overdue for a facelift ... A facelift that needs to be done sensibility and nicely with respect to the scale of the Village, but a facelift is needed.
-Lisa L.
A facelift maybe, but not these out-of-scale projects. We have been here since the early 1970's when the Grove was the place to be if you were cool. Regarding the article's comment about the Grove changing when all the condo dwellers move in - well guess what, there are tons of condo dwellers already living here. They drive into their building garages, the gate closes behind them, and they stay in the building because it has everything and they feel secure. They dine and shop elsewhere and don't go to the ground level of their respective buildings and exit on foot via the front door of the lobby to walk and hang around the Grove. They really don't belong but bought here for the beautiful views and close-in location. If the condo dwellers hung around the Grove, the streets, stores and restaurants would be packed all the time. Additional condo dwellers will not solve any problems associated with the Grove's business distrct.
Nothing but sadness to look at or be in the Groovy Grove in this day and age. White boxes (who designed these awful looking "homes" anyway.) Was it Arquitectonica. If it was, SHAME! I really would like to know! And there have been threats from the homeowners who moved into these boxes and who threaten, I mean actually threaten those homeowners who don't like what they have done with their neighborhoods. SHAME!
S and H
Have lived in the Grove for many years... I always loved the little cottages and funkiness of it. This is not just happening on South Bayshore and in the center! It was always a "different" place in the midst of the Miami sprawl. I loved the Grove and now I want out! But where do I go? :(
Who needs a tattoo parlor, a poor biker bar, a 1960's hippie clothes store, a pseudo Mediterranean mall, trashy yards, Domino's Pizza, broken sidewalks, etc. in their neighborhood? Yes there may be too many high-rise glass condos but hopefully that is coming to an end. There is no question that the Grove needed a face-lift.
The grove really needs a whole foods. Hope we get one soon!
To Anonymous August 13 @ 6:39pm I have to disagree with you. We live in a condo that is walking distance to everything and that is one of the main reasons we bought here. We go out at least 3 times a week to restaurants in the Grove, shop here and do everything around here. It's a good things that the neighborhood is getting renovated. People want to get back to 30 years ago maybe but that is because they think that by going back 30 years they will be 30 years younger...NOT!
So Sad To See The Grove Destroyed Like This :(
Anon 5:20 I agree with you. I can't keep up with the digital age. My cell phone looks like captain Kirk's communicator. I can only use my computer to do searches by Googling in some subject matter. I've never sent a text. My web site was created by a friend. I'm helpless except for my art and my cat just died. The previous comment "So sad to see the Grove destroyed like this". Many good people live throughout the Grove, including in those MacMansions and all these new condos and these tens of thousands of Grovites, WHEN the merchants and eateries provide what we all want it is logical many will gladly walk about and spread their wealth around the new Grove. Jobie Steppe
Horrible words to say jobie stepe
Oh my gosh anon 4:35. Horrible just terribly HORRIBLE to hear a Gravite say "Many good people live throughout the Grove" and "it is logical many will gladly walk about and spread their wealth around the new Grove". Oh my, oh my, where's the tar and feathers? Oh Lord, just terrible words of optimism about our future.
so sad
Oh my gosh, so, so, so sad.
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