The continuing disappointment begins

We have lived here for the past seven plus years and have watched the Grove decline. We stayed here as "sailing tourists" for ten years prior. Since we live here we have to walk past the street garbage -- human AND open trash dumps -- just to get past Johnny Rockets. Then the continuing disappointment begins.
The business closings we all know about. "Tacky" replacing the traditional. We make believe that we are still an "art district." If you live here, there is nothing you want to buy. If you are here for a business meeting you leave at the end of the day. If you are a "tourist" you leave also -- with disappointment.
We sail. We are active with regattas and support our "boating" clubs. God forbid in this economy -- I use the word Yacht Club! We do not own a boat here. We love the view, we love the sailing activity, and we are not going to leave, but we are too embarrassed to invite non-sailing family to visit.
Papered (boarded) windows, stink from exposed garbage waiting for pickup, smell the Clorox rinse in the morning at some bars, and hustlers wanting to be your new best friend. We find restaurants with deceptive advertising for "deals." Code 33 is a joke. Use it and try for service next time! These are only the tip of the iceberg of Grove issues.
We honestly know a hundred sailors who come here to sail and avoid "downtown" Grove! Overpriced, dumb help, and servers who think we owe them a pay check. This feeling also translates to the tourist who will never come back. I don't blame them. Blame it on the economy. No!
Blame it on greedy landlords? Blame it on the city -- we get announced openings for new businesses -- delayed for months due to "code enforcement." They should enforce the current code for some of the crap we deal with now. Do we have an advocate? The BID? Ha Ha. Lots of funding for them, going where? Or to whom? I don't know.
Our family spends summer at the "Jersey Shore." The Grove is now at that stage of presentation as far as I am concerned. A successful TV series -- yes!. A bad business model yes! Lets have some tee-shirt shops, tatoo parlors, piercing centers for earings, more beer and liquor, and business owners operating with cash only. Just like the "Jersey Shore! If you spend enough time here in the Grove, what is happening is obvious. Do we want to be like that?
Our few stable, long time businesses, will be here long after the other crap left. But then - WHAT WILL BE LEFT? Why are the long time restaurants full, and the new guys closing soon after opening?
We are personally not going to leave or live anywhere else. Unless the Bay becomes as polluted as this town and it's vision for business in the future. NO PLAN, NO BRAINS, NO FUTURE! GREED?????
Walt (the mad russian) Rogachenko
Coconut Grove
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"We do not own a boat here. We love the view, we love the sailing activity, and we are not going to leave, but we are too embarrassed to invite non-sailing family to visit."
That's going overboard, pardon the sailing pun.
1. As much as the Grove's vitality has declined in the past years, it's still a very enjoyable Village, with some of its original character left.
You will see thousands of people coming here for the Arts show, or the Beds race and other events. The sandbar will alsways be packed.
Monty's or Scotty's are trademark places everyone likes to visit. Not to mention places like Taurus or Calamari, out top class Movie Theaters, and classic restaurants like the "Bouchon du Grove" "Lulu" and Greenstreet cafe, Favorites among anyone who knows anything about Miami.
So relax on the hyperbolic comments there. I have no problem inviting anyone to visit in the Grove, at all. We just wish it can regain its former vitality. 2 different things. It's still a pleasure to live here.
2. About the "water views". don't get me started.. Where can you see the water unless you buy or rent a boat, or live like I do on a top floor in some building? Sad, but true.
If we opened up more Bayside Vistas for everyone,the Grove would be much more appealing and successful.
Sledge, I agree with you and I could have not stated it any better. The Grove has many things to offer we just want it to get better on all aspects day and night to make it a destination to be visited not only by tourist but by locals as well. As for the water views that is so correct I could only imagine how nice it would be to see the the ocean while walking in the arts festival.
Right! And for all the gloom and doom we hear these days about the Grove, there are also all the International Reggatta events, unique in South Fla, Latin Jazz nights at the Grove Spot (for those who enjoy great 'descargas' after a tough Wednesday on the job) or some killer Ceviche at Jaguar.
Water will reach its level, sooner than lately, especially if we get rid of the old guard at City Hall, and vote, instead of just complaining next time.
The Grove will find its plave again, as an eclectic, artistic, canopy Village along the Bay, with its historic heritage too. Just a matter of time. For now, let's enjoy what we do have.
Plus, do you know how many runners, cyclists and walkers come to the Grove every day, driving from many other communities, park their cars at the Circle, or our parks to run, bike, etc?
Just come out on Saturday or sunday mornings. Or any weekday around day break. Hundreds of us, from all over Miami come here to train and enjoy, (despite the somewhat dangerous conditions in places like S. Bayshore or Main Street)
So the possibilities are there, people like it here. Sports people, artists, tourists, ven the college kids at Sandbar. A few crucial tweaks, and we could be back in business, big time.
Plus, we just trumped South Beach in the first face off of the battle for the neighborhood with the best restaurants!
Now, if we could only do something about keeping our tree intact.
Guys – that’s all good and great. But I've been coming to the grove for over 25 years and I’ve never seen this exodus before. Yes, people WALK around the grove during the weekend, but are they conducting business. Nope. If they were, we would see a full CocoWalk and a bustling village. I served in the Chamber for three years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that politics has been a major factor in the Grove’s demise.
Answer this, why is the Grove, 3 am vs 5 am? Before you say schools, South Miami, Brickell and Downtown are all 5am. Guess what, they have schools too so that’s not the answer. And they’re all part of the same political jurisdiction.
Is it “we don’t want the UM students peeing and vomiting on the streets” the answer? And by the way, this is a direct quote from a chamber member who is/was a fervor ant supporter of the person responsible for the 3 vs 5 change. The answer is nope. UM students have found South Miami an inviting location. Yes Sandbar, Mr. Moes and Monty’s still enjoy a good UM following, but not as much as they had in the past. And I don’t see the streets running with bodily fluids in South Miami.
Local politics have created an atmosphere in the Grove that has driven any form of night club out. Why isn’t the Grove 5 am like S. Miami? Why the ridiculous 11:30 noise ordinance? Why we are not competitive? With the disappearance of the clubs, go the restaurants. With that goes commerce. I’m sure CocoWalk wouldn’t mind seeing their spaces full again. I and other fellow chamber members have been saying this for over 5 years to no avail. In fact, lets reward this with a golden coconut.
Maybe if a particular individual moved closer to Sunset Place and not two blocks from CocoWalk things might change in the Grove.
As for beating out South beach for best Neighborhood restaurants, Really? That’s an on-line voting poll. The true test is at the food and wine events. Look at the Grove’s and look at S. Beach. Who has the better places? Don’t get me wrong, we have some really good places. I should know I frequent them. But because of the decline of the grove and the absolutely asinine parking fees assessed to the business owners, we’ve lost some exceptional restaurants.
I miss what this place was and truly believe it could be great again. But leadership has to change. It has to be by and for the people.
Look at what you’ve done to the Grove.
Willie Vega
I must agree with the mad russian in full, and further point out that sledge and his comrade are turning a blind eye to the absolute blight. I lived in the grove for nearly a decade, and loved it for many years, then about 3 years ago I saw the change happening. Everything good began to die, and very little of interest or entertainment remained. I've never in my life seen a place so mismanaged on so many levels.
I moved 3 years ago, and I could not be happier that I did. I also spend my time and money in areas that are successfully building or rebuilding and doing so with effort and success. Go hang out in the design district, or Hollywood, or on Atlantic ave in Delray, or Lake worth, then come back and spend a day or night in the grove, and make an honest comparison. The grove is embarrassing itself. True story.
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