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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mental Giants at work

Me thinks thou dost protest too much

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as per Angel Gonzalez's instruction – we should definitely file a formal complaint to the State Attorney's office regarding the suspicion and evidence(?) of bribery enacted to pass this (Mercy Condos) project.

We should truly follow through with our finger pointing...

April 29, 2007 12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They still have not given a reason for chaning the zoning. Honestly, I believe it has to be money, why else would they change the zoning?

I could have been so easy to say No, leave the status quo alone. But for some reason, three commmissioners voted for the project and gave no reasoning for it. I want an answer from all three.

April 29, 2007 7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its the "benjamins" baby...

April 30, 2007 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think maybe Gonzalez has forgotten that saying about those who don't learn or remember history...

Remember Gary Hart challenging reporters to follow him because he wasn't fooling around with Donna? Ot the politician running on the anti-smut platform and railing against pornographers who was caught with kiddie porn on his computer after having sex with an underage boy that worked for the city as an intern/trainee?

I don't know if anybody took any money, but Miami's past history (memorialized on FBI videotapes) tells us that it isn't outside the realm of possibility.

The saddest thing about this video of Gonzalez on you-tube is not his protestations, but the fact that the whole world now sees what our city government sounds like. Pretty embarrasing if you ask me.

April 30, 2007 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on Wed, May. 02, 2007

Unfortunately, normalcy is back in Miami
``But you know what happens. There's a certain group of people here that believe they are almighty and we Hispanics are Indians and we are the corrupted politicians. We are the thieves of the county and the city.''

-- Angel Gonzalez, chairman

Miami City Commission, April 26
Indians? Before we try to figure out what the honorable chairman meant, let me first say: There are politicians who inspire with the force of their intellect, men and women so gifted that every word is a revelation, every action a cause for praise.

Angel Gonzalez is not that politician. But he is immensely valuable, anyway, a constant source of amusement and mortification in a town that seemed dangerously close to regaining its sanity.

Joe Arriola is gone. Joe Carollo is retired. And Manny Diaz has gone green. Thank God, Angel Gonzalez lives on. This is the guy who, deposed during the fire-fee scandal, admitted, ''I don't have no understanding of what that means.'' The one who last year said that we in Miami should take development ''where we can get it,'' and, as quoted in The New Times, dissed Latin America's love of the seafront: ``A lot of people go to the Malecón in Latin America because they don't have a job.''

Now he's trying to justify his support for condos near Vizcaya by complaining that ''certain'' people would equate him with . . . Indians.

''Oh wow. That sends chills down my spine,'' said Jorge Salt, a Cuban American who traces his heritage to the Ciboney tribe. ``Indians or an indigenous [people were] the race in the Americas when Europeans arrived to begin the conquest of corruption and stealing.''


If you've lived here long enough, chances are you know someone like Gonzalez, a poor soul whose sense of inferiority leads him to rant about ``indios'' in a way that makes everyone else stare into the bottom of their wine glasses.

Such people exist, even in decent homes. But most families prefer to keep their nutty relatives locked in a closet. Somehow, Gonzalez escaped and wants everyone to know that he's no indio.

Frank Castañeda, Gonzalez's chief of staff, said in an e-mail that Gonzalez was frustrated with an anti-Hispanic e-mail he'd received: ``What you saw in his remarks was an expression of that frustration, not a sly of any ethnic group. And if anybody feels offended by his statement, he apologizes.''

Got it? Gonzalez felt ethnically insulted. So he ethnically insulted someone else. I share his frustration with people who mouth off about all Hispanics being corrupt. But Gonzalez's protest at the commission meeting was a bit much.

''In that e-mail we are called corrupted. . . . Let me tell you any of you that think or that knows that I am on the take should go to the state attorney's office and make a complaint,'' he said Thursday.

``I had to get it out of my chest . . . step up to the table, be a man, do like men do, things up front, don't hide before a computer.''


OK. Not to press what is obviously a sore point, but what about that voter-fraud thing a few years back? The one where Gonzalez was arrested for his role in an absentee-ballot scandal, admitted involvement and was fined?

He's taken pains to point out that he's no convicted felon, and that's true. It's also true that in the litany of crimes, his penchant for mixing metaphors is far more annoying.

But you know what happens? A certain group of people here don't know when their irony is showing. In that sense, Gonzalez is a true city of Miami native.

© 2007 Miami Herald Media Company. All Rights Reserved.

May 02, 2007 9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mental midgets...

May 02, 2007 7:56 PM  

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