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Saturday, June 14, 2008

A typical weekend night in the Grove

As I walked around the Grove last night, it was so nice to see a typical Friday night transpiring -- I walked by the karate school to see a bunch of happy students laughing, Blue Man Grove was performing at their usual spot in front of Olav's Pommes and Pane Café, Sylvia was cleaning the beauty shop on Florida Avenue, two guys were sitting calmly outside the cigar store across from The Improv, where they were getting ready for a busy night.

Louis was getting ready to close Hibiscus Hill for the night and Sparkle Plenty and Out of Africa were staying open just a little bit later to accommodate the Friday night shoppers.

The valets at the Mayfair House were greeting guests, while yellow taxis lined up outside waiting for their next fare.The parking guys were already around the Grove, waving visitors into their parking lots with orange flags.

The bars and restaurants were filling up. People were spilling into the streets from the Sandbar Grill and then across the street others were sitting so neatly and orderly at Jaguar. Tu Tu Tango sat dark, quiet and empty, but right above, Hooters was jumping with people, so was Fat Tuesday and The Cheesecake Factory. And every table was taken at Bice. Others rushed by to catch a movie on time.

Greenstreet Café was crowded as usual and so was George's in the Grove and Señor Frogs. Drinkers were lined up at the bar at Mr. Moe's. Others were at the table swings outside enjoying the ribs.

Shoppers were strolling around CocoWalk and people were checking the colorful galleries out. Aladdin's was getting ready for a night of belly dancing, and Le Bouchon had their usual boisterous crowd. The other restaurants on Main Highway were filling up with happy diners. The bookstore had people coming and going, a more quiet, subdued crowd. Virginia Street was open again and cars were driving up and down, trying to find parking (avoiding the aforementioned parking lot guys).

Fuller Street was quiet except for the occasional person going in or out of Barracuda. The usual guys were sitting outside the new guayabera shop across the street. Up the block people were being served at Focaccia's outdoor tables.

Blue lights twinkled on the trees up and down Main Highway and Grand Avenue. The pizza places buzzed, the angel girl was right under the clock at CocoWalk, standing like a stone statue, delighting children; the rickshaw guys were racing around the streets darting in and out of passing cars. The crowd stumbled out of Christabelle's Quarter after another successful wine tasting.

On the outskirts, people were enjoying Pisco's and Cefalo's and even further out, pet lovers were visiting in the dog park on Virginia Street.
Monty's, Chart House and Scotty's Landing were filling up with diners along the waterfront and people were getting last minute weekend groceries at The Fresh Market and Milam's.

The clubs were getting ready for their usual crowds -- Flavour,
Oxygen, Cielo . . .

And as all this went on, others just strolled the streets, just taking
it all in.

Just a typical weekend night in the Grove. Everyone doing their own thing, yet so intertwined with each other as part of our village life.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the media has been lying to me about our economy? Because this type of activity sounds as if we are not in a terrible recession and gas prices over $4 a gallon is causing everyone to hunker down and close their wallets.

In all seriousness, it is great to hear that there is so much activity in our community. We live in the most productive country on the planet and the American economy is a Goose that lays golden eggs everyday.

The sad part is nobody seems to want to acknowledge these blessings anymore. Thanks for the reminder!

June 14, 2008 9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it is just that people are staying closer to home and Grovites are eating and shopping in the Grove - the way it should be.

June 14, 2008 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful observation Grape, and for all you do to promote the Grove and show it in the light it deserves....

June 15, 2008 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article, but I could swear it was me playing at Olav's Pommes & Pane. Were you really there?

June 18, 2008 12:43 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Who is "Me"? I did see one guy playing, in fact I took a photo but it was too dark to come out good.

June 18, 2008 1:30 PM  

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