Relaxating - enchanting

Brickell markets itself, downtown markets itself and the Grove has a right to market itself. Should Lincoln Road stop all of its marketing because they don't include Washington Ave. or Ocean Drive? Get real.

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the sign is marketing alright. but, as usual, it's false. im sure drivers sitting in traffic on Useless 1 would infer that straight ahead lies nothing but stress. of course, not really true. but heading into coconut grove does not guarantee relaxation either. there is no parking for one thing. the traffic is as maddening in the grove as anywhere else. so while lunch at scottys is mildly tempting - if the food didnt suck so bad - youd first have to park your car somewhere. good luck, unless you have about a pound of quarters bulging in your pants pocket.
Wow, somebody must have pissed in your Wheaties this morning... I like the sign and think its kinda funny. I rarely drive on US1 so I havent seen it but my contractor was talking about it the other day and got a good laugh out of it. I think its pretty true though. The sign points to stress downtown, where a lot of people go to work every day. Normally work = stress. The Grove has few offices and instead has plenty of places to walk around and relax/chill. Sure, you gotta find parking but it isnt as bad as Dreaming makes it sound. There are a bunch of lots in the area, you just may have to walk a block or two, god forbid. You could all use the exercise to help get rid of what people here kindly refer to as "curves". I call it tank ass.
I think it's really funny that people are upset by the sign. I thought the "stress" it was pointing to was driving on I95, which always stresses me out, and the "relaxation" was the docks, where you can drive your boat onto the bay.
Everyone has a different interpretation.
I agree on the stress thing. I'll take Greenstreets over Brickell any day. Downtown is trying to make a comeback, but it remains crowded, cramped and costly.
Very clever. Great marketing. Now, let's build some sidewalks and sweep up the homeless panhandlers who ruin the vibe.
Couldn't agree more with the sign... I avoid downtown like the plague! I would not go there unless it is completely necessary... And speaking of panhandlers, there are more of them in downtown than anywhere else... And parking can either be extremely expensive or outright dangerous... I'm sorry, but to those who are offended by the sign I have one message: stay in downtown and leave me in the Grove... ANY DAY!
Allow my to quote Ryan's recent reply to a comment on our site to clarify your misinterpretations of his post:
"You're right, AC, one could interpret the sign differently than myself. However, personally I don't think the sign refers to I-95. I think it's highly unlikely the sign would compare an expressway with a neighborhood.
I think I should reiterate that I don't have a problem with a neighborhood marketing itself, I have a problem with a neighborhood marketing itself at the expense of another neighborhood within the same city.
Also, there is some symbology there, too. However, there are definitely much more important issues to put our energy into - I just wanted to point this out."
Downtown/Brickell is where most go to work. Work = stress. Grove has nothing but eating and shopping and few offices. Eating+ Drinking + Shopping = Relaxation. Unless youre in the market for a $3 suitcase, or piece of electronics equipment that was obsolete 5 years ago, or a greasy cuban sandwich, you arent relaxing downtown.
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