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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let the sun shine in!

This is was a tree on Mary Street, guess the homeowners had no use for it. A reader sent it in. Turns out the tenants who rent the house complained about the falling leaves, so the landlord/homeowner, demolished the trees. Wait till they see the fine they are going to receive, it would have been cheaper to hire a kid to rake up the leaves once a month.

UPDATE: The tenants did not complain about the trees, the house owner was concerned about having the tree trimmed for hurricane insurance reasons, the insurance company asked that it be done. A tree service was hired and while no one was present, they had at it and this is the result. The incompetent tree trimming service did this without anyone's permission!

Speaking of trees, the tree removal is about to start on Florida Avenue, the surveyors are out, 
they are ready to change out the old trees for new trees. 


I took this photo over the weekend, it's the new paint job at Coldwell Banker at the triangle of McFarlane, Main and Grand. Looks great. But my friend who was with me joked and said that I should photoshop the trees out since they will not be there when the street scape project gets to that section. I left the trees in the photo, but when that huge tree is down, I'll post another photo of the after shot. We'll compare.

UPDATE: After this story was run I was notified that we don't need to compare, I am told this is not one of the trees that is being switched out. The goal is hopefully to get rid of the two lanes going south and just have one lane, which would allow the sidewalk to be widened and allow the large tree to stay! People would then just walk on either side of the tree and still be on the sidewalk.

Here are a couple of shots of Florida Avenue yesterday, the tree demolition begins. This looks like Villa Mayfair valet parking area to be. I heard that Villa Mayfair is returning in October, revamped from a high end French restaurant to an American-style restaurant.


For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Blogger Grove33133 said...

WOW, Today I am going to pass by. I wonder since the trees will now have a so called GREEN watering sysytem are they going to re-use the bricks on the side walk or pay extra for some special recycled green brick. (maybe the same one that they take back clean and re-sell to us)???????

August 21, 2012 7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad they should of used that money from the tree project to bring the dance clubs back instead SO SAD

August 21, 2012 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow they're tearing up all those trees just for the restaurant? What a waste. I doubt they'll be around much longer

August 21, 2012 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those people did not demolish the tree in front of their house. They actually just trimmed it. Perfectly legal.

August 21, 2012 10:20 AM  
Anonymous liz said...

Ummm - they trimmed the tree which is a good idea when trees get too huge. It keeps the tree healthy. Pruning must occur to maintain proper health and every few years - a good haircut way back results in a great looking tree later on.

August 21, 2012 1:15 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

August 21, 2012 1:50 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

They are being fined big time. What they did is called hat racking. It's illegal.

August 21, 2012 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago I remember this being done to a beautiful banyan in the park that is now Sarnoff's dog walking park. The tree died from the shock.

Hatracking? I learned something today. Cool! :)

August 21, 2012 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarnoff and his supporters, everyone of them are idiots and tree killers.

That restaurant is not going to make it no matter how many trees are sacrificed.

August 21, 2012 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can put money trees in the grove and people wont come back .so sad is right

August 21, 2012 3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every tree in Coconut Grove is infected by a disease called Sarnoffitis, they must be chopped.

August 21, 2012 7:08 PM  
Blogger GroveTreeWatch said...

I saw all the tree comments and figured I would clarify:

The tree on Mary Street: Perhaps this was unwittingly done by the owner who, in hiring a company to trim the tree as part of hurricane preparedness, ended up with what is known as a "hat rack job." What the owner probably did not know is that the city requires a permit if you are planning to trim a tree by more that 25%. It is actually something the company he hired to trim the tree should have known, and told him about. If anyone should be fined it should be the company that performed the tree trimming. But I guess as the property owner, it falls to being his responsibility.

Every spring, the city should make an effort to inform homeowners regarding proper tree trimming, and acquaint them with the permitting process.


August 21, 2012 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Josh Stevens said...

I'm trying to understand why there has to be a permit process or tree removal regulation period. If the tree is on the owner's property, then they own the property and should do what they want with it. However, if the tree is considered to be on public property, I suppose it would come down to what the Miami citizens voted for. Is this correct? Thanks

August 21, 2012 11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh, if there were no regulations on tree trimming and tree removal the Grove would look like downtown Hialeah by now. Developers in Miami have had a habit over the last. 40 years of tearing down anything living and replacing it with concrete in their relentless search of the almighty tourist dollar.

August 22, 2012 11:37 AM  
Blogger GroveTreeWatch said...


It is simple. Trees have rights, regardless of whether they are on private or public property. We have evolved from being rural settlers, where as property owners we could do whatever we wanted, such as cut down trees to make log cabins or keep chickens and horses in the back (or front), all of which were deemed practical at the time, to being residents and neighbors of municipalities, where we must follow rules set up for the sake of modern practicality, protection and order, generally know as "City Ordinances" which maintain everything from Code Enforcement, to Historic Preservation, to Noise, Zoning and in the process includes the rights for others to enjoy and benefit from trees no matter where they grow.

These ordinances are in place to ensure that, in the Case of Code Enforcement, your neighbor does not let his grass go unmowed, let his property become an eyesore, keep farm animals, or dangerous animals, decide to start a bar or a parking garage (or any other business) in his home, cut down trees and affect the canopy, party-on until all hours of the night, or build additions to his dwelling that may not be safe, durable or attractive.

I hope this helps. For more on City ordinances, check out miami.gov

Best regards, TreeWatch

August 22, 2012 11:39 AM  
Anonymous Joshua Stevens said...

Grove Tree Watch, I have a few questions based upon your response.
First, if a tree's "rights" are violated, how does it declare the violation? I as a human can declare that my rights have been violated, such as when a robbery occurs. Second, your last paragraph expresses arguements for the violation of private property rights. If the most basic reason for the existence of government is for the protection of life and private property yet the government (through code enforcement) violates those rights, is this not a contradiction? Isn't this like getting a fox to guard a hen house? Thanks

August 22, 2012 1:25 PM  
Blogger GroveTreeWatch said...

Josh, to continue our dialogue, a tree declares its violation through human voices, either individuals or advocacy groups such as TreeWatch, much in the same way humans also are the voices for animal rights.

Yes, the most basic reason for government to exist includes the protection of life and private property, and it is a contradiction when government violates those rights. Alas, Government is comprised of humans who are known for making mistakes. In fact some of the biggest "mistakes," made by humans are made by humans in positions of government, where it is easy to abuse power as a result of delusions of grandeur, thus leading the way to violations of rights and general corruption.

For the most part, us humans that are not in government have several recourses, depending on the degree of the violation by entities or individuals abusing positions of power. We can appeal, advocate, sue, create protest movements, vote out of office, attempt to secede, start a war... you get the idea.

But the most effective, from our personal experience is to take a chance and stand up for what we believe in.

Yours, civically,

August 22, 2012 4:34 PM  
Anonymous Josh Stevens said...

Tree Watch,
Thank you for your response. However, I have a few points to add. In regard to your suggestion of recourses to govt. abuse, the only own that I would support would be secession. The other recourese just legitimize the corrupt system. For example, if we voted out a politician, code enforcement still exist, taxation would still exist (aka. legalized theft).

I just advocate the non-agression princeple: don't initiate force against anyone or their private property. For example, I won't advocate the government initiating force aginst you for smoking pot and don't use the government to use force against me for cutting down a tree on my property as these are both victimless crimes.

Lastly, if you want to have trees covering you entire yard go ahead, since this is your property. Furthermore, CONVICE your neighbors and people in the Grove neighborhood through peaceful dialogue that keepong trees in their yard with awesome canopies is very beneficial. However, please don't use the government to force your will onto other people by the barrel of a gun (which is how the government forces anything).

P.S. I think the trees and vegetation in Coconut Grove are very beautiful. However, I would rather have this be a voluntary decision so that private property rights are not violated. Thank you

August 22, 2012 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Pierce said...

Part of the reason I moved to Coconut Grove was for the beautiful and lush trees and vegetation. I agree we should have codes, that have been agreed to by the 'majority'. However, trees have rights??? Yikes, they seem to be doing better than most humans these days. As far as I can tell, mine keep 'withering' away... cheers!

August 22, 2012 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really people Josh, Treewatch and all this back and forth is ridiculous. It's a basic as trees are a staple to life and the environment period! My elementary school child can explain it to all of you including the politicians spearheading the destruction. He does not understand why people are destroying trees all over. They make oxygen, provide shade, food and shelter for other animals. It's really just simple isn't it? Don't you all get it yet?

August 22, 2012 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I hear about TreeWatch, the more I liken them to PETA, only less extreme. Perhaps you can garner more sympathy from the public by changing your name to PETT: People for the Ethical Treatment of Trees.

August 23, 2012 9:12 AM  
Blogger GroveTreeWatch said...

Anon Aug 22 11:38 pm
We get it, we get it, but we are glad to answer questions, make clarifications, etc.if it means saving a tree or 2.

Anon Aug 23 9:12 am:
Thank you for the suggestion, but we already have a name, which we like very much. Besides what would we do with that nice award the Trees Florida gave us, naming "TreeWatch" Tree Advocacy Group of the year?


August 23, 2012 10:33 PM  

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