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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Coyote Ugly closes

Coyote Ugly closed on Nov. 17, without saying a word. After opening with such a bang, they went out with a whimper. Shame. Another biz bites the dust in the Grove. But again, another one just opened. Let's all give the bookstore lots of business this holiday season and of course, even after. Let's support the Grove businesses as much as possible.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual, another business closed because they charged too much and they failed to undertstand the Grove customers.

The owners of CocoWalk are also to blame. They charge too much rent and they rent to any clown who ignores reality and signs a lease.

November 24, 2007 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad the Grove wouldn't support a T&A joint catering to rowdy drunks.

November 25, 2007 6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I myself loved Coyote Ugly but perhaps they didn't appeal to the Grove's often-snobby target audience.

November 26, 2007 6:08 AM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

News flash - there are enough bars in Coconut Grove. Come up with something different and maybe you will make enough to stick around. Sandbar, Moes, Tavern, Waldos (cant believe this place is still in business), Hooters, and soon there will be a Chili's to add to the fray. Thats 6 bars that have bar food within a 1/4 mile radius and that doesnt count any of the restaurant bars like Green Street, Jaguar, Tu Tu Tango, Cephalos, and Cafe Med (or whatever is in that space now).

November 26, 2007 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the bars and clubs were forced to stop selling liquor at 3:00 am many benefits would result. Then the existing business would start earlier and it is likely less drunk customers would cause problems for Grove residents.

November 26, 2007 11:18 AM  
Blogger SteveBM said...

To the comment above from "grove bars...", not only does that win "Most Absurd Comment of the Day" but it also has absolutely nothing to do with this post. Let me ask you this though... If all Grove restaurants were to stop serving dinner at 7pm, would that make you go out to eat at 5pm? No, youd just go elsewhere to eat.

November 26, 2007 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, what businesses have lasted for years? TuTu Tangos, Cheesecake, Greenstreets, Mr. Moes. Places that everyone can go to. Moms, Dads, Families. What businesses have closed? I'm not sure because, according to some people, we snobby people don't stay out that late. Heck, I'm not even sure where that bar was. Maybe the place in CocoWalk where all the other late night places have closed over the years? I have no idea why these businesses think that they will be successful off the backs of college students or young people just starting out in their careers. Older, established people just aren't out after 3am, unless they're off their meds.

November 26, 2007 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Grove resident for the past 23 years, I have to say that Blind Mind has a good point. We are overcrowded with the same type of place with a different name/decor. Anonymous above makes a funny point too. It is kind of ironic how the establishments that have taken over in that space (Martini Bar, Visions, Coyote Ugly, Banana Joes, etc.) have all gone out of business rather quick.

BTW, Im 39 and stay out until 3am having with friends and family quite frequently.

November 26, 2007 11:45 PM  
Blogger Crumbs said...

I've been seen Cocowalk at 5am on Saturday mornings, but I'm with my running group.

November 26, 2007 11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waldo's is defunct.

November 27, 2007 2:54 PM  

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