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Monday, June 15, 2009

Overheard . . .

One of the dogs was panting very heavily, a man walked by and said to the lady, "He needs a Budweiser," She replied in a very thick Russian accent, "I know, he is very thirsty."

Guess the whole world knows Budweiser.

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Anonymous gifted said...

God I love Miami

June 15, 2009 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor pug! no way the pug can keep up with greyhounds on a walk. with its double coat of hair, tiny nose and short legs.

love pugs!

please don't exercise pugs with greyhounds.

June 15, 2009 2:53 PM  
Anonymous swlip said...

In some places, the name is even associated with good beer. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budweiser_Budvar

June 15, 2009 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe she is Bulgarian actually.

June 15, 2009 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:53-

Does that woman look like she is exercising by any stretch of the imagination?? She is holding a huge purse and wearing flip flops.

June 15, 2009 3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and shes yappin on the phone with her right hand!

June 15, 2009 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure hope the large handbag is to hold and carry all the dumps those guys must be landing.

June 15, 2009 7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK ...time to turn this into a typical Blog rant...But my neighbors and I just spent the better part of two solid days adding new mulch and putting in sod, as well as cleaning and sweeping the curb gutters and pressure-washing the sidewalk (City property) to improve the look of the neighborhood and within a couple of hours our newly mulched area was full of dog crap. We are on Bird. My wife and I walked to the new neighborhood Bistro the other night and for most of the short 3 block walk all you could smell was dog poop. C'mon people I don't want to live with your DOG SH_T. Please clean up after them! Thanks

Len Scinto

June 16, 2009 10:23 AM  
Anonymous that guy said...

Thanks for that rant, Len. It really can't be said enough. We have dumped considerable resources into providing two humongous dog parks into the grove (necessary?, didn't see a vote on that). Not only the cost of building them and maintaining them, but also the cost of losing two great parks for anyone who doesn't own a dog, or love the smell of dog Sh**, and the general nuisance they create.

Then these spoiled grove pet owners walk their dogs threw the neighborhood failing to clean up after them on top of it. I literally feel infringed upon by this over-represented portion of the population.

Of course much of the blame goes to Sarnoff, who will do everything in his power to protect this group, including overseeing the spending of our money and physical resources. At least we should enfore these necessary laws.

I'd be willing to bet (with no proof or data whatsoever) that there hasn't been a failure to poop-scoop citation given out in the grove in a long time. One more thing our so-called police force won't keep an eye on. Embarrassing - this is an easy way to clean up the grove people.

Finally, I'm not anti-dog or anti pet owner, I just want people to act right, and I cannot understand for the life of me why we created a stinky eyesore out of the only section of our parks with a bay view - why are the dogs entitled to a view but I'm not???

June 16, 2009 6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that guy:

As a regular at Blanche Dog Park, I disagree with a lot of what you are saying. Our park is one of the best "community places" in the Grove, and everyone knows each others' names and all of the dog names for the most part. I even live with someone I met in the dog park over a year ago, and some of my best friends here in Miami were people I have met there.

Most of us regulars take issue with the fact that people do not clean up the poop at our park. The problem is that over the weekends, many people from outside the Grove come to the park, and don't observe many of our rules. Just the other day, another regular and I picked up at least two dozen poops on our own that had been left there over the weekend.

Our park has had little investment in it since it was first built. We had two beautiful (but dead) trees taken out, yet are still waiting for the City to replace them months later in order for us to have some shade. There are mud pits, piles of mulch that gather disease.. and much more wrong with our parks because of a lack of funding or action.

The chairs in the park were donated by members, not the City.

To all of you who don't pick up after your dogs either in the park or on the street, thanks for giving the rest of us a bad name.

-Stephen Murray

June 16, 2009 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has only been a month or so since the trees came down and it is a process to grind the stumps and get the proper replacement trees or they won't take. The soil has to be tested also to be sure it is not contaminated so the new trees are not at risk. Let's take the time to do it right.

June 16, 2009 9:17 PM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

Couldnt agree more about people in the Grove rarely picking up after their dogs. Every year when the weather starts to get humid outside, the Grove smells like a giant turd. Its unfortunate that dog owners cant pick up after their pets, and yes, some bad apples will spoil the whole damn bunch. Id love to see someone get a ticket for that though just to watch them suffer hilarious embarrassment. I think its hard for a police officer to stalk dog dumping though...

June 17, 2009 1:05 AM  
Anonymous that guy said...

Let's assign one of the meter maids to be a poop maid. I'm far more offended by dog Sh** than I am by someone staying at a meter a little too long.

Stephen, I'm sure you do appreciate and love that park. It's great that you have made friends there and enjoy it. That was the point of my comment though, that the park was taken from those of us who don't have dogs and given to those that do. I think the dog park at kennedy park is overkill, disgusting, and an eyesore.

June 17, 2009 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that guy:

From what I know, before that park became a dog park, it was a huge drug central. There are many parks in the Grove for non-dog owners to use.

I am not a fan of Kennedy Park for a few reasons, the first of which is that it is located in a terrible spot of Kennedy (right near the water which makes sitting next to it terrible because no one there picks up the poop). The problem with Kennedy is that it is not mostly regulars and since there isn't such a sense of community there, people aren't as "trained" to pick up after their dogs because there is no pressure to. At Blanche, you will see people ignore that their dog is going to the bathroom, and then another person will say to them "hey you need to pick up after your dog" and they almost always do.

June 17, 2009 2:37 PM  
Anonymous that guy said...

Exactly Stephen, I think we have the same feeling about Kennedy then. What do you think of the idea of assigning a meter maid as poop maid there, to straighten it out?

That one just upsets me as I live right next to the park and really used to enjoy the use of that area before it got trashed and stunk up. I would go down there most weekend mornings (not so much at night, so I didn't notice any drug issues, and I was there last friday at 11 or so on a walk with my girl and didn't see a soul).

On another side note, that tiny wooden bridge is embarrassing - we should have a nice deck/boardwalk area there - would be so nice. It's a great view, but it's just not taken advantage of.

June 18, 2009 10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that unless there was a change in a law that allowed Public Service Aides (who are generally the ones that patrol those areas) the ability to issue citations for failure to pick up animal waste. I think that City Park Rangers are allowed to, but it would be difficult to enforce inside of a dog park. In my opinion, the best way to make a change is to ask people to pick up after their dogs and put some peer pressure on. That seems to work well in Blanche Park as I said earlier.

I agree about that little wooden walkway. It doesn't go anywhere. I've been advocating for us to be given a beach in the Grove. It would cost a lot upfront, but I think it would help us get that competitive edge we've been missing. We have miles of waterfront in the Grove yet no way to really enjoy it unless you own a boat or just want to look at the water. For Grove residents, we have to either go to Key Biscayne (which costs $1.50 for toll, $5 to get onto either Crandon Park or Bill Baggs, plus gas and time wasted in traffic on US1) or we go to South Beach which is extremely far and you end up paying an arm and a leg in parking. On top of that, we are funneling money into those municipalities rather than spending it here in the Grove.

Just a thought.

June 18, 2009 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen et al.

I'm not sure of the beach idea although I like the sentiment of getting more use of the water front. This area shouldn't really have beaches (geomorphology) but even if you put one there you might not want to g in the water due to the fecal coliform.

Len Scinto

June 18, 2009 1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Guy, Len and Stephen:

Important regarding the poop scoop and leash law City Ordinance 12189.

When Officer Audrey Eckhart and then Village Council Marc Sarnoff started with the Grove Dog Parks part of them being allowed was this City Ordinance 12189 allowing progressive ticketing $50-$500 for repeat and multiple offenders. The signs were made but the Citations were never made or entered into any system that would need to process the Citations. In other words in theory this is illegal but there is not a way currently set up to enforce. Now this should be done ASAP as this was established many years ago, coudle be a great revenue stream for the City and the Grove and most people get into arguments about picking up poop and Kennedy Park aka Poop Park is gross so are many sidewalks. I also think since MPA is always arounf and like to stalk people they should be the enforcers of this Ordinance and give out the fines. They can follow people with the dogs and bam on the spot give out tthe Citations after they watch the dog owners leave their poop behind. Also our City of Miami Police Department officers most likely do not wnat to be poop enforcers. But giveing out parking Citations is pretty shitty anyway so enforcing this should go hand in hand with MPA staff.

Hoepfully this background helps, and can be verified by contacting our NRO's or Commander Martin or Sarnoff's office.

June 18, 2009 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeah one of my friends is a researcher at NOAA and does a lot of water testing in our area. He has told me something along those lines. In order for the beach idea to work, the state would have to invest in getting our water cleaned up (which should be done anyway, as in a few years it could be bad enough that we won't have any beaches that aren't contaminated). I would really like to see the ability for the Grove to really use its Waterfront to promote local tourism though.

June 18, 2009 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picking up dog poop should be a very easy act! Keep plastic baggies next to your door or near leash. Dog poops, zip out the baggie and clean it up! Continue walking doggie to nearest garbage can and throw away baggie.
You keep everyone happy, including the dogs. Do you like it when your dog smells other dogs poop?
I sure don't! Form the habit of cleaning after your dog and you'll make everyone happy!

June 18, 2009 9:55 PM  

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