"No wonder nobody comes here anymore"

These spots sit there empty, unless a confused person parks there and them BAM, the tickets come flying. This is entrapment.
Our posts are picked up daily by the wire services. That one made Reuters and the whole world is now reading about Coconut Grove's parking issues.
Now for another story: Yesterday, a guy had a ticket on his car. He was parked at one of these signs. When I asked him what the problem was he said, "I didn't understand the sign, but there was a cop parked at the spot in front of me, which also had the same sign. He saw me pay for parking, he saw me put the receipt in the window and he didnt' say a thing. He waited until I left and he ticketed me."
His girlfriend responded, "No wonder no one comes here anymore."
I asked here what she meant. She said, "I work at a store at CocoWalk and it is always dead."
Ironically, the Meter Fairy will start handing out free parking passes today on Commodore Plaza. Too little, too late?
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Those passes will be for the Oak Street Garage if you spend $20 - but who is going to walk from there to get to Commodore. We need some free time for the those wicked parking stations - the ones you can't read at night because they don't light up.
The Parking MESS is a huge issue for the Grove. A non-issue for our adjacent Cities that Govern themselves.
The Cocoanut Grove Village is simply at the mercy of the City of Miami's money sharks. Hence the Mess. Ask Sarnoff, see what he does about this and many other pathetic local issues.
It is a "TOUR BUS LOADING ZONE"! What are we not understanding? Not a loading zone for merchandise, etc. You can't park there from 7AM-6PM from Monday to Saturday-PERIOD. After 6PM until 6:59AM the next day Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday you can park for 3 hours. Geez. Are we trying to prove that Coconut Grove residents are stupiod or illiterate or both? There are rules that are to be followed. We can't just decide they shouldn't exist because we find them inconvenient.
if you can't park there 7AM to 6 PM, Mon through Sat, then that's clear enough, but why does it say MON-FRI above that???
Actually the sign can mean-- no parking 24 hrs all day 2 mon to sat because it is a tour bus loading zone -- and then a tow away zone mon - sat 7am -6pm which would mean 3 hrs parking WHEN ??? . And I read English. Do the people who write the sign ?
Obviously it is a problem or hundreds of people a weekend or maybe thousands wouldnt be getting ticketed. the cops are picking them off one at at time. the sign needs to be changed to "parking on sundays only" or to really be fair remove the signs alltogether.
the cops know they have a trap there or they would not spend 12 hours a day in that spot picking cars off one at a time. they are slimey cops to do this and not see there is a problem there.
Anon @ 631p and NSK are spot on. Entrapment? Pul-eeze. Try parker ignorance or incompetence. Its really easy to read, if you actually take the time. The spot is a tour bus loading zone and a tow away zone. You cant park there from 7am to 6pm. After 6p and before 7am the following day, you may park there in 3 hour intervals. The sign is also red with the classic "no parking" symbol on the top. This says, "warning!" The sign is warning you that if you park there, you will be ticketed. But for some reason Grovites cant understand that. JUST DONT PARK THERE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!
Saying that this is the reason Cocowalk is dead is a total crock. There is plenty of parking @ Cocowalk, on Mary, on Main Hwy, on Grand, and on Matlida. Enough already! If you really valued Cocowalk businesses that much, and if their items and stores were really that great, youd find a way to shop there. The proof is in the pudding and this pudding is a lumpy mess in a nice bowl.
In response to Anon at the top who talked about the meter fairy tickets... If people wont walk from Cocowalk to Commodore, they are extremely lazy. Plain and simple.
I agree with Anon @6:31, NSK and Blind Mind.
This is clearly not entrapment, which is inducement by law enforcement to commit a crime you would have been unlikely to commit. The sign is clearly a no parking sign. There is plenty of other available parking in the Groce.
Anon @6:31, NSK and Blind Mind are wrong. The sign IS stupid, and it is very poorly formatted, and whoever wrote it should be fired, along with whoever permitted such a monument to stupidity to be built. And anyone who thinks the sign is clear and sensible should simply be beaten with the sign until they capitulate or the sign breaks over their thick skulls.
Here's how it reads, according to the TEXT, (which anyone who isn't a s**t for brains knows is how the human brain weighs its data stream):
Most people will sort this mish-mash of drivel out like this:
It's a bus loading zone Mondays through Fridays, but it's something else from 7am to 6pm, and then it's a tow away zone at some point, except that parking is allowed there for 3 hours at a time when it's not being used as a tour bus stop. So if it's Saturday, I can park here.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's stupid because it immediately attempts to negate its purpose: to keep that zone available to touring buses during set times. Everything else only clouds the issue.
Here's how it would read if somebody who wasn't a complete moron had written it:
See how easy it should be? Just the correct information, and none of the stuff that isn't necessary to the function of the sign. The point of the sign isn't when we CAN park there, the sign's purpose is to tell us when we CAN'T. So tell us that, and STOP.
Jeesh, parking people are IDIOTS.
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