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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Should we stop using Peacock Park for events?

I was reading Glenn Terry's Grove Guy blog and noticed that he is upset over the mess that Peacock Park is in because of the torn up grass, which was caused this fall during rainy events - namely Grovetoberfest. Trucks tore up the grass the night before during torrential rains. Now Glenn is asking that the city stop permitting events to take place in the park. I'm wondering if this is wise and perhaps it is. Perhaps not.

I got this photo from Glenn's blog, there are many more you can see if you click over.

While it might be true that most of the events that take place in the park do not trickle down to the rest of the Grove, they do bring people to the village. But do we need the people here? Keep in mind that most events are not sanctioned or run by the Grove, they are just people with an event who need a place to hold the event and it ends up being Peacock Park. The City makes out like bandits with all their service fees and the BID makes some money on it too. It's nice having events here, or is it? The park is not usually torn up and the grass is usually in good shape after most events.

I've always like events in the park; I've not always been a fan of the gates that go up to keep people out, but it seems like Peacock Park is our Central Park and events seem to just end up there. With the new Regatta Park, I suspect some events will shift to that location.

But should we or should we not have the events in the park? Should we or should we not have the events in the Grove? If there is not much of a trickle down effect, do we need that many people in the village? Are they spending time and money elsewhere? Should we not have Grovetoberfest, the Bed Race, the Seafood Festival, Pumpkin Patch and the rest? I think we should, many locals feel we shouldn't.

I like having events in the Grove, but maybe it's just out of laziness; as I don't really have to travel to enjoy them. I suspect if the Bed Race or Grovetoberfest move to Wynwood or some other area, I probably won't attend. It's sort of like City Hall, many people feel it belongs in downtown Miami and the old Pan Am Terminal here in the Grove should become an airline museum or restaurant or something like that; I always feel that I like having City Hall under my nose, for convenience sake. That's probably why I like events in Peacock Park.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Blogger James said...

I would say this is unusual. You have to remember that we have had historic amounts of rain, which has made the situation much worse than it normally would be. Like you said in your post the park doesn't normally look like this after events. I'm also in favor of having as many events as possible. While the people attending these events may not go down to the center grove that day (which I don't know if that is true, just because you don't see someone with a pumpkin doesn't mean that they didn't attend the event), it gives the impression that the Grove is lively and happening. So maybe the next time they're looking for something to do, the Grove will pop into their heads. I think the local dislike is a bit of NIMBY syndrome. They've been doing events like the Art Festival, etc for many years, but now that it's something that they have no interest in, they feel it shouldn't be there.

December 22, 2015 7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like living in a place with events. It's nice that this is my neighborhood with always something fun going on. The people who don't like events must be those center grove folk who move to a cool artsy neighborhood and then get angry when people park in front of their homes during the art fair.

December 22, 2015 7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are already working on artificial tuff so this will never happen again

December 22, 2015 8:17 AM  
Blogger Headly Westerfield said...

I believe they should stop using Peacock Park for ticketed events. I have been to Beer Fests, Rib Fests, Busker Fests, Art Fests, and What-Have-You Fests in many other cities which *do not* charge an admission to get it. Yet, Peacock Park not only charges, but charges a price that puts it out of many families' budgets.

What happened to that thing I read about earlier this year that said ticketed events would be finished at Peacock Park?

December 22, 2015 8:48 AM  
Anonymous swlip said...

I would think that event organizers should be required to pay a fat deposit with the city towards repairing any damage to the park grounds.

December 22, 2015 3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that everybody forgets about the incredible noise that the music in these events produce. Events maybe nice for people living in the a Grove or outside, but not very funny for those of us living close to Peacock Park.

December 22, 2015 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add a little water and it would be ideal for some Mud Wrestling!

December 23, 2015 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a circle of money.
People don't want their taxes increased.
Tax money subsides City Services. As a result, if an event is held at peacock Park the City requires the Event have police, trash, permits, and insurance. All of these have to be paid by the Event Propoter and are on average $25,000 or more.
These events do not even clear this much money. As a result the only solutions are to fence the Park and charge admission ( none of which goes to the event) or have no events.
There is no City "slush / event fund" in the City budget to cover these events, as there are in many other cities.
That is why admission is charged at most events.

December 26, 2015 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Chester said...

It's perfectly fine to have events, even ticketed events. It is NOT fine for the field to be in a state of ruin for 4-8 weeks after each event.

There needs to be a no-shit policy in place for everyone who wants to use Peacock Park for events. The park must be fixed up, turned around, by the following Friday else you must look elsewhere for your next event.

This is a PUBLIC park.

Where is our new city commissioner, Mr. Russell? Why isn't he raising bloody hell.

December 28, 2015 1:51 PM  
Anonymous Dave Villano said...

The three festivals held at Peacock Park over two consecutive weekends in October is a violation of the City of Miami municipal code, which limits events to two per month within the Coconut Grove Special Events District. The BID knows that, yet recommended approval of the applications anyway. The City knows that too, yet approved the applications and issued the permits.

December 31, 2015 2:20 PM  

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