Impossible to navigate the Grove
You can't get though Tigertail at 27th Avenue and that may be closed for months, so you're directed up SW 27th Avenue, which is another mess. One of the workers there admitted to us that it's a mess with no planning involved, almost a free for all.
On Friday and every Friday, those idiots who work for the City, who pick up the lawn clippings block almost every major street, so as you try to get around them, you can't, you have to just sit and wait.
This crew shown on Grand Avenue was working on Friday, blocking the street, they are installing some sort of digital billboard at the bus stop near Grand and Virginia. Just what we need, a digital ad right as you enter Coconut Grove. There were back on Sunday, the photo below was taken then.
And then on Friday afternoon, after I navigated my way from the North Grove to the South Grove, I thought I was all set only to hit a road block on Douglas Road, near Ingram Highway.
Bird Avenue (which has street signs up now saying SW 30 Avenue, weird) was to have had work started but the businesses were not having it. At first I thought it made sense to do it all at once, but living and trying to drive through it now I see it doesn't make sense. Luckily they have put off that project until the summer of 2015.
The other side of US1 is a mess in places and on Sunday, coming south to north there was a long few mile backup on Old Cutler Road due to some incident not to far from the Coco Plum Circle. Help!
I guess my friends David and Harry (isn't that a candy company?) have it right. It's time to bicycle everywhere. Even the trolley we would so much love to get would be delayed in this traffic nightmare enveloping us.

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Coconut Grove streets are indeed a mess and not going to help commerce in the near future. But street improvements are required and should not to take more than a few weeks of inconvenience. When may we expect Bayshore Drive to be repaved and include a dedicated bike lane? Riding a bike is certainly the most expedient and enjoyable way to get around the Grove. Avoid the construction projects and traffic, when many SUV’s are backed-up dropping off kids at school. Respect all pedestrians, stop signs and traffic lights. Wear a helmet, colorful cloths (don’t go ninja) and make sure you have a light on the front and rear of your bike, to see and be seen. Don’t use a cable to lock your bike, only a U-lock or chain offers any real security. Better yet keep your bike in sight at all times. Would be beneficial if Miami or MDC would implement Decoy Bikes to help catch bike thieves and fences. Riding a bike is great fun, good exercise and a wonderful way to enjoy the day and meet your neighbors.
Exactly Emilio. It's much better to ride a bike here, even though it's also a mess, with virtually no infrastructure for bikes either.
I thought I saw the Governor of New Jersey moving some road signs around down by 27th & Tiger tail smiling like a raccoon eating a mango.
Bike riding in the Grove isn't fun because there's no water views. I'd much rather go to Virginia Key and ride back and forth.
I would recommend some civil disobedience along the lines of "steal this sign." The City's signs indicating "detours," re-routing, etc. are woefully inaccurate. They are creating more problems than the road work itself. I think we would all do better if we just had a citizens revolt and removed the signs.
I have experience numerous signage in Florida during major construction and I have been very impressed at how clearly these signs point the way resulting in a safe trip. To suggest "civil disobedience" to remove these signs to confuse the public is, well, stupid & immature.
i think the work has to be done. if it weren't everybody would be whining about that. can't please everyone
The road construction will take more than a year to finish. It's a major water and sewer, too.
What are all the commentators smoking in order to say ...just a few weeks?
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