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Monday, May 19, 2008

More on CocoWalk

Some people are upset that I changed my stance on CocoWalk, but I did it honestly for two reasons.

First because the person who soured me on CocoWalk actually threw a fit and tantrum right in front of Mia, me and a few others in CocoWalk management -- right on cue. I could not have planned it better myself. Mia stood there shocked, she actually saw what their problem is. It is THAT person who has no business dealing with the public.

I won't go into details, but those of you attacking me need to see all sides of the story. I have kept some of it private to protect the person in question. But as soon as Mia saw the problem, she saw my side and I then saw her side. A third person was the cause of many problems. Again, I have email proof of this from many people who were emailed rude, nasty comments by this person, as he/she tried to "defend" CocoWalk.

Secondly, Lucky Strike Lanes really did make me see differently. I know it is an upscale alley and I know it is not Bird Bowl, but I think that Lucky Strike is a perfect fit for the Grove. My fear was that they were getting rid of "user friendly" places and gearing more toward turning the Grove into Bal Harbour and Merrick Park.

After all, we do have a commissioner who wants to turn the Grove elitist, many people want to get rid of the late night bars and clubs (I don't) and I honestly feared that they got to CocoWalk's owners and management and I feared that little by little that the Grove would turn into something it's not -- an elitist place only for the chosen few.

The wine spa coming and Tu Tu Tango leaving, started this erroneous thought in my head. Also daily emails from concerned citizens didn't help with the confusion. Many people were concerned.

I know Lucky Strike isn't cheap, but it is a night out. It may not be a place for 16 year olds to go on a date, but I don't see how a grown man and woman or group of friends can't afford to bowl a few games, have a few drinks and enjoy an afternoon or night doing something different. It won't break the bank. It would literally be cheaper than a tank of gas these days.

I have blogged every event at CocoWalk for the past three years from Santa's arrival to profiles on individual stores to the recent Art Strolls and Fashion Show. So for someone to say I turned 180 degrees makes no sense. I was concerned about the direction the place was going to be taking in the future. I didn't hate CocoWalk or anyone associated with CocoWalk.

As for the "white trash" comment -- I was trying to be funny. It didn't work. I apologize for that.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Blogger SteveBM said...

Those that say you "changed your stance" are incorrect in doing so. Your original post was merely a knee-jerk reaction that was loaded with info from one side of the argument. You have a lot of love for the Grove, hence the blog. Once you heard both sides, you realized that you let your emotions get the better of you when you saw what you viewed as negative change in the Grove. You have always promoted Cocowalk and it takes a good person for admitting they were wrong (Cocowalk "jerks" and "white trash" comment) so hats off to you for re-posting updates with all of the facts. Those who think you have changed your stance probably dont read this blog as often.

May 19, 2008 2:35 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

It was NOT a knee jerk reaction. I was literally getting mixed messages from CocoWalk, nasty ones at that.

Finally someone took charge there and cleared things up. But I was not jumping to conclusions. I do speak with people before I post things, you know.

May 19, 2008 2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there was no knee in the reaction. Call it what it was.

May 19, 2008 5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post seemed to be what others are calling a knee jerk reaction, dont you think? Doesnt seem like any info from Cocowalk was learned before this post...


May 20, 2008 12:12 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

I DID receive info from CocoWalk, but very conflicting info. Info that made them look totally guilty. Then finally one person there with a cool head (Mia) contacted me and explained things correctly and politely.

Please stop judging me people I really do check out stories before I post things, I am sitting on about 10 stories now because I don't have all the facts. So ENOUGH WITH ALL THE JUDGMENTAL SHIT.

I don't have knee jerk reactions to things, I do actually think before I post things.

May 20, 2008 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky Strike Lanes is a Blast!! We travel into Miami Beach, Dinner on Lincoln Rd and off to Lucky Strike Lanes. So much fun and great exercise!! Great people watching, lots of "do you know who that is?" all just having fun getting those bowling balls down the alleys. A perfect match for the grove. Clean fun and great gathering place for some bits and drinks. Bring it on Coconut Grove! Fun for all ages & private parties.

May 20, 2008 10:12 PM  

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