The car booting started long ago
I had a monthly decal which I would put on the dashboard when I parked but in spite of that, I got the boot more than once. They were so gung ho to boot that they didn't notice the decal. In all fairness, the decal changed colors each month - blue one month, orange the next, red the next and so on, and the paid parking ticket was white, so perhaps in their haste they looked for the white ticket, didn't see it and booted me.
I made a joke of it one time and posted a picture with me laughing with the guy who booted me, but it really wan't funny. One time it was at the end of a long day, perhaps at the end of the Arts Festival or King Mango Strut or Bed Race, and after hours of being in the hot sun, I went to my car and found that I was booted. I wasn't in the mood, but I had to wait an hour or so for them to make it to the lot to remove the boot.
One thing that I never liked about that Bank Lot was that at one point, there was a person at a booth where you would pay for parking, only they didn't arrive until 10 am. Before that, the lot was open. I would park there early on weekend mornings and go to the gym, when I returned, half the lot was booted.
What happened was that people would arrive at 9 am or so and head to breakfast, but there was no one to pay since the attendant didn't arrive until 10 am, so people would park and leave. When they returned after breakfast, they were booted! Made no sense.
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Reminding folks that the Grove Bank used to Boot cars as well hardy justifies this mean spirited behavior. It actually reinforces the reality that Coconut Grove is no longer the fun loving, care free, easy going, quirky, artsy community that we once cherished. It has morphed into a greedy, overdeveloped, rude, pretentious, over priced extension of Brickell. Its up to Russell to stop the Booting and make efforts to preserve what remains of the Grove spirit.
Crime rate in Miami is 50% higher than the average for rest of the US. The truth is that lies, dishonesty, fraud and crimes are contagious in society and more so where organizations are given a free pass by the law to commit all mentioned above against citizens with impunity.
Another huge arena for property crime with a license is Home Owner Associations and their often illegal rules and by-laws which impinge on individuals property right.
Bottom line is we do not live in an entirely healthy society. An Anti-social element is poisoning Miami.
Who wrote that??????? Why post it. you do not get anything free anymore but if you get to the grove by 9Am there is parking everywhere. I would boot them too. It is not their privilegdge to park there Terra bought that parking garage (mary street) and that will not turn out very good years from now. My prediction.
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