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Friday, May 18, 2007

Huge trucks are the problem

I really want to find some good things to say about the new Home Depot. The customers seem to be at a minimum, while the parking lot is full, it isn't a madhouse, and it seems nice to have life there instead of that empty lot which was sitting there empty for so long.

So far, the only problem I can see are the large trucks. They block traffic and hold up traffic. Like today, this huge truck could not make a right on a red, it is too large and slow to do that, so traffic behind it was clogged for what seemed blocks. It held traffic up on Bird Ave. and then when it turned onto 32nd Ave. it held traffic up there, taking up both lanes at US1, trying to make a right turn without jack knifing.

The huge trucks are going to be a problem.

On a lighter note, I had 10 doors delivered from Lowes today ($3000 worth, that Home Depot didn't get from me) and the drivers were cracking up at the fact that I went all the way to Hialeah, just to boycott Home Depot. They said a lot of people are doing that. They just had come from a delivery in Perrine, where apparently those people hate the Home Depot so much that they drove by so many of them to go to the Hialeah Lowes store, too.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there no restriction against those trucks using Bird!?

I thought that was one of the conditions on Home Depot, that all trucks had to use US1 or 32nd Ave.

May 18, 2007 2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that was just another thing on Sarnoff's X-mas list.

May 18, 2007 3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The huge trucks are going to be a problem."

Yeah, who didn't see this coming?

Has anyone been in the Home Depot? I feel like going in there just to vandalize something, e.g. drop some glue in a credit card reader or have them mix a bunch of paint and leave. Childish, I know, but it speaks to the level of horror and frustration I feel.

May 18, 2007 3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that was one of the conditions on Home Depot, that all trucks had to use US1 or 32nd Ave.

That was to be a condition of the Strang design. This current situation has no such restrictions.

May 18, 2007 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the in store vandalism, buy a box of roofing nails and periodically (at night) spread some in the parking lot. It punishes all those who support the store, employees and shoppers alike, word will spread that they are not welcome...

May 18, 2007 3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If traffic is worse than ever because of Home Depot, grid your loins. This is only the beginning.

Put the blame where it should lie, on the city. Residents predicted this, over and over again.

Thank you Johnny Winton, Manny Diaz, Angel Gonzalez, Jose Sanchez and last but not least, the dumber than a sack of hammers Michelle Spence-Jones, for yet another stupid decision.

And Home Depot. Don't shop them and buy their stock.

May 18, 2007 4:02 PM  
Blogger Dr. Richardson said...

Though the store on 8th Street is always overcrowded and hot, I still go there...until North Carolina based Lowe's comes closer. This new store in the Grove is missing an important part of do-it-yourself home care and improvement - plants and major gardening supplies. This is what I read. I don't even want to go to see if it is fact. I might get trapped in the plaza.

May 18, 2007 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about those hundreds of shopping carts with no locks on them, and those lumber trolleys that they place in the fire line in front of the building.... get 311 on your speed dial for code violations.

May 18, 2007 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon guys, shop Shell Lumber, Poe's Rentals, Sherwin Williams, Frankey's Locksmith, Farrey's Lighting, we don't need a Home Depot and we don't want them. We should do nothing to help with profit margin at this store.
Shell Lumber meets and beats all competitors' prices AND THEY ARE GOOD NEIGHBORS.

May 18, 2007 6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what childish praddle. take your toys and play somewhere else, if you don't know how to play nicely with the other children folks. didn't you have a mother?

you talk about staying vigilant and catching HD for any possible infraction of the law so they can be turned in and shut down, and even espouse ideas about putting glue in credit machines, scattering nails in the parking lot. what a bunch of bullies you anti home depot folk turn out to be.

I went into the store, just to walk around and look. saw some lovely high end plumbing/vanity pieces like you find in Expo and encountered workers saying hello and even asking if they could help. imagine that. i guess being pleasant and working for a living makes them deserving of your scorn and cheap pranks. I mean they should just march right back on the unemployment line because you don't like their employer and, if you had your way -after all, shoppers and employees both should suffer because what...you think they should learn their lesson because you just dont' want them there. the only lesson you all seem able to impart is one of hostitlity, rudeness, intractableness, and smallness of spirit.

some of you really need to get a life.

May 18, 2007 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People... the trucks are practically forced to use Bird and McDonald to get to the loading docks (which are currently located adjacent to residential homes and Gardner's market. There appears to be no restrictions for delivery hours, as well. Home Depot wanted to relocate the nasty stuff to us-1 and agreed to restrictions on operating hours and deliveries... but apparently the rabid Groveites really didn't see any benefits there.

May 18, 2007 8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to Marc David Sarnoff and his band of naive and loyal followers for screwing up our only chance for a more appropriately designed Home Depot on US-1 and 32nd Ave. and for ruining our chance to have a brand new and improved Milams.

That version of Home Depot would have allowed trucks to enter and exit only on US-1. The design was more aesthetically pleasing than the ugly retrofitted building that we are stuck with now.

I know loyal Sarnoff Zealots, the other version would have been a uch bigger store, but there was going to be roof top parking for Milams which would have been a much nicer alternative to the vast ugly sea of cars that is there now. Now, thanks to Marc David Sarnoff and his devote bootlickers, we will have to live with this cheap and unsightly strip mall for years to come.

Just like the Judas Zealots who rebelled against the Romans, but were soon scattered, and became a lawless band of mere brigands, the Sarnoff Zealots are too becoming a lawless band of misfits. Perhaps it’s time to find a new leader?

May 19, 2007 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this is just PERFECT irony!
The store that Home Depot wanted to build wouldn't have been served by trucks on MacDonald or Bird. That store was designed so that trucks could enter ONLY on US 1 and ONLY front in first with no backing onto the highway.
What we GOT is the Marc Sarnoff-designed Home Depot!!
Live with it!!

May 19, 2007 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To perfect irony,

If you'd ever attended a meeting regarding the building of the Max Strang design you'd know that there were no promises made. If you know anything about HD or the City you'd realize it's just a ploy to get the camels nose in the tent.

It's highly unlikely the Strang version would ever see more than paper. HD doesn't care about rules, or fancy buildings or being good neighbors.

It's all about money and power. You'd have just gotten a bigger piece of crap with more noise, more conjestion.

Look at 8th street HD. That's a real beauty. HD as a neighbor can reduce your real estate values by 25%. Not to mention quality of life. People who end up with a HD backed up to their homes all have the same opinion they suck.

May 19, 2007 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the loudmouth above:

Of course "promises" were made. Are you daft? The design was a binding promise that they would build THAT store. There was no wiggle room.

And show me an example anywhere on the planet where real estate values have ever dropped by 25% due to the arrival of a Home Depot! This is one of the flimsy canards that get passed around to gullible "activists" seeking to be part of “greater cause” to give meaning to their lives.

Try feeding the hungry and housing the homeless!

May 19, 2007 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drove by the new Home Depot recently. Just as the neighbors have been claiming for years, the traffic was terrible.

The City and idiots like Winton and Spence-Jones cannot see in front of their faces.

I do not believe Home Depot had any intention of doing anything to lessen the hurtful and harmful impact on the residents. Home Depot still has its same small group of lobbyists and lawyers still spreading lies.

May 19, 2007 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a strong feeling that all those anonymous and bitter, anti-Sarnoff commentaries are from non other than Diaz, Spence-Jones, and the other two commissioners. But they have obviously paid someone a hundred bucks to do the writing for them.

Either that or Sarnoff must have dumped this chick bad!

May 19, 2007 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call them bootlickers if you will, but whoever made that comment about Marc is an idiot who obviously does not know Marc.

Marc made a lot more money prior to running for public office, which he did because he felt that the Grove needed someone to try to protect its interests. I told him long before he was elected that it would be impossible for one honorable person to get the rest of the commission to vote against their pocketbooks. And, the fact is I was right. If you have ever been to a commission meeting you would see that the rest of them are corrupt as hell and they do not give a rats ass about the Grove.

For them, the grove (and its tax revenue) is the means by which to pay for the rest of the projects in their lower income districts. For them, the grove is nothing more than something to be exploited for the benefit of themselves and their own constituents. It is quite a spectacle of bullshit.

Marc has been working hard to protect the grove but he is only one man with one vote, in a system that is designed to benefit very few. He is not the problem, he is part of the solution but unfortunately, he doesn't have the clout to keep the other honest.

May 19, 2007 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: Marc wanted the Max Strang Design but the Grove NIMBYS wouldn't let him settle with the Home Depot. Looks like you guys screwed yourselves, you had it coming.

May 19, 2007 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This can not be repeated often enough! The idiots did it to themselves! They had every opportunity to cut a great deal for a reasonable compromise. But these spoiled brats thought all they had to do was throw a tantrum and they'd get their way. Blame Dr. Spock!!!

May 19, 2007 10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous of May 19 11:05 am (Perfect Irony) points out that the stuck truck scenario would not have happened if "The Ho" had gotten its way and built the Max Strang store, where "trucks would enter ONLY on US1, and ONLY front in first with no backing onto the Highway.

For the record, the truck that got stuck blocking traffic on the north bound lane of McDonald was not entering, or backing-in to "The Ho." It was exiting. The scenario would have played the same if the new store had been built, but the blocked lane would have been the North bound lane on US1.

What we got was the lesser of 3 evils, thanks to Marc Sarnoff and the efforts of the community.

May 19, 2007 11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so amusing watching the Home Depot and Diaz asslickers attempt their spin. Their message is that if Home Depot was allowed to build a 125,000 sq ft store, with 55,000 sq ft MORE than what is existing that somehow the larger store would have generated less trucks and less vehicles. That somehow the extra 55,000 sq ft would require less inventory and less parking and less traffic. And what is so amusing is that they actually expect us to believe their BS.

The fact we only have a 70,000 sq ft Home Depot is due to years of hard work by Marc Sarnoff, Sue McConnell and Mel Meinhardt and many other volunteers. No thanks to drunken stooge Winton (and the other commissioners who voted with Winton) who actually voted to create this quality of life disaster. Don't believe me? Drive by the new Home Depot and watch the trucks diverted to residential streets. Watch the carts and garbage blighting the neighborhood.

May 20, 2007 1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marc, Sue and Mel:
What are you silly boys and girls doing up at 1 AM?

May 20, 2007 6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protecting the "quality of life" of the Grove, as usual.

May 20, 2007 12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many easy things to do.

For example, if a bunch (say, 100) of anti-HD activists got together and all of them went to Home Depot, parked and went into the store but only walked around, buying nothing, this would clog up the parking so much that customers would not be able to park.

Do that for 3 months and the results will be impactful enough to be felt all the way to Home Office.

May 20, 2007 12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that many think it's okay to have a Lowes in Hialeah but not a Home Depot in the Grove. As if all the people in the neighborhood near Lowes are not good enough to enjoy a life without the big huge delivery trucks and crowds and traffic. Sounds like a big case of Not in My Backyard to me. Sure, it's okay to trash Hialeah, but don't do it here in the Grove? And what if the people in Hialeah had protested and the Lowes wasn't built in their backyard? Where would you get your doors then?

May 20, 2007 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sarnoffs Lawless band of misfits:

Grow up and go get a job. Home Depot is hiring. They have health Care and other good benefits. Then in your free time you could all go to group therapy together.

May 20, 2007 2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you be busy filling condoms with water and dropping them on old ladies from your dorm window?

May 20, 2007 5:55 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

To anonymous at 1:42 pm. As far as I know, the site where Lowes is has been zoned for that size store and as far as I could see it wasn't in someone's quiet neighborhood, it was in a zoned area where other stores of that kind are located. There was access for large trucks and it had four sides for incoming and outgoing traffic.

And I don't think the people in Hialeah were against that store, or I would not shop their either.

May 20, 2007 6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much the above lobbyist are getting paid for keeping up and writing in blogs? I think they are working overtime!

May 21, 2007 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ome of these lovely posters called us 'rabid groveites'.


Just because we want to report infractions of our building code law.

Home Depot needs to find a better caliber of 'troll'.

Did they ever consider that if there were NO infractions -- there would be nothing for us rabid grovites to report??

I say we find out where the trolls live and we rabid grovites help them get a Home Depot right in their very own neighborhood.

We won't stop the fight until the 'Box' folds.


May 21, 2007 3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now we're
"Sarnoffs Lawless band of misfits"


Home Depot -- don't you put your trolls through any type of charm or etiquette classes?

Or would that require a change to your troll hiring practices? You may need to enforce a minimum age or education level.

May 21, 2007 3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, you guys are all wasting time and energy. If you really think people are being paid to comment on a local blog, you are delusional. I love how people get all bent over a "post" on a "blog". Keep in mind that everyone here was all about Sarnoff and Grove First and one of those 2 groups got you exactly what you wanted - screwed. I like Sarnoff to a point, but he is one guy on a board that consists of shady morons and minorities that would love to see White Grove go down. Its the closest predominately white community we have in Miami afterall... This is what happens when you allow Cuba to influence our government. The answer is border patrol with shoot to kill orders.

May 21, 2007 6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! THAT guy covered a lot of bases in one short paragraph. Pro Sarnoff. Anti Sarnoff. Pro "White People." Anti "shady morons and minorities" (not sure if he's suggesting these are the same people or mutually exclusive). And finished with a glorious combo package of an drooling anti-Cuban rant and delusions of assassinating immigrants.

Is this a great community or what?

May 21, 2007 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



And getting under their skin is so much fun (and it's relatively effortless)

Kind of makes you wonder what would make someone so desperate to be able to buy a screw at that intersection. lol

If not a paid lobbyist -- I really feel pity for them

May 22, 2007 12:25 PM  

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