Regalado and Sarnoff will not attend Marlins ceremonies
Regalado not only feels it is hypocritical to attend, but he says he won't step foot in the stadium unless the city's fire and police departments can when duty calls.
You see, if trouble or a fire breaks out, the Miami-Dade County fire and police handle that not the city of Miami departments, even though the stadium is on city land, which, by the way, was actually given away to the Marlins for free. This does not sit right with Regalado and many others.
This may be a good thing though, since the county is currently cutting salaries and jobs and the City of Miami likes to piss money away, especially on the fire and police department salaries. Maybe the county should keep an eye on that tab.
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Probably just as well the City of Miami firefighters are not handling the ballpark. They would probably want a raise.
hehehehe....thats actually kinda witty.
Kinda sad that the Miami cops and fire cant go in there.
Google Edison high fight
Miami dade cops were there instead.....needless to say it was a mess. Miami Police although expensive had a good track record in large events.
Think small, be small.
Anon: 10:34 AM - Don't think so!
I'd love to see a fraction of that investment go into Grand Ave to help finance public/private developments or in the parts of this city that look like true post-apocalyptic wastelands. Who runs Barter-Town? Master Blaster!
I am still in shock that 90 million dollar bond is going to cost 1.4 billion dollars.
Sarnoff is a hypocrite for saying he was/is against the stadium. He was for it from the beginning. (I think Manny promised him a streetcar in the deal.) At community meetings he repeatedly said he was in favor of it.
Finally in the face of polls showing voters were sharply against the boondoggle, he voted against it BUT ONLY IN THE VOTE THAT DIDN'T MATTER. The vote that did matter, where there had to be a super-majority to give the deciding no-bid contract, he voted "Hell yeah, build that stadium!" Sarnoff was like David Kennedy on the Supreme Court... the one and only swing vote on which both the city and county deals hinged. By voting for the no-bid contract, he decided we would have this stadium. He could have killed it and didn't.
He then wrote a letter to the community that he had to vote for it "to make the world safe for democracy" (paraphrasing his words). And now he is trying to re-write history, as if he was really against it! Crimonelly!
Actually, at the same meetings, Sarnoff would vent on how the city of Miami will be bankrupt in short order because labor agreement costs have a sharp upward trend and city income has a sharp downward trend; he estimated the lines would cross "in a year or so." He was so concerned he hosted showing of the movie IOU.S.A. at city hall.
So, actually, stadium bonds probably won't be a problem because we'll just default. Buying stadium bonds today is like buying bonds in General Motors a year ago.
--John S.
Actually it would have been good for us. The Marlins would have to PAY the Miami Police and Fire Fighters per hour for being there.
Now that money goes to Miami Dade to feed their pensions.
Point of fact - City of Miami land contributed to the project was actually deeded to Miami-Dade County, not the Marlins. Doesn't change the nature of a bad deal for the County and taxpayers, but an important point to clarify nonetheless.
Keep up the good work keeping us informed.
But in the American Airlines Arena Miami sold the land and also was given the Miami Police and Fire Fighter control
Eventhough Regalado was not there the FOP was(they were wearing shirts that had the logo) with 3 cars parked across the stadium with big signs. I don't get it... he wants his cake and eat it too.
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