Roaming peaocks to be Grove mascot?

The gas lights were an image on some letterheads and things, but since they are going away, maybe something does need to replace that image.
The slogan for the Grove could be "Visit Coconut Grove - where the Peacocks are wild, as well as the people!"
I still like "We put the nut in Coconut Grove," better.
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The Chamber already has palm trees as their logo. Maybe the Micanopy homeowners assn. could use the peacock as their logo if they all could agree on it.
I like the Peacock logo idea> we do have Peacock park after all. It would work really well.
Plus they're wild, colorful, loud, exotic and territorial just like us Grovites.
Do not insult us Groveites by saying we are territorial as the odds of the newcomers are absolutely against us and territorial means and translates into absolutely nothing. Do not even begin to compare us to some stupid, mindless beautiful colorful igonrant feathered creature who does nothing but walk about looking for a free handout and meal. Your mentality is what is bad about all of humanity and Wal-Marts.
Love the Peacock mascot idea. Palm trees too boring. Plus the peacocks have a story behind them here in the Grove. Invitation for your own personal peacock stories. Don't have any interesting personal stories on the palm tree saga here in the Grove. Love it!
I think the peacock idea is great. My best peakcock story is when I almost had one fly INTO my truck while I was driving. Sadly this didnt happen in the grove but on the other side of US1. The guy had one as a pet and he jumped from the second floor of his home. And almost into my car window while I was turingn on a rotunda
Yeah, how innapropriate would it be to use a boring coconut palm as the symbol for "Coconut Grove".
I like the peacocks and my visiting friends and family definitely see them as a novelty but I think they are such a small and isolated thing that they don't represent the entire Grove very well.
'Putting the NUT in Coconut' has got to be the best slogan I've heard, and I always like seeing that strutting Mango character, but if we're talking about a logo that can be embroidered on shirts, put on park benches, etc... it's gotta be a coconut palm.
The pharase you suggested should be, "Let's Put the Nut Back in COconut Grove". It was created by a pilot named Mike in 1983 for the King Mango Strut. It has been the parade's main slogan ever since.
I give Mike the pilot mad props ;-)for his creation then!
My granddaddy used to use that expression when I was a little whippersnapper. I think the saying was around long before Mike himself was a whippersnapper.
Peacock and palm tree intertwined somehow...? Keep everyone happy. Plus it could open the door to a lot of imaginative logos.
We're creative people (sole exception of bitter anon 9:46 who foists his negativity on everything Grape reports).
Windish-Hunt could host a logo competition...
RAS, Anon 9:46 probably read all those negative comments in the Grape months ago when everyone within 3 blocks of those Peacocks seem to hate the birds and wanted them hauled away. Sure the feathers are beautiful, but dumb to use as Grove logo since in reality those around this bird actually hated the noise, they eat the flowers and gardens and poop all over the place. People always dislike reality, but some of us actually love reality and speak the truth!
Perception: Reality
I appreciate everyone's comments even the negative ones. The reality is stores and restaurants are closing in our village. Hotels are vacant and the economy is in a recession.
The idea was more of a marketing idea to attract visitors to the Grove. Yes the peacocks are loud messy and sometimes a nuisance But to visitors to South Florida from the cold North it is something that could might spark their attention!
Boca Raton uses the flamingo on all of their marketing and have for years.
It is an opportunity for us to try to rebrand the Grove in a unique and hopefully attention grabbing way!
I have some ideas I want to present to the BID and Chamber. I still love the palm trees - that will never go away. And the Put the nut back in Coconut Grove how fun - I remember that from my childhood.
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