Think twice before you call Vice
He said that as the Grove changes, more people are going to come out and drink and laugh and maybe be a little loud. Village Council member, Liliana Dones agreed. She felt a "discussion panel" with key residents might be a good thing. She felt that residents are going a little overboard with their noise complaints. She feels that if you live in an urban situation, you need to yield to the fact that there will be some noise.
She thought a town hall type meeting might be a good thing.
Village Council member Felice Dubin, says the complainers and the merchants need to hash it out and maybe the ordinances need to be amended because the police are just following the law. So if a complaint comes in, they need to respond, even if it is 10 pm and light jazz is flowing through the air. If light jazz bothers someone at that hour, they are allowed to complain, as lame as that sounds.

Keep in mind that when the police are called for noise complaints, they are being detoured from 911 calls, which are usually emergencies.
Dave said, that unfortunately, there are people who are just too wound up and they have been wound for a long time and they just reap what they sow. It's true, we live in a community where people should not be wound up. Keep saying this mantra: "Shop, dine, unwind."
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
when it gets so your hearing is diminished, it doesn't really matter - the rest of you...get some earplugs people!
When a rooftop club blasts music til 3am and the sound flows in the direction of your bedroom or your hotel room, it is gonna be a different story. Remember sound is different on the ground level than it is on upper levels. The people who don't think it is an issue are not affected by it or don't have to get up and go to work the next day.
The complainers - particularly the lame asses who made/ are making effort to keep the (potential) noise down from a restaurant that hasn't even opened yet, live way the hell down bayshore and are no where near the heart of the grove. It is impossible for this particular person to hear a sound (other than a sonic boom) originating at Temple, let alone 3484 Main highway.
Some people like to complain. Especially when they're filled with a sense of entitlement and little else. (particularly good sense)
The noise polution police (who ever they are) made it full circle. Last friday the police received a noise complaint about street level music coming from the center district; more specific around the Mayfair Hotel. Offcourse the investigating officers came to my store and found no real violation however it was reported and they had to investigate. I was, as usual, ending at around 11 pm, so they left it as is, but they promised to be back tonight to 'monitor' the street level noise rule of 100 feet. This 'annominous' complaint came from a Grove resident, not a neighbor (complaints are indentified when they call or e-mail). I personally have nothing to hide and when my friday music (till 11 PM) is causing problems, I am more than ready to make changes. Over 3 years I have paid and tried to have some sort of 'Grove' atmosphere. It might now be crushed by these over sensitive noise complainers who think they are having their momentum and pushing, leaving the city no choice but to investigate. I have pitty on them (the complainers), they need to get a life; their issues are not shared by the majority - a specific complaint from my neighbors, I understand; a general complaint at 10 pm to complain ...?
Give me a break.
I stay at the Sonesta and never have a problem with Temple, Sandbar, Fat Tuesday or any of the other Grove bars and clubs. But Cabana One takes it to a whole other level. You can hear them from Bayshore Drive and from Peacock Park. Imagine what I hear from my windows at speaker level. Someone is getting paid off for this to continue.
Sound proof your windows or build a bunker, if you can afford to live next to the entertainment district then you can sound proof your home. In fact you should be required b law to do sound proofing so we do not have to hear your bitching.
Anon 2:55, please feel free to keep your anonymity, but I have 5 questions for you before I call BS. 1) which building do you live in? 2) how old are you? 3)what time does this incideous noise continue until 4) do your windows close or is your residence completely open air, 5) have you ever lived in a city?
I've lived in a lot of different cities, and I've never, NEVER, heard one as quiet and reasonable as Miami, particularly coconut grove.
Oh, and I have two close friends with residences on each side of Cabana One, who have no complaints about it, so I'm wondering. I've also been in those residences on Friday night, and not noticed or been bothered.
Also, are you worried about weeknights or weekends?
I live near the Fresh Market and love to hear some music coming all the way from Monty's or when there's a party next door at Double Tree Hotel.
That's one of the reasons I moved here 4 years ago. I wish I could hear the Live Jams at Scotty's during the weekend nights, heck just walk over there.. In Central Grove : The more Music and Arts the better. Period.
"Lilliana loved that idea and suggested having a resident as a co-chair, so both sides are covered. Anyone? Anyone?"
Sure! I volonteer for that.
Carlos Iglesia
I love that everyone is finally supporting the bars and nightclubs in the Grove. If only this could have happened sooner, we would still have our 5am bars and the Grove would not be a graveyard. Let's see how we can change things back to how they were. Anyone?
I live in the South Grove.....and on some weekends hear a Bass drifting on the breeze when the wind blows my way. To me it,s a sure sign of people having FUN.....I love it !
It would take a concerted effort, neighbors organizing themselves, the Village people here.. this new Barracuda guy..
But I bet about 80% of all Grove residents would vote for more music, more Arts in the Street (with a reasonable measure of civility of course) and bringing back the 5am bar closings. Business owners would vote in favor of that at 98.57%, local Grovites would vote in favor, ok, let's say 72.37%.
We're grown ups, but guys like Sarnoff are telling us when to go to bed or how to behave. Is this Cuba or China? certainly no democracy or half-decent real representation in our Cocoanut Grove Village.
For those of You who feel that insulting and calling names to those people that don't agree with you is simply ignorant . For those of you that speak of living in an urban area and enjoying the sounds of music and success flowing from nearby businesses is all well and good. However if you were in the shoes of those people who are subjected to three nights a week of constant banging and screaming of something that is clearly not music coming from a Rooftop Bar you would feel differently. Cabana One is operating on the roof a building blaring into the night with total disregard for any of their neighbors, and feeling that the law doe's not apply to them. They should take the noise indoors. I urge you to please respect the opinion of all of us and stop the name calling you are embarrassing yourselves. One more thing have you slinging insults stopped long enough to think of property values and Hotel and restaurant revenue when guests will not return because of excessive noise?
I live right across from Cabana One and am awake at all hours due to a heavy travel schedule. There hasn't been one time where their music kept me up.
The problem with people in Miami is that they always have to worry about what everyone else is doing. They get irritated when people don't act in the way that they seem they should. Miami is a CITY. People need to learn to deal with others and move on. Life is too short to be getting all bent over a little music.
WE moved here from Manhattan. Yes we sure know about noise. When we purchased our waterfront condo in 2001 things were always under control as far as noise living in here in the Grove. Yes some special nights were really loud, and yes we do understand Urban living. But with hundreds of condos surrounding the newly opened Cabana One many of our lives have changed. We are a very strong voting, tax paying group who just want to sleep at night. Maybe Blind Man is also Deaf Man and living on a low floor where the music is not such a problem?
Certain floors and certain directions get the noise when others don't - what is so hard to understand about that. Talk to the manager of Sonesta to see the money they are losing from unhappy guests who won't return.
The noise does not all go in the same direction. Sometimes you won't hear it at street level and sometimes you won't hear it on either side BUT you will hear it if it is carried higher up at a certain level. NOBODY BOUGHT A RESIDENCE HERE TO BE PREVENTED FROM GETTING A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP.
Or is that pay-roll. And who is on the Cabana One
payroll, allowing a clear
abuse of the existing law?
I love walking past Johnny Rocket, Temple, and the many other establishments
and hearing their brand of
music. However, I do not hear their music across the street or on the next block.
That is the reason for laws and not anarchy. Remember the way it is supposed to work?
Your Rights End when they
Violate My Rights.
Go yell fire in a crowded theater, or better yet -
just go away!
The Mad Russian
Its really simple:
Just enforce the existing laws.
People are really getting pissed off!! Who is being "paid off"?
You know what? People who don't like the Grove can just leave it. We're not keeping you here. We're not forcing you to listen to any obnoxious music (that I somehow don't hear when I'm IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GROVE AT 3am walking home). Maybe some people should just find the exit and pray it doesn't hit them where the good lord split them.
Oh and, props to Adam from Cuda for stepping up! That's my favorite bar in the whole damn town.
Dear Nimrod. Helloooo. When you are walking home at 3:00 am the music (By law) has already Stopped!! Maybe that is why you donot hear it??. We who live in the beautiful waterfront downtown community of Coconut Grove are not going to leave. Although we pay very high Dade taxes and huge maintenance fees this is our Home. Because of a unlicensed club like Cabana One entertaining a majority of outsiders who mostly donot shop at our retail stores, or dine in our wonderful restaurants. They just come into town to rip it up away from their own homes most probably far from Grove.
Hey Grape. Looks like Mother Nature must read your Blog. Thanks for the RAIN tonight. We need It, & The rooftop Outdoor Club Cabana One is CLOSED Tonight! To Bad So Sad......
Hey Nimrod,
Isn't it great that we have such a wonderful forum for the great uninformed.
The next time I stagger home at 3 Am - - please
let me know where you live.
I can pee and poop, on your stoop. The same
offensive act as the noise from Cabana One has on us.
And guess what? Mine doesn't stink like Cabana One and the inaction from law enforcement and our lofty Miami politicians.
Some of those in the surrounding buildings dont complain. And why?
First of all, by the time they can afford to live here, they are pretty old.
They go to bed by 9. They need Viagra to stay "up".
If they are "up", they cant hear the music. If they do hear it, they quickly forget what they heard. They try to dial 911and instead push 401K. That number is gone!
I just have to laugh at most of you A**H****s.
I AM one of those old guys. Huh???
Lets just let everyone do whatever they want. It will really help promote the quality of the Grove.
But I guess, quality is really spelled - $$$$$$$!
It is so easy to be righteous when it does not affect you. When Home Depot wanted to open the same people saying live and let live, let the drunks run wild, let the illeagle bar roar from the rooftop and distroy peoples lives and property values you were not so let the Grove be the Grove then! It is so easy when the crap is not flowing into your homes! It is not about one bar it is a ROOFTOP bar. Take it inside and blast your own building into distruction!Try to have the good sense to see that the damage being done by this one outrageous joke is at the expense of many other businesses that are loosing tourism coming back to the Grove. Wake up and smell the stink!
I love the mantra. Maybe it should be a shirt - if you haven't already made it one.
I'm loving this, but I still have not had any of my questions answered by any of the complainers. Why must they avoid specifics? why must they not reveal what building they are in? why must they not say what days and times? why must they not admit that the only time they hear the noise is when they have windows or balcony doors open?
While I'm not as radical or or quick to say - "hit the bricks, ya fogies" as nimrod and some others. Please complainers, do yourselves a favor and quit with the hyperbole and generalizations. Such BS can never be proven or disproven and I think that's your point or mode of operation - to complain without specifics so that you can set up a dichotomy where it's you or them - and not look for other solutions.
PS. I live in the grove and I like Cabana one - go check it out sometime - it's fun.
Hey That Guy. IT is not only one building. It is a combination of surrounding buildings including the hotel guests of the Mayfair. Check out trip advisor for Mayfair Hotel. It is all about mold and noise problems from the Rooftop Club Cabana One. Times of noise are Thursday, Friday, Saturday form 8 pm to 3 am. By the way the doors are closed windows are closed, a/c on and tv on which we cannot hear because of the blasting music from the Rooftop Cabana one. Ask some of the Police offers who specialize in the Grove, they have been up to our Condo during these times and have admitted this is totally out of control. Next time you visit your favorite club ask the floor manager Kimberly Acker she has been to many meetings at city hall about this on going problem. The old days of sleeping with our doors open and window open are now history, until this club is closed down. When these two NYC owners came up with the idea of a rooftop club, HELLO they are going to have noise problems from all their neighbors. Maybe South Beach it would fly. Not here in a neighborhood village like Coconut Grove.
I just read all the comments above and from what I can tell all the specific complaints are about Cabana One, not about other Grove businesses. It is irresponsible to blame an entire restaurant/bar community for one business's actions. Since they are a rooftop bar maybe special attention needs to be paid to them by law enforcement, but take that up with them instead of railing against the Grove as a whole.
We have an active council, police presence is always around, and both should be utilized.
The Grove has an absolute right to conduct business in adherence to laws. Find a constructive way to deal with the issue and place specific blame on the guilty, not the entire community.
The Grove is about business - the people who shop, eat, drink, and hang out here spend money and pay taxes the same way homeowners do - everyone has to coexist or the Grove itself will suffer.
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