Clubs need to contain their filth

Maybe the clubs should just be responsible for the flyers only and the police should step in and stop the on-street drinking and littering.

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The flyers issue will be on the Feb. 14th City of Miami Commissioners agenda held at City Hall.
the club may be responsible for the empty plastic cups, but i doubt it had anything to do with the cardboard corona light beer case.
they dont sell beer by the case. that was dumped there by some idiots, no doubt.
What pigs. These clubs and late night places have a disgusting crowd. Look at all the litter, flyers and garbage they leave to disgust the potential daytime shoppers.
All the clubs should stop selling liquor at 3:00 am or better yet at 2:00 am.
You should look at the school's grounds at Coconut Grove Elementary some mornings. The best, though, was when a local business started throwing their garbage in the school's trash containers on Matilda Street. Too bad they forgot to remove their napkins with their name on it. Not to name names, but that French food sure smells bad the next day.
Um, so how exactly would a 3am cut off of alcohol sales reduce litter?
You know, last night I was out until 5am. At 2:59am, I didnt feel like littering at all. But, once the clock struck 3:00am, I couldnt stop myself! I was smashing beer bottles all over the ground and then taking flyers and just throwing them everywhere. The broken glass and flyers looked so cool lying on the ground in disarray that I kept running back into the bar and repeating this act for the next 2 hours until the bar closed.
Just imagine if the bar had closed at 3am? I wouldnt have got my littering fix and wouldve had to resort to cutting down trees out of spite.
Hey Get Real,
Behind that McDonalds, were they four legged rats or two legged rats?
What I meant about the 5 am closings is that the clubs want special privileges, yet they don't give a damn about the Grove. They want to be selfish and not give anything back, like something as simple as cleaning up the streets the first thing in the morning.
Most restaurants wash down the sidewalks the first thing, the clubs don't give a damn, they just open their doors and leave the place a freakin' mess.
What gives Baracuda the right to leave the steets like that and just conduct business as usual?
Drunk club customers are pigs. Two legged pigs. What benefit do they serve? Except to provide profits to 2-3 club owners?
And why should the taxpayers pay City workers to pick up the trash left by such rude obnoxious thugs? And remember there are over 300 stores and offices that depend on a clean uncluttered Grove to properly serve their customers. Obviously the late night clubs serve no rational purpose.
It is truly disquesting to see all the cigarette butts and other garbage littering our village!!!!! It's also rather annoying that one restaurant/bar - Barracuda Raw Bar & Grill - still allows smoking!!!!! What's with breaking the non-smoking law and polluting the street outside the restaurant too!!!!! Who't going to enforce the laws here?????? We need help!
Dear "Let us clean up the grove:,
What is your point?
Ok, you hate anyone who goes to nightclubs, and view them all as thugs. Fine, then dont go out in the Grove at 2am. Problem solved.
You are bothered by the litter left on the streets. Ok, me too. So maybe you could provide a suggestion as to how to address the problem. It seems you just want to shut down all the clubs, and kill the weekend party scene entirely. Guess what? That isnt going to happen.
And do you seriously believe that the only benefit the clubs serve is to "provide profits to 2-3 club owners"? Are you kidding me? The bar/club scene here is key to the local economy and provides countless jobs that put food on alot of peoples tables. Not just a couple of fat cat club owners. Here is a list of some of the others who benefit:
*Landlords who lease the space to the clubs
*Building security and maintenance workers
*Parking lot owners/attendents
*Bands/DJs who perform at the bars
*The late night pizza places that everyone hits after leaving the bar
*The local gas stations and convenience stores
*Sidewalk vendors
Need I go on?
1.Code enforcement should make sure that streets are clean and that the clubs and advertisers are obeying our laws.
2.The folks that contracted for the flyers must be held responsible for their distribution and littering
3.The clubs must be held responsible for cleaning up the mess made by their patrons near their location.
4.Please submit your suggestions to your Commissioner and/or NET office.
5.Please attend the Commissioners meeting Feb 14th at City Hall where this issue will be discussed.
ya coulda used a different place for the pic, the cuda is the last place in the grove locals can grab a beer for a reasonable price
To the Server -
When the clubs leave the landlords will rent to new law abiding tenants. We doubt the incoming tenants will need to search their customers for guns and knives like the clubs do now.
Those new tenants will need employees and managers.
And how beneficial is it to club employees to work until 5:00 am or 7:00 am? Think that is beneficial to raising children? To good health?
What is the public benefit to allowing smoking in a bar? What is the public benefit to condoning turning public streets into cesspools?
No liquor should be served after 3:00 am. Let customers and "servers" go home and get some rest.
been here since 94 and i remember when flanigans and tigertail were the only answer for late night drinks, you crabby fucker should enjoy it when it reverts back to that cause if you think noise and crime is a problem now wait till several hundred people trek from the entertainment district through the actual residential areas drunk as hell screaming and then that brings the predators rapists, crack heads, etc... into the center grove to pray on the drunks making the trek to flanagans.
flanagan has probably got a hardon right now just thinkin about the money he will make the place was wall to wall people from 2-5 am 7 days a week before thing got contained in the entertainment area.
doesn't anyone remember this? the streets were lined with shattered auto glass up and down day, virginia, mary, shipping, etc..
then again there were like 15 townhouses back then in the area so chances are none of you even lived here, but lets just say if ya wanted to take a walk or were walking home after say 11 it wasn't at all unlikely that you would be a victim of violent crime.
ok i'm rambling but i hope you get the point
To Erik,
You make a great case for no liquor being sold past 2:00 am. Just food. No liquor after 2:00 am at any Grove establishment. Let the drunks and thugs and other criminals go to some other town. Save the Grove for polite clean law abiding citizens. Life goes on.
the grove is supposed to be a funky ass artists community, lush overgrown tropical plants funky bars crazy people. i mean hell it's my understanding that woodstock was planned here, many of the hippys are old and rich now but thats the grove i fell in love with and a late night ruckus never bothered me it's all part of what the grovites are about if you want clean sterile and shut down by 2am just move the hell to the gables it's all that and a bag of chips, shit you can even have you neighbors fined when they don't cut their lawn.
real estate developers have been cutting the heart and soul out of the grove now for years, cookie cutter townhouses everywhere the artist forced to sell their homes, one of the greatest bars in the world (the taurus) is now some yuppie high end wine joint, butch warren is probably turning in his grave.
"Coconut Grove is nearly unrecognizable as the charmingly seedy, artsy beach town it once was in the Sixties and Seventies. Back then, most of the irascible old guys who hang out at the Taurus now had just begun to walk upright, and drink beer legally -- let alone bitch about local politics. Or so the legend goes. Now the place is more like Coconut Grove as imagined by Epcot -- slicker and a lot less interesting."
if you cant relate to what i'm saying you really belong in the gables it was designed for people like you, it has rules for everything and they are all strictly enforced, here we just want people to not cut down the freaking trees and have a good time.
What time the clubs close/serve liquor until and trash on the streets are not directly related. Sorry to break it to everyone but I have lived in the grove for a number of years, right off of Bird Ave and I find garbage out in front of my place mulitple days a week. It is people who are the problem... which will continue to be the problem regardless of whether or not you can get a drink at 4am.
It is this kind of attitude that shall make sure that "the Grove" in all its pseudo pretentiousness will continue to be the island of townhomes and quiet streets surrounded by slums that it has become. No residence in the grove are willing to actually do anything about their neighborhood. Yes I am talking about you slackers that post anti-Home Depot signs and fail to actual pay any attention. (By the way thank to your efforts took away their compromise and revived Kmart) Grove residents don't even frequent the establishments in the entertainment areas. Ask the bartenders and waiters at Christabelles, L'Bouchon, and Jaguar. You people have a lot of nerve crying crocodile tears. Grow up and actual make an effort. How about taking a positive stance in INVITE the right business and then ACTUALLY SUPPORT them. Give me Barracudas over the chain crap that you complacent boobs continue allow by your night life absence.
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