this is a nice problem to have

I was once house hunting on Micanopy and found the peacocks charming, but again it was from afar and I never did move there; I know what a mess they could be and how loud and screechy they are when they call out.
Now Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and staff are involved and they need 60 days to come up with a solution.

Another thing I read was putting up fishing line. The ducks would get so tired of trying to cross the fishing line that they would go elsewhere, we didn't need to try that, but maybe it would work with the peacocks, you know, sort of corralling them into a certain area and out of other areas, like people's properties.
Just a thought.
Graphic by Harry Emilio Gottlieb
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How many of the residents ever notice their own spoiled and dirty dogs and cats? And do they really clean up after them? Let's keep these peacocks in the Grove. If there is a population problem then keep a limit on their numbers by transferring a few humanely, these majestic birds have been part of the Grove for ages. Why do these people buy in the Grove when they know about the area's character.
Relocate the residents complaining about the peacocks to high rises on Brickell Ave.
These birds are a disaster!
I know a homeowner in the North Grove who is constantly battling these peacocks.
They crap all the walkway & are ruining her landscape.
Charming are not, these birds should be controlled. Telling residence to leave & to keep the birds is just childish.
The bird droppings are very unsanitary. With all of the concern about bird flu, we should try and minimize these types of threats.
Please don't invoke avian flu with these peacocks, it isn't relevant. No more relevant than dog flu or swine flu or human flu, all of which are real forms of influenza but none of which have any bearing on this situation.
I have peacocks -- five of them - in my yard here in the Grove. When I lived up north we had deer and Canada geese. The deer ate our landscaping and the geese left their calling card. It was gross and it was inconvenient. I planted species the deer didn't like and I watched where I walked. I didn't shoot the deer or transplant the geese or destroy their eggs or destroy their habitat further.
When I moved into the Grove two years ago, I learned to live with the peacocks, the millipedes, the snakes, and the oppossum.
They were here before we were and we should all learn to co-exist.
Don't feed them and they won't stay. They will multiply beyond the point of being able to survive on the local food supply and expand their range.
This Peacock Dilemma should not be a decision for Marc Sarnoff to make. If he takes a side he will anger about 50% of his fellow Grovites. There are plenty of laws on the books and several government departments that are responcible for this kind of a situation. There are good reasons to keep these majestic creatures and good reasons to remove them.
The least plausible justification and perhaps the most self-serving is the suggestion that having these birds stroll through our neighborhood help with the sales of high net-worth properties. That is really not why these creatures where put on this earth in the first place. It is also not why so many of our neighbors cherish them so very much. It is not why so many folks tolerate their noise and poop.
A graceful and beautiful creature like a Peacock or a Swan brings much joy and improves our quality of life. So I suggest that we figure out a way to keep some of the Peacocks without annoying too many neighbors.
Harry Emilio Gottlieb
I like the peacocks and run into them frequently on Tigertail and the backstreets on my way home from work. I can see how they could be annoying though. One poster above makes a good point. I bet there are dog owners in that area who let their dogs crap all over the place, so a little peacock doodie shouldnt bother them. If they are that much of a problem due to large population growth, some should be relocated. That or a good ol' .45 should take care of em. We eat pheasant and turkey, so I imagine peacock cant be that bad. Plus, think of all the art that could be created with their feathers and pelts!
Those peacocks have almost caused me to have an accident on 22nd Ave on more than one occasion. I'm not sure how I feel about removing them, but the suggestion that they "were here first" is kind of silly. They are an exotic species. White herons are much prettier, and they're native.
There used to be a flock of peacocks on Main Highway near that Science Church. What happened to them? I miss them. Don't tell me they migrated to Tigertail. Come back where you are loved.
It is easy for the people not living with peacocks to say they are beautiful and let's keep them; for people who wake up every morning having had to listen to them all night and then having to wash off their car and property with droppings on them it is a different story and the beauty of the bird is lost. Let's be reasonable and respect our neighbors.
Respecting neighors also means respecting differences of opinion.
I can live with the peacocks.
I do live with them -- on my roof, on the wall, in the yard, on top of the gate -- poop and noise and all.
I understand that they bother other people.
I find people more annoying than peacocks -- for example, the majority who don't stop for pedestrians in cross walks, and that speed on local streets -- these things bother me and pose more harm to me, than the peacocks do.
But reasonable people can and do disagree.
We need more wildlife roaming the streets.
Leave the peacocks alone. Let them poop, and strut and cry all night. We need to learn tolerance for all things, and not discard or destroy because it is suddenly inconvenient or bothersome. Here's an idea - just wake up 1 minute earlier to spray the bird poop off your pretty Porsche Cayenne and take an extra Ambien at night. This is such a non-issue. The whole controversy is ridiculous.
Hahaha, I love your post, mother nature lover.
I'm not sure that Homo Sapiens wants to invoke "annoyance" as the standard for eviction and removal of one species by another. I suspect there might be a rather lengthy line of species able to claim the same against man.
Let the peacocks live in peacock park, it kind of makes sence?
That totally makes sence! I sence that people are overreacting here. Complaining about peacocks? That is just nonsence! We have to find a way to coexist with nature. You know, its not just all about dollars and sence.
Peacock problem??!! What next, how about we evict the lizards, they scare my kids, and then we put silencers on all shoes in Coconut Grove, also on the cars and airplanes, have you not noticed the annoying noise they make all around us! Give me a break, vane newbies.
Maybe a developer could buy up all the properties and put in a big multi-use building with a grocery store. That should get rid of that unsightly mess. Wait, that's a different issue.
Our Commissioner Sarnoff will do the right thing. He is truly a Godsend to the Grove. He knows best and will do the best for all of us here in the Grove. Thank GOD we have him.
Was the previous post sarcastic? Godsend really?
it is absolutely amazing to read about people carping over peacock poop and sounds. Rather than relocating to Brickell or some other urban environment, might I suggest moving to Hialeah where in lieu of lawns which are just filled with all kinds of flora and fauna capable of making sounds and leaving deposits, they pave their yards and paint them green to simulate grass. Now that I've solved that problem - why can't we start another complaint about all the weekend cyclists peddling through down residential grove streets, screaming LEFT, LEFT,LEFT or DOG, DOG, DOG or CAR CAR CAR in utter disregard of people who might live in those houses who try to sleep in the morning? just a thought..
With all the issues in this city, we are wasting Sarnoff's time on dealing with peacocks? Nature lives on this planet too. And sometimes nature poops outside. How about that.
Pretty soon the entire grove will look like the post office parking lot.
My favorite thing about the peacocks? Slowing down traffic on my street in the morning. There's no reason you need to plow down my 20 MPH side street at 40 MPH! Thank you peacocks!
If I am not mistaken, there is a law on the books that makes it illegal to harm,or hurt the peacocks. Like trying to run them over, poisoning them( which seems to be happening in the south grove- 5 have been found dead) or trapping them. We had a van pull up by the church and throw one in to the back, that was around Thnaksgiving. Maybe he thought it was a turkey????
And if it's the bird poop and noise that's bothering everyone, what about those little green parrots, they are really obnoxiuos at 5:30 am, and the dove poop is really bad, let's just do away with all the fauna in the grove, the developers are making a great start on distroying the flora.
The law was made in the early 1900's for the founders of the grove the peacock family. I suggest that because they made millions off of the property in the grove they donate monies for a peacock santuary in Peacock park.
right lots of luck.
repeal the stupid law
I don't suffer from road rage or other spur of the moment lapses of judgment from uncontrolled emotion, BUT... I dare speculate that if I ever witnessed firsthand someone harming our precious innocent wildlife: peacocks, squirrels, parrots, doves, resident artists, even the rodents (yes, opossums included) - I would react adversely, and feel totally righteous. (Fortunately my peeps will post bail)
Poisoning is just hateful and wrong. I can't believe anyone could stoop so low and sleep at night? Even without peacocks crying?
We are the caretakers of our planet. It starts at home, in our back yards, in our neighborhoods, in our community, etc. Ultimately we are responsible for ourselves - to really truly do the right thing. Imagine... living in harmony... with peacocks... no exception. There's no room for cruelty. It's too late for that.
Good grief. Peacocks are nothing more than roosters with more colorful plumage. The next one that crosses my path on 92nd ave in Palmetto Bay is going to have his goose cooked. If all you people love them so much, why don't you adopt them and care for them. Oh yeah, then you'd be forced to clean up their sh-t daily.
Let me see...let me see...plastic blue bags of dogcrap on my front grass? or
brilliant non-plastic blue birds taking some craps on the front grass...hmm? what to do? what to do?
Seriously. Let's lose the effing blue bags of dog crap on all sides of the grove. And stop complaining about the birds.. buy a rain radio to wash out noise, ear plugs..oh wait, one of your zillion ipods?
Your car is so precious? Buy a tarp, get a carport awning, cover it lovingly with goose down whenever you come home.
Sick kids???? Don't let them eat the peacock poop.
*ok here, I hope your 2 yr old is fine, I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with peacocks;-)
Being raised in the Grove, 2 blocks from Micanopy, I love having the peacocks on my street. They, or at least some, are the offspring of the original peacocks from the Deering Estate (Villa Vizcaya). They have been in the Grove way longer than any of us.
Instead of getting rid of the magnificent creatures that live around us, why don't we get the "cat-lady" to top feeding the peacocks. If people want to keep them out of your yards, there are two options: either have your dog in your front yard as well as the back, or have your sprinklers on. Those are the two greatest deterrents to peacocks.
Its a very similar situation to having squirrels in the bird seeds. Just add some hot sauce and it keeps the squirrels out.
People, its the Grove! There is no other place like it. Appreciate the wild animals while they last!
Jesus, so peacocks constitute wildlife now? Some of yall have obviously never stepped foot foot west of 147th avenue.
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