Changes at Grove Playhouse

But Aries Development Group stepped in to take over. They are the developers of Grove Garden, in the old Taurus location.
I don't know if I like a developer being in charge of an empty lot, but they say they are doing it for the good of their tenants Cafalo's Wine Cellar and Marcanio's Deli and the other businesses at that end of the Grove. They say it was worth it not to have an abandoned lot next door.
Aries Development Group are the ones who paid off off the debts that were due earlier this summer in order to avoid foreclosure of part of the playhouse property known as the Bike Shop.
They provided another mortgage for the playhouse after paying off the last debt.
Paradise Parking Service is taking over management of the parking lot. While the lot is still open, they will renovate the lot and clean it up.
Aries Development Group, headed by Rick Kalwani (also a member of the Grove's Business Improvement Committee), wants to help the playhouse be solvent and not depend on city or county money. He is planning a charrette with all interested parties involved.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
Let's see what they raise the rates too. I hope they don't take advantage of residents and tourists and businesses that pay to have their workers park in that lot. They should have hourly rates in there and not a flat rate and they definitely need security.
Adding security increases costs. But he's giving you the chance to convince him; attend the charrette.
God Bless Aries for taking interest in a quickly deteriorating Central Business District. I wish them well.
I would feel better if all the old Playhouse Board members resigned...Failing that, those board members should make up the deficits...
It feels totally creepy to have the people who killed the Playhouse, like Shelly Spivack, play-acting like the "saviors."
It's like a pyromaniac who calls the fire department to report their handiwork.
Most of the Business comes from Ransom Everglades school who has at least 200 students park there, My self included. Hopefully they wont take advantage of the students.
When are the Board members who made the stupid decisions creating the massive deficits going to write checks from their personal accounts to pay back the creditors? Time to pay up or shut up.
Grape -
You should have linked your report to Miami Monthly - where you got the news.
Useful magazine, ain't it?
Actually I had the news the day it happened -- three people emailed me and I know one of the parties involved personally.
I was even contacted by ex-employees that same day who work at another playhouse in the area.
But I was told to keep my mouth shut until now.
The Grove is a small place, I usually know things the day they happened. I don't have to read it a month or two later in another publication.
Here are the facts on Aries Development Group, LLC as reported by the Florida Secretary of State, Division of Corporations: Gino Falsetto is the Manager, Bernard Siegel is Vice President, and Anthony N. Petropoulos is Vice President and Registered Agent. There’s no mention of Rajesh Kalwani. Could he be fronting for the REAL officers and owners, those who control the limited liability company and now also the mortgage loan the Coconut Grove Playhouse has signed as a debtor? I grinch You should carefully look into the track records and current activities of Gino Falsetto and Pierre Heafey. There are more facts at Begin with reading “The Pierre Heafey and Gino Falsetto Business Relationship Matrix.”
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