Condo project in trouble

The Mercy Condo project is being reviewed by prosecutors. The Related Group has been accused of using "heavy handed tactics" in order to get the three votes needed by the City Commission in favor of the project. Herald story here.
For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.
It's also helpful that the courts keep throwing out projects along the river, ruling that the City Commission keeps breaking zoning laws.
No one could understand Spence-Jones's twisted rationale for voting to approve the Mercy rezoning. And why was Spence-Jones interfering in another Districts business? Now we learn the Daily Business Review, the Miami Herald and the Miami-Dade County Public Corruption unit all search for answers.
Coconut Grove will successfully secede from Miami because of this type of behavior from city officials.
If Spence-Jones made Related give money to her "godmothers" in order to buy her vote granting the rezoning then the entire Mercy re-zoning issue should be opened up and heard again. And anyone involved should be sent to prison.
Corruption in Miami is a 2-way street and I'll be willing to bet the house that Jones is in cahoots with the 2 lackeys bought by Related.
This Mercy Hospital/Related Group 300 Grove Bay Residential 3 Tower Luxury Condo Complex, is a perfect example of what is wrong with Miami and those that are supposed to be our wise, concerned, progressive, thoughtful and future thinking elected government.
Our elected City of Miami government has betrayed our trust by permitting way too many condos to be built way too soon.
We now have a glut of unit’s available and thousand more in the pipeline that can't be stopped.
It will take many years for the market to absorb this overstocked inventory.
All of our property values will be affected negatively.
Our economy is being affected negatively.
It is a mistake to base our economy on the construction of more condos.
Our economy should be based on creating more employment opportunities, establishing more companies, stores, providing
better transportation services and safety for our citizens.
The granting of a change in zoning to Mercy Hospital by 3 out of 5 City of Miami Commissioners is a travesty.
No zoning should be changed just to accommodate a property wonder (in this case that mismanages their tax free business)
or a developer that wants that property for his next ego project.
Biscayne Bay and Coconut Grove needs another luxury condo project like we need…
Another drunk, arrogant, despot of a Commissioner.
Another rude, belligerent, argumentative City Manger.
Another Commissioner that has been indicted.
Another Commissioner that is accused of cronyism and possible pay-offs.
Another Mayor that bends over backwards to accommodate his out of control developer pals.
Another City Staffer that betrays their public trust by going to work for a developer.
Another City Attorney that betrays the public trust by lobbying on the behalf of developers with a law firm that does all they can
to find loopholes in our zoning codes that they helped to write in an effort to accommodate their clients.
It is no wonder that the few times our citizen’s rights are respected are when we take the city to court and a reasonable and law-abiding judge rules in favor of what is truly best for our entire community.
It would be wonderful if we had a city government that truly protects the interest of our community that we can trust will represent is well, but sadly that is not our good fortune.
It is time that we elect a much better government that will serve the interest of our community and not the profits of the developers.
Or at the very least we must curtail our city governments powers to grant contracts, permit up-zoning, variances and special permits and allow the electorate to vote of the major issues that will have a lasting effect on all of our lived.
Key Biscayne has learned this lesson the hard way and now it is time for us to do the same.
Does anyone know how we can get Federal Government attention here? Its not just the Grove that is facing these problems. Remember "The Firm"? What ever happened with that? The smoke-screen reporting by Miami Monthly brought attention to the situation but I viewed it as a cover-up to shield the higher-ups that were likely involved.
Enough is enough already. Its time to make moves to take this city back. Where do we start? I have no clue when it comes to these things. So far, it seems like all we can do is blog our brains out.
There is never a slow week in this town; we went from Barbara Gomez to Mary Conway to Chief Timoney and now Michelle Spence Jones. When will it stop? And now Jorge Perez has the audacity to sue Marc Sarnoff because his feelings are hurt? Only in Miami!
Related throws its money around to buy votes and instill fear in its opponents.
Forbes Magazine wrote Jorge Perez is worth $1.8 Bil. Who do you think gave him the money? Condo buyers. Slick well dressed saleswomen talked poor suckers into giving up their money... Now Jorge has the money and the suckers get left with the bills. Typical Miami story.
Related is a big bully. For all his billions Jorge Perez makes very few charitable contributions.
I guess he is too busy using his money to buy influence?
How did Perez get John Shubin to sue a commissioner? Shubin used to be one of the good guys.
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