Things that make you go hmmmm
Scotty's Landing has not paid it's rent for 35 years. It blocks the waterfront view, it's mere feet from the waterfront. Burn Notice, which is not really on top of the waterfront has paid its rent on time, all the time.
Why is or was Burn Notice going to be evicted and Scotty's is staying, for another year or so? And how rich is the City of Miami to be in a position to throw out paying tenants?
Just askin'.
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Can't compare Scotty's with the Expo Center. Mighty Marinas block the view, not Scotty's. The ugly convention center does block a large chunck of water, as seen from the sidewalk. And they are both gone soon enough, anyway.
Apparently, the City of Miami is not concerned with income if you consider that their most valuable real estate, Coconut Grove, Watson Island, and Virginia Key have produced a few paltry nickels (or zero), over the past FIFTY YEARS.
Unless the Dinner Key Marina parking lot is leveled, there won't be a water view from Bayshore Dr. Fire up Google Street View and look at the view in the area southeast of the expo center. All you see are trees and cars.
Simple. Scotty's is too far from the new condo building to be leveled into the "master plan" of a private park. But that being said, leave Scotty's be, for God's sake! Please don't gobble up EVERY single place just because it has been here forever. Scotty's - where locals can enjoy the true spirit of Coconut Grove (and get to see the water without being a condo).
Scotty's has paid it's rent. It has not paid real estate taxes becasue they claim their lease does not require them to. It's simple, the lease says they have to or not,let the city publish the lease and we'll all know the truth.
Pat Sessions
I've given up trying to figure out why this City does the things that it does. There are days when I wish I could move back to St. Pete, where things actually work.
I'd like to issue a burn notice against Scotty's. That place sucks.
Tony the Troll
How does Scotty's block the waterfront view?? It is the only 'local' restaurant that is not a 'chain' that is on the water and has an amazing view of the boats/marina. Burn Noties is a TV production that is not 'coconut grove'... it's a TV show that is filmed in Miami (cheaper than LA) and that's that. Coconut Grove isn't a "TV production" site... move along now. Thank you!
Maybe Burn Notice should start serving lousy food with bad service?
Maybe Burn Notice should allow tourists to visit the studio like super duper poor man's Universal?
Scotty's isn't worth blackmailing by the commissioners?
The marinas are a cash cow for the city. In fact, they constantly steal money from the marina fund to pay for other things. Besides, what's that precious water view without boats in it?
Scotty's includes the marina you dolts. It's all one parcel, with one owner. Those racks and racks of boats are what everyone's after anyway, not the actual (and terrible) bar/(yuck) restaurant.
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