Cheap parking, free parking and decal parking

A new pilot program, starting February 1 will allow Grove residents to purchase yearly parking decals for $200.00. With this, a resident can park in the Center Grove without paying the meters from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. On nights and weekends, parking at the Oak Avenue Garage will be free with the decal.
Only one decal per family will be permitted during this trial period and only 100 decals will be given out during the trial period.
Cars will be monitored and none can park more than four hours in any one spot. Little dots or chalk marks on the tires will help the MPA attendants to keep track.
To get in on this, you will have to go to the MPA office downtown (190 NE 3rd Street). For more info, please call 305-373-6789.
Sandy Speier-Roche deserves all the credit for this. It was her idea for the Grove to have decal parking long ago, she worked tirelessly with the MPA over the past year or so and had never given up, even though the plan fell apart so many times. If it wasn't for all the bureaucracy, this would have been in place in July, but finally seven months later, the plan is in place.
More parking news: People who work in the Grove can get a special rate of $25.00 per month at the Oak Avenue Garage. See the parking attendant for that.
Another great thing is half price parking at the meters. This is the case after 6 pm if you pay by phone. The cost would drop from $1.50 per hour to only .75 per hour. Or for $2.00, you get four hours at the meters after 6 pm. During the day, if you pay by phone, there is a 20% discount, bringing the $1.50 per hour down to $1.20 per hour.
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Uh, Grape why dont you get a bike? That would really cut the parking costs.
Sounds like recipe for disaster to me...let's see how many ticket maids issue tix to cars with decals parked during allowed hours. And what's with those hours anyhow, 10am-6pm on weekdays is not a very attractive offer for $200! Does the MPA reeeally need to poach us Grovites time after time after time again, sheeezzzz.
First, its great to see this moving forward..
But, seriously excluding the weekends, early morning and evenings eliminates most residents. This is basically a decal for lunch.
I like the idea of a yearly pass for Grove residents. I hope this works.
I know that this has been in the works for some time and many personal hours spent to bring it to this point, but has anything every been thought about a Sunday to Thursday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM. It would be a nice incentitive to also get more locals to the restaurants and shops on slower nights.
If it ever contains some of the evening hours, even if only to 9:00 or 10:00PM, I will be first in line to by the decal.
Either way, THANK YOU for working on this Sandra. I hope this will be helpful to some of the residents of the Grove.
Anon 11:23 In response to your below issues. The meters only start at 10am so from midnight until 10 am you can already park for free now! On weekends with the decal you may park in the Oak Ave garage for free. Hope this clears up your issues.
First, its great to see this moving forward..
But, seriously excluding the weekends, early morning and evenings eliminates most residents. This is basically a decal for lunch.
This is too complicated; you have to walk around with a set of rules in your hand or tape the rules to your windshield to figure it out. Just reduce the rates - there is too much chance of error on this madness.
When I initially heard about this, I thought it was a great idea. But now that I see the price tag and the rules, this is absurd. I work all day and frequent restaurants and shops in the evenings and on the weekends. I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a pass that allowed me to park during those times. But they want $200 (!!!!) for weekday parking???? Give me a break.
Anon 3:50
Unfortunately I sleep at night and work all day outside of the Grove. Which pretty much eliminates me during those hours and most residents. I enjoy the Grove in the evenings and weekends as anon 11:17 mentioned.
This decal is mainly for those that work in the area, or are retired and get to hang out all day in the Grove. I wish I was one of them but I am not. I am not a complainer and it is a great idea but obviously these time constraints are an MPA idea trying to show like they are bending for the residents..please.
Make it Sunday to Thursday or Friday and extend the evenings and it becomes something residents can use... Why would I pay $200 to park in the Oak garage to eat at Green Street.. Whose the brains behind that idea. Mark one for the MPA.
Sandra, excellent job! Thanks for your time and effort.
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