What are they protecting and hiding?

I have a picture of the guard but won't post it here. But I really don't understand how these security guards are permitted to treat locals and tourists like this. As I have stated before, I have seen the guards arguing more than once with the City of Miami police, right on the sidewalk in front of CocoWalk. They seem to want to make every visit to CocoWalk a challenge and a dare. They actually dare you to come onto the property it seems.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
This is not a communist country nor do we live in a dictatorship.
I would, first, refer to this blog http://www.magiccitymania.com
Moreover, you are absolutely free to take pictures of ANYTHING in the street. Anything. As long as the subject does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy (meaning, no sneaking telephoto lenses through a hedge to take a picture of the poor housewife sunbathing topless in her own backyard)
The guards there can't stop you from taking pictures, can't grab your camera, can't try to get your memory card, etc.
Even the argument that it is private property will not hold as, every year, thousands of tourists will snap pictures of Coco Walk and, in any case, there is, again, no reasonable expectation of privacy.
I'd suggest a full-blown boicot of CocoWalk until the place begins to be more native friendly.
And, if you really want to make them squirm, write to the CEO's of all the chain stores that now rent at CocoWalk explaining that you are boycotting the place. The names and addresses are easily obtained at hoovers.com or through yahoo finance.
I never wimp out to a rent-a-cop. Never. Remember, they touch you... you sue!!!!
People, get over it!
If you are so pro Coconut Grove, why are you attacking the one establishment that has spent Millions in renovations to offer the community and visiting tourist a clean, attractive and safe entertainment center. The bike racks are forthcoming and unfortunately the delay has disturbed many... A boycott? Contact the Tenant - National Chains to complain? For what? To have CocoWalk squirm... Folks wake up and don't let a little nervous security guard alarm you....
I for one am still waiting for a straightforward apology from Rick Torres for their initial over-reaction with the kid's bike (and others). The fact that they quietly paid for the cut lock and then rushed out some trumped-up press release about bike racks having been on order all along is symptomatic of bone-headed management that refuses to admit stupid errors of judgment.
I love this place.
Very high community emotions being stirred here.
But hey! Let us not be distracted and forget that the "Info Booth Scandal" has not been resolved.... Has it?
And, I am a little concerned that there have not been any sightings of illegal tree chopping lately. Are the choppers becoming more secretive?
And what about the McMansions? Has anybody noticed that the mediterranean style has given way to the revived modern white cube? Is that a good thing?
Looking forward to more input from the neighbors.
LOL! Post of the week to Tony!
Rent-a-cop with a middle school education who loves the "power" he has. Do you see these guys with their flahlights and walki-talkies. Hysterical. I laugh everytime I walk by them. Thanks for the laughs ... keep it up.
Get out your paper and pens and write a snail-mail letter to each store, informing them that you went there to shop, but were intimidated by the security guards, so you went to .... Coral Gables instead. Yeah.
They'll ignore boycotts and general complaints, but tell them you wanted to spend money in their stores, and didn't because of a Bad Attitude Rent-a-Cop, and there will be changes.
Use good quality paper!
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