Lots of delicious food at pot luck dinner
The Village of Center Grove (VOCG) neighbors had an old-fashioned pot luck dinner at the firehouse yesterday. There was something for everyone: bratwurst, tiramusus, chili, pesto pasta and garlic bread, suchi, pies, quiche, sweet and sour meatballs, vegetables and so much more. Lots of food was left for the firemen, there will be good eating all week.
Above, Luke tries out the fire truck with Dad Mel Meinhardt. Below Commissioner Marc Sarnoff chats with new Miami fire chief Maurice Kemp, among the neighbors at the firehouse.
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Looks like a fun event.
Important question: why is sarnoff at every photo-op possible, and always trying to manipulate people 1 on 1 behind the scenes, but afraid to engage in a public dialogue on issues in the grove?
Marc - can you or one of you minions please address the concerns that have been raised on the grapevine lately?
your silence is quite damning.
my appologies for taking this post away from its subject matter, but I thought Marc might look at it to admire himself.
There's 12 people in the picture, only one is posing. I have to say he does looks good. Say what you will but this guy is a master of media manipulation!
What a great event - hope you all do it again. Sorry that the comments above detract from the event.
Larry David,
I was there and it was nice to meet my neighbors in such a nice way! It was awful that Sarnoff should up.... he is not part of my neighborhood even they he wants to control it! i wanted to say something but I was afraid he would send code enforcement to my house! The grove does not need to "grow up" it needs to grow on! Please move away from me. Your "vision" is called Coral Gables...please run for mayor there and leave the grove alone.
Center Grovite Resident
Just FYI, from the City of Miami Municipal Code Part 1, Subpart A, Section 4 (b)- "The mayor and all other members of the city commission shall be subject to recall."
He is part of your neighborhood.
Some of you guys are turning into an angry mob.
Get a life people. Is he not behind the Commodore closures? My daughter goes to Coconut Grove Elementary---Sarnoff has done more good for those kids than any other elected official, including schoolboard. The schoolboard budget cuts hit us hard---Sarnoff is the ONLY person to intervene on our behalf. He personally, confronted the schoolboard to protect our school. That's a fact. He is truly a great guy and really cares. You may disagree with him on issues, but these petty comments are absurd.
Agreed... As much as I dislike him and his policies, the personal attacks are becoming gratuitas. It makes all our arguments look suspect if we're gunna just act like mean spirited high school kids and go after him for bulls%#@.
Please keep the comments germain to the subject matter and we'll get much further...
Right. Sarnoff looks and sounds like a good man, well-intentioned nice guy, but he's just not the right person to represent us in the Grove. Sarnoff should be working for Coral Gables, Kendall or Pinecrest. The traditional spirit of the Cocoanut Grove Village seems to escape him, issue after issue. And the City of Miami doesn't hear the Grove's specific desires and concerns loud enough through his weak voice. We all know that all too well by now. Nice guy? Sure.
Let's see what did Johnny Winton do for the Grove...hey wait he would've kept the bars open til 5am. Sarnoff is the best Comm. to come along way before J.L.Plummer -no one in this town agrees with anybody - at least he gets things done, tries new things, better to try than do nothing at all. He still has my vote.
Hi everybody.
This event was my idea. Inspired by how many recent conversations are polarizing and politicized, I thought a simple, free event could help neighbors get to know each other better. It did. (Holding a pot-luck dinner at the firehouse kept cost to zero and all could come.)
It’s a shame many blog comments posted here attempt exactly the opposite of the event’s purpose.
Those that attended said they really liked it.
Next time we hope you can come too instead of complaining anonymously from afar.
Best regards, Mel
(BTW Marc lives a block away. He’s a neighbor too.)
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