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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cefalo's is making some changes

Today I stopped in Cefalo's Italian Village (3540 Main Highway). They had a nice late lunch crowd. Not too many people, but it was late in the day when I got there. The deli area had quite a few people checking out the delicious delicacies for Father's Day.

I spoke with Mary and Carlos who would like to offer Grapevine readers a free glass of wine with any entree. This offer starts Monday for a limited time. So I say, let's all support them and get some free wine in the deal. They have been making some menu changes and they seem to be very attentive to guests now, meaning better service as far as I can see.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it is new management OR maybe even a new owner. Until they start giving you a full glass of wine and not a third of a glass, I won't be going there.

June 14, 2008 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The proper way to drink wine is not to fill the glass. It is usually a third of a glass or a bit more, has something to do with the proper aeroma and bouquet, etc.

June 14, 2008 8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude u can always get drunk at home right? u don't have to go out to do that

June 14, 2008 9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fine for a wine tasting but to pay $12 for a third of a glass of wine explains why the Taurus Bar never attracted the Grovites - they are not wine afficionados, they just want to meet their friends and have a glass of wine -- the place is just too stiff to even be close to the Taurus Bar.

June 14, 2008 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The buzz around town was all they served was lukewarm soup and salad at a Chamber lunch for $25 - $35 for guests - and most people left hungry.

June 15, 2008 7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my last time there, a couple of weeks back, the food is mediocre and the menu overpriced, especially the wines which, as someone pointed out, are $12 for a 1/3 glass

June 15, 2008 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well back to Anon above - when my third of a glass is gone, I would like to enjoy what they should have poured rather than pay another $12. When will they learn? That is why people don't go back.

June 15, 2008 11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all need to learn how to drink wine. It does not matter how big the glass is, you should only pour 6-8oz. I guess they should buy some 6oz glasses so that when cheap, dumb guest come in they can fill the glass ALL the way up. It would be the same amount but then you can feel that you got every last drop.

June 16, 2008 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should only pour 6 oz? Says who? That "rule" was probably invented by restaurant owners who want to fleece customers. Pretty much along the same "rule" that you should spend 2 months on a diamond. Or that you should not bid over 10% under a house's listed price.

People with their own interests in mind make up these little "rules" and, sure enough, published often enough, they become RULES for unquestioning minds.

June 17, 2008 7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rule was not created to rip off cheap people or to save money. Wine is meant to be enjoyed with your taste buds and with your nose. If you fill the glass all the way you can not enjoy the bouquet (smell). When you see people swirling wine in the glass they are not showing off, they are helping to bring the bouquet from the wine to there nose. With a full glass you can not do that and therefore can not truly enjoy the wine.

If you had four people at dinner and bought a bottle of wine you would be pissed if the server filled everyone’s glass all the way to the rim because you would need 2 bottles for everyone to have a glass. You would feel like the server was over pouring so that you had to buy more. Why would it be different if you buy a glass?

For those of you that want the glass filled to the rim, please stick with your Budweiser. You obviously don’t know anything about wine and drink just to get drunk!

June 17, 2008 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no problem w 6 oz. its the 12 bucks nobody likes.

the far end of the grove is not south beach.

i guess theyd rather sell one glass for 12 and slowly go bankrupt than sell hundreds for 6 and stay in business.

June 17, 2008 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cefalo's wasn't/isn't just about a lot of money for a glass of wine (why not buy the whole bottle and enjoy it if you're dining there)it also provided something unique in south grove - a bakery and italian type deli. they actually had delicious prepared foods, cheeses, pastries, etc. but no more. i stopped by on my way home last night, as i have done countless times before on my way home from work, and it's all closed down. even though there is a sign on the door that says the the deli area is closed for rennovation, i was told by the hostess that it's closed permanently. i think she mentioned something about the rennovation will include their adding a bar. great - just what we need, another bar. i, for one, will miss being able to pick up some great prepared foods (especially the eggplant), a pound of my favorite italian espresso, or my indulgence of pignoli cookies. guess jimmy cefalo (who does still own the place) got tired of people who do nothing but carp and complain. i know the restaurant business is the hardest one to maintain, but losing this type of niche is a great loss to the grove.

June 18, 2008 10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cefalo's already has a bar - not very big, not very warm and friendly, two leather sofas where you can uncomfortably seat 4 people - if 2 people are sitting in one sofa, you feel like you are intruding to sit across from them. They should have put high top bar tables in there.

June 18, 2008 6:02 PM  

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