It's countdown to the City Hall showdown

Sides are building up. Someone said to me "There's going to be a lot of spandex there," meaning all the bicyclists at City Hall for the big showdown tonight. Little do they know it isn't about them.
Oddly enough, it's brought the Grove together for this one big issue. Different sides, yet one big issue on everyone's minds
In the old west it would be John El-Masry in his white cowboy hat at one end of the dirt street and Marc Sarnoff in his black hat at the other.
What will be the outcome? Same AM or death.
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What time is the meeting?
love the graphics!
shoot out at the coral:5pm High
They keep changing the time I have heard everything from 5:45 to 7 pm.
Hmm, El-Masry is in it for himself and profit...Sarnoff is thinking about the Grove..Easy choice...
HMMMMMMMM, I thimk you've got it backwards. What I heard was elmasry say he would abandon the 5:00am fight if Commissioner Sarnoff would make 3:00am for the whole district.
Either 5:00am is a bad thing or it's not.
Sarnoff could do it over night if he chose.
He won't because he's in it for himself.
anon 6:52pm -- are you Mr. Sarnoff? This is a no-brainer -- no fair if not 5am for all. Get a life. Get OUT THERE and talk to your constituency.
3:00 am citywide is fair.
Wow all the other Miami Clubs would be really upset with Mr. John El masry if he got his way with Mr. Sarnoff. They would for sure chase the white hat cowboy out of Dodge.
Hey A-hole who thinks El masry is in it for himself...what about all the employees who lost jobs, healthcare and income from this ordinance. What about the owners/investers and employees of the 3 nightclubs this ordinance put out of work jackass. A LOT of people we are talking about here...know what you are taliking about before you make stupid posts. You obviously do not make a living in the service industry
Hey. Lets all remember we have 7 Hotels in the Center Grove. Close to 1000 rooms. All spending money in other businesses here in the Grove. We also have to make a living, and because of the late noise from the clubs (check trip advisor) guests are refusing to pay for a night of no sleep. We have flight crews and hotel guests who pay for a night sleep who must go to work the next morning. Also we represent millions of dollars of property taxes to Miami Dade. Sorry about your bar people employees, but please remember the 100's of hotel employees also with families. We are in a bad economy and you must be misguided to put all the blame on the 3 am closing. Business is bad for everyone, we to are working people and are sympathetic to John's drop in business. We need to regroup. And by the way the person who wrote the comment calling everyone asshole should learn how to speak and then perhaps get a job.
Jeez Hotel guy, what did your customers do for the past 20 years when there was a 5 am in the Grove? For Gods sake guy, there wouldn't be 7 hotels and 1000 rooms to rent if it was mayhem. I remember working at Dan Marino's back in the day when NBA teams would stay at the May-Fair in the Grove and not the Beach. Shocking they didn't leave due to the noise and shocking other people decided to invest in a town that is rampid with niose at 5am. You gotta be joking hermano..i don't hear SoBe hotels complaining abou noise. Your rooms are not filled because one bar is open at 5am? Cut me a break.....Stop drinking the Sarnoff Cool-Aid
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