Pan American Airlines museum in the Grove?

The Pan Am Seaplane Base at Dinner Key, is important in the history of the aviation.
All the old airplane hangers are still standing and being used, i.e. The Fresh Market, Grove Harbour, etc. and the old Pan Am terminal is City Hall.
While many people like the idea of turning City Hall into a museum, the merchants would like to possibly put the museum in the central business district. People can then be taken over to the terminal and hangers.
This photo is of the old airport lobby (now City Hall). The old globe is now housed at the Miami Science Museum, here in the Grove.
Apparently a phone call or two would bring out all of the old Pan Am items: uniforms, brochures, plans, photos, promotional items, advertisements, etc. Lots of remarkable history. I ran into one of the Grove characters this weekend and she told me she was the one instrumental in getting city hall renovated and then she started crying when she talked about a reunion with old pilots and flight crews at City Hall some years back, after the renovation. Pan Am is still very special to many people.
The museum would be an attraction that people would come out of their way to see -- flying and aviation buffs would love it. Travelers and history buffs would also appreciate it.
Photo courtesy of Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
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There is a new and pretty popular airline themed restaurant recently opened on Ocean Drive.
It is generating a lot of good PR.
I recommend that it be studied for the possibility of returning our Historic Pan Am Airport building to a function more beneficial to our Grove Village then the seat of
Miami City Hall.
Placing the City of Miami Government in our Coconut Grove Pan Am Airport buildings reminds me of the Spaniards desecrating the Aztec and Inca temples after they conquered those lands.
It is long overdo for Miami City Hall to move out of Coconut Grove.
The City of Miami government must be located in or near downtown where they can do the most good for Miami.
We in the Grove can certainly make better use of our historic airport building then continue to permit our elected leaders to be spoiled with a waterfront location for
their offices.
Our historic Grove building has recently been restored to its full glory and is looking First Class.
Lets move out the Mayor and commissioners to Business Class in downtown.
Lets turn this iconic building into a Coconut Grove Museum like they plan for Coral Gables.
Lets include the history of Coconut Grove, Pan Am and why the Grove has and will always remain special and unique.
This building could also include a Grove gift shop wear locale artist could be represented.
Tours could be conducted.
It would be educational, fun and generate more visitors to Coconut Grove.
There could be a café or even a waterfront restaurant like in the good old days.
Lets make an effort to reclaim our Grove airport building and find another location for City Hall that is more business and less pleasure.
We really don’t want our government to feel that they are on a holiday with all those boats and water view so close by.
We want our government to see the problems in downtown such as the poor, homeless, empty shops, broken sidewalks, lack of trees, un-maintained parks,
traffic and crime that all requires their full attention and fixing.
Before we call the moving company, we may also wish to consider relocating the Chamber office and NET office out of Precook Park’s Glass House.
Our Grove Glass House could serve our community much better as a working community center for kids and adults on the NET side and an outdoor café on the
Chamber side like those found in world-class parks such as Bryant Park in Midtown Manhattan and Luxemburg Park in Paris.
Lets replace the offices of our bureaucrats with considerably less auspicious surroundings and return our Grove buildings to our community where they belong.
Harry Emilio Gottlieb
Anon 12:22, you look new to this blog, to the Grove. I think you make one other comment. Very intelligent & through as in may have some ideas. Do you suggest a business model for the Grove and/or such a community such as ours?
Since Jobie has managed to miss the fact that Mr. Gottlieb is a longtime Grove resident and a regular contributor to this blog, I suggest that he be banned from the comment section as long as he persists in stepping up to the plate without a bat.
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