The "Welcome" sign is not welcome

They were passing out "Welcome" signs to Grove businesses to put in their store windows for Monday's Pow Wow night.
The businesses that have these signs are sure to draw business on Pow Wow night from the travel industry coming to town. In fact, I told Dave that it looks so nice as you walk around town and see these signs yelling out, "Welcome." It actually makes a difference.
Well, the usual suspects refused to participate. The same ones who refused to participate in the Toy Drive at Christmas time. I told Ingrid she was wasting her time and sure enough, the whole block of corporate companies refused to carry the sign in the window -- FedEx/Kinkos, Shaq 24 Hour Fitness, Johnny Rocket's and so on. I think the only corporate company on that block that ever participates is Smoothie King. This is a part of what is wrong with the Grove.
The Kinkos never seems to be open during regular hours anyway, and I suppose they don't want to welcome the Pow Wow people. Jeff's UPS store down the block is always on board with Grove issues. They carry the sign.
I guess the travel agents and writers care more about drinking and eating anyway, but it seemed like a nice gesture to be one of the gang and say "Welcome" with the rest of the village. Even the Pablo and Alex and the guys at the Allure hair salon put the sign in the window and I doubt the Pow Wow people will stop in for a haircut, but it's a case of having spirit.
The whole block from the salon on down have placed the signs -- Siam Oishi, Color Me Mine, Aladdin's, Boardwalk Pizza and so on. As you walk through the Grove, you'll see the signs in windows.
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What you're not understanding is that corporations have to play by a different set of rules. Unfortunately we live in a litigious society and the bigger you are, the more vulnerable you are to frivolous lawsuits. I manage a store for a large corporation and as part of my training I was told in no uncertain terms that we are not to allow postings of any kind in our window. What happens when I agree to post the sign for a church event, but refuse to post one for a neo-nazi group? The nazis claim discrimination and sue. If I do post it, I get sued by the folks who find it reprehensible. It sounds ridiculous but it's a fact of life. The same residents of the Grove would be the first ones to file a lawsuit. Lay off the corporations and their managers. If they're like my company, allowing postings could cost them their jobs. Maybe you'd prefer they all go and leave even more ugly empty retail space?
Allison R.,
I know that you meant well and do not doubt that this is what you were told by your corporate poobahs, but also be aware that this is nothing more than gutless claptrap from the legal eagles. A private business is free to put anything they want in their store window as long as it doesn't violate local zoning codes. It's called free speech. As for frivolous lawsuits, those pretty much go away when it's pointed out to the filer that they will be eating the legal costs (for both sides). One can appreciate that the corporations are reluctant to give local managers any discretion whatsoever, but let us not kid ourselves that there is some higher "legal" issue at play here. By all means, do whatever you need to do to keep your job; just don't believe everything you're told.
Don't knock Kinko's. The cannot put sign up but they are good neighbors.
I think Kinkos is great. They are always courteous, friendly and fast service. Nothing ever gets lost. Unlike the Post Office down the street which has been anything but a good neighbor. A few appearances for PR by the head honcho and all seems to be forgotton. I bet they (Post Office) do not put up a sign in their window.
Allison is right. Regardless of the outcome of some dumb lawsuit, it still tarnishes a company's brand image. These businesses should not be put down for not participating though. Lemme ask you this... If I were to ask you to help me with something, would you be anymore willing to help if I said that you would be a big jerk if you didnt help? Kindness and understanding go a long way, Grape.
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