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Monday, June 02, 2008

It's cheaper to buy gasoline

As you know, I hate to complain, but guess how much I just paid for this sub at the Quizno's on 17th Avenue?

$11.53, including .75 sales tax.

I didn't get a drink or chips or anything else, just this one sub to go. It's their Prime Rib sub, which they are promoting all over the store with posters. I don't really even eat that much red meat, but the signs were so enticing that I ordered one.

When they rang me up and said, "That will be $11.53 sir," I thought I heard wrong. I asked again and she said, "That's how much they are, here I'll throw in some napkins." I never did like her.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you also leave a tip?

June 02, 2008 4:14 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

No, I gave her a dirty look and walked out.

June 02, 2008 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave a tip?? why would you do that? it's a fast food place.

June 02, 2008 4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A ten dollar sub and they charge another 39 cents for extra dressing? Can you spell R-I-P-O-F-F?

June 02, 2008 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, dude, but all these similar postings just reinforce a really bad bad bad image of you.

Don't you ever look at a price list?

Don't you know what you are ordering?

Everytime you complain that you are surprised at some cost or another, you come across as childish or "confused and disoriented". Most of us, adults, we do look at the price list and have a reasonable idea of how much things cost before we get to the cashier.

The $0.39 for "extra dressing" is stupid on their part.

June 02, 2008 5:02 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

Why the dirty look? It's not like is her fault. She doesn't set the prices.

June 02, 2008 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should've dusted off your fresh market act and launched the sub at her...btw, you're right, it's a rip.

June 02, 2008 6:28 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

OK, I am wrong again. Just checking. Thanks.

June 02, 2008 7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay in the Grove and have lunch.
Christabelle's has lunch now under $10 and it is excellent. Great Po'Boys!

June 02, 2008 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is rather silly that you were surprised by the cost. The prices are listed behind the counter on a huge board which is the format in all of these places. Its not the girl's fault you didnt do your homework. Shame on you.

June 02, 2008 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if he saw the price or not, where do they get the nerve to sell fast food subs at that price?

June 02, 2008 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For around a buck or more than what you paid for that unappetizing slab of beef on a bun, there's about a dozen restaurants in the Grove where you can be served a great meal in a relaxed atmosphere with real tablecloths and napkins!

Mayfair hotel will serve you filet mignon -- really, filet mignon-- for $13 and it comes with very crisp fried potatoes. There is also Christabelles, Panorama, Pisco, Somoto, Los Ranchos, Bice, Greenstreets, Jaguar, Panne et Pomme, Foccacia Rustica that all offer items for around $11 - 12, and if you really want fast food, you can go to IQ, Qdoba or even the Bookstore and pick up an empanada that is like a meal for $6.

And George's is giving champagne away at lunch, so why on earth would you go to Quiznos on 17th? Anytime you wanna have lunch in the Grove, let me know. -- Lili Dones

June 03, 2008 1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking of disappointment, my wife and I were in the area on Saturday. We decided to try the IQ in CocoWalk for lunch.

HUGE disappointment.

It seems like their quesadillas are pre-made, because you can't customize the ones on the menu (I wanted the South Beach without tomatoes). Reminded me of a Panera.

Service was horrible. Oddly, the sodas (which are from a fountain) were flat/watery, the chips they give you are stale.

When our quesadillas came, they were stone cold in the middle. We sent them back, and when the girl brought it, she stood over us and said "taste it right now."

I wasn't impressed, the chicken didn't have much flavor/seasoning, and they use just regular mozzarella cheese, rather than a mix of cheeses. I find Baja Fresh and La Salsa to be much better.

My wife says we should give their Miracle Mile location a try, because it might be better, but I'm not so sure.

June 03, 2008 6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Flash: Quiznos has always been a rip-off. From the moment I first walked into one and had a lunch that comprised of a soft-drink, potato chips, and a SMALL sub and ended up paying $12 for it, DOUBLE what I would pay at subway - I figured this place was doomed.

And yet there they are - still at it. Sure, people justify their prices because they claim their subs are higher quality, more and better meat - but does it justify paying DOUBLE for what I consider "lunch" food? I guess to each his own. Only you know the depths of your wallet.

They are beginning to show signs of weakness, now that I have witnessed at least 2 stores go under here in Miami-Dade - latest one off US1, just north of Southland mall. No surprise there - last time I went there the service was awful. I also remember a crack-whore (really) coming in to get free water and munch on the sandwich fixings like pickles, ketchup, etc...

Another annoying trend - lots of places where you order your food not from a waiter/waitress but from a cashier counter is now putting out tip jars. Sorry, I'm not buying it. The final outrage will be when fast-food chains like McDonald's puts them on their counters...

June 03, 2008 7:06 AM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

Ive been to the IQ a few times and had a great quesadilla every time. One is plenty filling, the price is very affordable, and the quality was great. Guess you went on a bad day Elias.

Who cares if he saw the price or not, where do they get the nerve to sell fast food subs at that price?

They get the nerve at the same place that restaurants like Prime 112 get the nerve to charge $50 for a steak and that most Miami bars get the nerve to charge $12 for a bourbon on the rocks. Its called free enterprise. If you dont like it, dont go there. Simple enough. Its one thing to complain when price has not been dictated to you but its another to complain when its sitting there in broad daylight.

June 03, 2008 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an unfortunate addiction to Quiznos' Chicken Carbonara sub, so I have visited quite a few with the same feeling of being overcharged. My opinon (this is what we're sharing here, right?) is this:

1) get the small, it's more affordable and a better portion size for us super-sized Americans,

2) get tap water, or keep bottles in the trunk for places like that who charge so much for drinks,

3) if you must do Quiznos, go to the one on SW 8th St & SW 107th Ave... it's the only one I've found with enthusiastic service and who are generous with the toppings (helps to somewhat justify the price).

June 03, 2008 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That place is MISERABLE! It's a husband/wife team that owns the Quiznos and they are constantly fighting! They are so nasty to each other and it rubs off to their employees. The lady behind the register is usually the wife and she expresses her misery to all.

June 03, 2008 11:07 AM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

I actually avoid the place because of her. She always makes me feel uncomfortable. She is never happy, very miserable and I feel quite sorry for her. She just looks like she wants to run away from it all and is trapped there and she takes it out on everyone. It's a very sad situation.

June 03, 2008 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quiznos is just an overpriced glorified Subway. I sometimes go there just because it's next to my work, but I print coupons from the internet first from: http://deallocker.com/coupon/quiznos.com/

By the way please don't bash people with behavioral problems please. I mean is it not obvious when people have problems? Why put it online? Does it help or could it exacerbate the problem? We have more than half the people in the Grove with serious problems, it is distasteful to mark them with a "highlighter" online.

June 03, 2008 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quiznos are among the franchising industry's most troubled. the franchisees are all very unhappy campers.

12 bucks? you cannot be serious.

all 12 inch subs are 5 bucks at subways and they are quite a bit healthier on average.

June 03, 2008 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June... I wonder where you get your facts.

Half the population in the Grove has "serious problems"? That's a huge amount, statistically and, forgetting statistics, it just doesn't make sense. If that were true, we'd see a bunch of trouble people in the streets, when any walk around the Grove shows a mostly normal population.

As to exacerbating the problem? How? First... most probaly that person will NOT read about it, meaning that the information will not reach her.

And, for those who read, maybe a few will treat her with a bit more patience if she is, indeed, troubled? So that would improve the situation.

Essentially, two out of two are wrong.

June 03, 2008 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up. The Grove is like Lake Wobegon. The women are strong, the men are good looking and the children are above average.

June 03, 2008 7:59 PM  
Blogger Geniusofdespair said...

I have never been to a Quiznos and after looking at the receipt and the sandwich...I will never go. Thanks for saving me a trip. I am ashamed to admit I like the Italian sub at Subway now and then.

June 03, 2008 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's inflation for you. It will only get worse as the dollar loses more and more value due to all the risks associated with U.S. policies. A buck ain't worth what it used to be.

June 04, 2008 11:22 AM  

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