Ken Russell for Congress?
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Comm. Ken Russell |
I'm not sure what to make of it. I like Ken where he is, but maybe he can do more as a Congressman.
"There is a crisis of leadership in our federal government that we haven’t seen in our lifetime. Regular citizens like me are becoming active in local and federal government and making a difference. We’re being heard and changing a tide toward transparency and accountability.
"This is a big step. I'll need the support of all my friends and family to make this decision."
Story in the Herald here.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
He is bad for Coconut Grove, and would be even worst for the Nation.
He has proved to be an advocate for us at the commission and would make a great representative for all of us.
Ken seems like a nice guy who has fallen in love with the idea of power, influence, and celebrity. Unfortunately, he has proven utterly inept at administering: his office is totally unresponsive to inquiries and complaints, he is aloof in his personal interactions with constituents, he seems out-of-his league when dealing with "meaty issues," and seems meek when he has to play with the "big boys and girls." Needless to say, he is unfit for Congress, where he would be trounced, marginalized, and do us no good. "Ken Russell the candidate for District 2 Commission" was a great idea on paper, that has failed to materialize. No need to let his ego get ahead of him.
No!!!!! He's just like Hillary
I could not agree more with Anon. at 8:31. This youth is simply not ready, or cut out, for prime-time.
Comparing Ken to Hillary is bizarre as much as comparing his experience in Government to Trump's. Why do we have so few qualified people in South Florida?
I'd like him to stop wasting his time on pipe dreams - he wouldn't stand a chance running for Ros-Lehtinen's seat against a Cuban-American or other Hispanic - and focus on doing his current job, at which he has not been very good.
Russell could start by having his staff show respect to constituents by quickly responding to their concerns and suggestions via e-mail and telephone. Actually arranging an appointment at his office or meeting them at home would be a most pleasant surprise. Would be great if he reads the Grapevine and responds with a comment or better year an statement with an apology for lack of respect to the City Attorney and failure to respond to our calls and e-mails.
Why is he bad? Can you share your experience?
I have reached to Ken's office several times in reference to issues I discover around our city and the response has been 100% including taking care of the problem. So naturally, I dint agree with the negative comments above.
I would like to know why is he "bad"? Explain the problem. Otherwise I can't be convinced he is "bad hombre" without facts. Just saying.
Wow the comments above show Ken Russell is a force to be reckoned with.
Why is he "bad." Well I have emailed and called his office several times- about local issues (flooding, construction issues)- never any reponse. Prior folks always had star respond in a day - also sent request to proper city agency and followed up to make sure issue dealt with. If he can't get it right on this small scale- he is not ready to be in Congress.
Take a look at Jose Javier Rodriguez. Our state Senator. Office is responsive - he has excellent pedigree (no DUI, reckless driving, etc) - has beat out republicans 3 times. Lives in Silver Bluffs.
The comments above do not indicate that he is a force to be reckoned with. If anything they clearly indicate that he is a disappointment to many, a seeker of the limelight with delusions of grandeur. He is certainly not ready for Prime Time. Try being good at your job before attempting to take on more responsibilities. If this was the military he recently got promoted from buck private to sergeant. His ability and experience is a long way from the rank of lieutenant or captain.
He has quickly become a credible and forceful leader on the Commission as shown by his ability to secure a 5-0 vote to kick the deadbeat developer off Watson Island after they failed to make progress for 16 years. This was just the most recent display of his mastery of the process and ability to enlist the support of colleagues. I hope we don't lose him from the City Commission but vacant Congressional seats are rare so anyone in his position would be foolish to not at least consider running.
So what worries you so much, the democratic system?
You know when you are at a dinner with family and someone tries to open the brand new pickle jar, but the seal is too tight and is being stubborn? So the jar gets passed along to a younger and stronger family member and they also try opening it but alas fail. Than the jar is passed to Grandma and she taps it with the back end of her knife, twists the lid and it opens with a pop, accompanied by thunderous applause. So after 15 years of trying to settle the Watson Island issue it finally gets resolved by our very own “Johnny Come Lately” and he is taking bows while patting himself on the back. Does anyone recall seeing him addressing this issue at any of the meetings that took place in the past 15 years as many other concerned citizens have? Not to my recollection!
OK Grannie let's see what happens with the pickle jar called the Coconut Grove Playhouse
Before he moves on to Tallahassee or Washington D.C., could he please address a few Coconut Grove issue that concern many of us? How about repairing the dangerous broken Village sidewalk pavers, put an end to property split-zoning, increase the fines on illegally cutting down trees, find a way to alleviate traffic from all the SUV’s dropping off kids at schools on Main Hwy and Tiger Tail and opening up the Grove Art Fair to all, by eliminating the fence and fee or relocating to a park and removing them from our public streets. We would also appreciate your help in restoring and returning the Playhouse to us. By all means feel free to take all the credit and praise!
9:17 Anon,
What is your issue with SUV's? If they kids where dropped off in SL500s would you have less of an issue? Do you offer a plan to alleviate the traffic in dropping kids off at schools in the grove or you are just complaining? "restoring and returning the playhouse to us"? Is there anything else that can be wrapped up and set at your feet? You have so many ideas for the grove that I strongly suggest you run for the soon to be vacated seat on the council.
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