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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Letter to Linda Haskins

Linda Haskins' campaign has been emailing people, telling of her desire for quality of life, reducing traffic, etc. You can see the letter here.

This is one response to Ms. Haskins sent by a reader of this blog:

"Dear Ms. Haskins,

In response to your email asking for my vote.

I think quality of life begins with protecting the neighborhoods in your district. Allowing Mercy Hospital to build 400 foot high condos with prices starting at 3 million dollars is hardly affordable housing. Not to mention that it is 8 times larger the height limit allowed by current zoning. What is your position on Mercy Hospital?

Do you think it's right to wall off Biscayne Bay from the residents with condos and other concrete structures like the American Airlines Stadium? That is one of the most obnoxious uses of bayfront land I've ever seen.

As far as reducing traffic, how exactly do you propose to do that? By streetcars? By reducing Biscayne Blvd. by yet another lane for a mode of transportation that was retired from the city of Miami 80 years ago? The city has narrowed Grand Avenue, redesigned the on street parking so there is less. Every year businesses fail by the dozens in Coconut Grove because there is no convenient parking.

We used to have angle parking on McFarlane Road, then it was changed to parallel parking. There used to be 5 parking spaces for the library, now there are two or three. I don't consider that improving life for residents. Parking garages are unsafe, inconvenient and people get mugged in them. The one under the Sonesta Hotel takes credit cards only.

Is your affordable housing the 34 story condos proposed at every Metro Rail station? We don't have the infrastructure to support that idea.

What about your relationship with Home Depot and their lawyers? As you know Home Depot has trashed the 8th Street neighborhood. And you know they will do the same in Coconut Grove. Will you really vote against them when you've taken so much money from them?

So Ms. Haskins, before asking me for my vote, you tell me exactly how you propose to do the things you promise. What are your plans? I'd really like to know.

Thank you,
"A Concerned Tax Payer", District 2

Editor's note: All nasty anonymous posts will be deleted. If you have a different point of view, that's great, please don't be rude about it. If you want to be rude, have the balls to sign your name.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure. Let the anonymous so-called "Concerned Tax Payer" spew slime and lies in every direction......but demand that rebuttals be signed.
What a dishonest crock!!!

November 02, 2006 9:49 PM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Point taken. Let the anonymous nastiness begin.

By the way, the "Concerned Tax Payer" did sign her letter to Ms. Haskins and she did want it published here. I asked permission to remove her name for the blog. Maybe I shouldn't have.

November 02, 2006 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has the president of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis, been resurrected?

Dear Mr. Davis,

The promises Ms. Haskins, is making in her plea for votes cannot possibly be met. The writer of the letter is informed and is asking Ms. Haskins how she proposes to fulfill her promises. I too eagerly await her answer.

And Dear Editor...I like your way with words...you have balls!

November 03, 2006 12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty good overall. I think it brings --brightly and to the forefront-- the huge disconnect between "public" and "servant".

November 03, 2006 4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's a great letter. The only problem is that the author will never get an answer. Have you seen Haskins's latest tv commercial? Sheesh!

November 03, 2006 8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Linda Haskins explained why she allowed the Home Depot lawyers and their publicist Seth Gordon to host a fundraiser for her; the only thing I heard was that she was not aware this was done and that Seth Gordon did it without her approval even though the invitation says it was "approved" by her; if she can let something like this slip by her how will she be able to keep up with the major issues facing our community?..and how could she ever be fair and unbiased if the Home Depot issue comes before her? Is that why this issue hasn't made it to the Commission agenda...at least until after the election?

November 03, 2006 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Ms. Haskins do us a favor and answer some of these questions. Election day is rushing at us and we want to make an informed decision.

If you're going to talk the talk, then walk the walk.

November 03, 2006 10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is quite reasonable to ask Ms Haskins to explain how she will vote on the proposed 120,000 sq ft Home Depot when she put the Home Depot attorneys on her fund raising Host committee. And it is reasonable to ask Ms Haskins how she will vote on the 1.2 Mil sq ft Mercy Hospital project when she cashed 15 to 20 checks from its developer. And Ms Haskins has made many claims that need verification. I would hope voters would ask the same questions of Frank and Marc, if either of them were making such claims.

November 03, 2006 10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If any candidate can't or won't answer quesions on their positions and be specific, I don't think they are worth voting for.

November 03, 2006 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that everyone against the street car mentions that the streetcar will need a "dedicated lane"? This is not true. The streetcar is basically an electric bus (with more appeal). Cars will share the road with them. Geez!

November 03, 2006 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that might be the case most places but this is Miami (the Banana Republic) where they will surely F it up.

November 03, 2006 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know Frank Rollason's position on the Mercy Hosp/Related condo development. Mercy cut a deal with Bay Heights Homeowners Association for an undisclosed amount of money so the residents wouldn't protest the proposed condos.

The three buildings which will range in height from 310', 360' and 410' high, will exceed the current zoning code by 8 times.

If you take a drive through Bay Heights you'll see Rollason's signs sprouting like mushrooms. And we all know where mushrooms grow. In cow manure, in the dark.

Rollason who is up to his neck in hot water over the fire fee scandal is now saying he wants to pay it back with interest to the taxpayers. Yeah right.

In 2004, our fire fee money, $7 million dollars, which by the way had nothing to do with the Fire Dept. was awarded by the City of Miami to 7 people in a back-room deal.

Frank Rollason has been a resident of the City of Miami for a mere year and now he want to be a commissioner in the richest district in Miami. Sounds like a plan to me.

November 03, 2006 2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rollason who is up to his neck in hot water over the fire fee scandal is now saying he wants to pay it back with interest to the taxpayers."

Where does he think the money for this will come from? More empty promises I'm sure.

November 03, 2006 3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where will the money come from? From the taxpayers where else.

November 03, 2006 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rollason wants the "taxpayers" to be paid back with "interest"? Please...

Does Rollason say who should repay the "taxpayers"?

I am supporting Marc Sarnoff.

November 03, 2006 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linda Haskins has some serious explaining to do. Unfortunately, every time she speaks she gives different answers. We eagerly await the truth.

November 03, 2006 7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Rollason promises to refund the illegal fire fee with interest? The City passed a $13 Mil budget deficit. Please...

Linda Haskins claims she saved the City $16 Mil per year on insurance. Please...

Linda Haskins claims she created 4,000 units of affordable housing? Really? Where are they? Please...

Linda Haskins claims she is independent of Manny "I love concrete" Diaz yet she allows him to fund her campaign? Please...

November 04, 2006 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Sarnoff reporting this site as an in-kind campaign contribution?
Ya think maybe he should?

November 04, 2006 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residents are still waiting for answers.

Ya, think Haskins should report and reimburse the taxpayers for the taxpayer paid SUV and driver she uses for herself, her family and for her campaign staff 24/7?

To m.s.pettifoggery, care to disclose what Haskins is paying you?

November 04, 2006 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like her.
Won’t vote for her.
But I dislike cowardly liars even more!
Could you possibly be Marc's legendary hot tub boyfriend?

November 04, 2006 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residents are still waiting for Haskins to explain her various claims, promises and actions.

November 05, 2006 10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Grapevine,
Please delete the comment from m.s.pettifoggery. It is bigoted, especially mean spirited and not at all appropriate. I am sure readers of every sexual persuasion will be equally offended. I also imagine the candidate backed by m.s.pettifoggery would want the comment deleted.

Thank you.

November 05, 2006 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M.s. pettyfoggery should lay off the Grey Goose...

November 05, 2006 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are still waiting for Haskins, or someone from the Haskins campaign, to answer the questions...

Why are the taxpayers paying for Haskins "SUV and driver" while she campaigns? Walks the district looking for votes?

Where are the 4,000 affordable housing units Haskins takes credit for?

Can Haskins vote against the Mercy Hospital waterfront change in zoning? To R4? When she received dozens of checks from Related?

November 06, 2006 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, more street parking, just what our village needs!

November 06, 2006 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ahhh, more street parking, just what our village needs!"

You said it! Last time I needed to visit a shop on Commodore Plaza it was an ordeal. Couldn't find a spot to save my life. What happened to all the parking of yesteryear?

November 06, 2006 2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many parking spaces were converted into buildings. Other parking spaces now cost $2 to $3 per hour. The City of Miami under Manny "I love concrete" Diaz is considering allowing developers to build without parking on-site if they can find muncipal parking "close" by. So now customers, employees, business owners and residents can all be fighting over the same spots.

And do not forget the 28 acres of Bicentennial Park. Manny Diaz wants the taxpayers to spend $500 Mil to pave and build on 50% of this waterfront park.

Remember the $169 Mil taxpayer giveaway to Midtown Miami? Taxpayers now have to pay to shop at the new Targets. So taxpayers are being forced to pay twice.

Dist 2 needs an independent commissioner.

November 06, 2006 5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The election is over. The run off on Nov 21st awaits.

Residents still want to know why Haskins has the taxpayers pay for her SUV and driver, while she campaigns?

The taxpayers want to know why so many City Hall staffers worked the polls wearing Haskins tee shirts? Who was paying them?

It appears, voters want a fresh perspective.

November 08, 2006 2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

74% of Dist 2 voters voted against the Manny Diaz/Haskins machine. Voters made a strong statement on Nov 7th. Voters want a change.

November 09, 2006 4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Runoff is Nov 21. Expect the Haskins political operatives to attempt dirty tricks. We have already caught one of the Haskins team doing illegal sign activity.

We are still waiting for an explanation for why Haskins demands a city owned SUV with a taxpayer paid driver take her to her campaign fund raising events.

We would like to hear her response to her mentor, Joe Arriola, comments about her on the Defede show. Facts only please.

November 12, 2006 1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Linda Haskins have the taxpayers pay for her big black SUV and driver? To take her to campaign events?

How does Haskins feel about out spending her opponents 5 to 1 and coming in second? (Sarnoff was first).

Will the Manny Diaz money machine win again or will the residents win?

November 12, 2006 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hardly worth the time to respond to most of this rubbish but here is one true fact: IF two museums are built in Bicentennial Park they will occupy no more than 4 acres each. This is 27.5% of the 29 acre park, NOT 50%.

Either the majority of the posts are deeply skewed personal opinion, or deliberate attempts to smear Mayor Diaz and Commissioner Haskins.

Where is the balance, where is the fairness, where is the truth?

You people scare the hell out of me. Did I just land in Nazi Germany circa 1933?

November 13, 2006 12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To previous poster "anonymous". The only people being attacked are the taxpayers of the City of Miami. Who do you think pays when Manny Diaz or his staff are too stupid or too lazy to read a $7 Mil "fire fee" settlement agreement? Who pays when Manny Diaz or the City's legal dept does not read the first page of a contract costing us a $750,000+ settlement? Who pays for the $500+ Mil proposed concrete structures in Bicentennial Park? Who pays for the $430+ Mil PAC Center? Why should the taxpayers pay for Linda Haskins car and driver? And regarding the 27.5% for the paving over of Bicentennial Park you neglected to add in the parking, the private gardens, the fire lanes, the service entrances and the vehicular ramps. Use accurate numbers. Closer to 50% of the park will be paved. And we do want to know why so many city workers were not at their desks on Nov 7? But why were they out wearing Haskins T-shirts trying to get votes for Haskins? Why should the taxpayers pay for them? Why should the taxpayers always get screwed by the Diaz/Haskins duo?

November 13, 2006 10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard working taxpaying residents of Miami are still waiting for answers. Why does "tax and spend" candidate Linda Haskins use a city owned SUV and a city paid driver to drive her, her campaign staff and her family to her campaign events? Why was Haskins permitted to use an army of taxpayer paid city staff workers all day on election day? Most were wearing Haskins T-shirts? Where they on city time? Tax & Spend Haskins appears to have an amazing disrespect for the taxpayers hard earned money.
Response please.

November 14, 2006 8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are still waiting for "tax and spend" Haskins to answer questions...

November 15, 2006 12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is "tax and spend" Haskins doing all the negative ads?

Why does she refuse to explain why she demands a city paid SUV and driver?

November 19, 2006 11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

March 31st, 2007

Is it true Linda Haskins could not get a job in the private sector? We hear Manny Diaz put her back on the public payroll. Back on the City of Miami payroll? So taxpayers continue to give her money?

March 31, 2007 1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true Linda Haskins was sent to Tallahassee in 2007 to try to convince lwmakers to keep Miami's taxes high and its residents screwed? Linda's job was to keep Miami residents from getting any tax relief.

And what happened to Frank Rollason? He disappeared.

July 25, 2007 12:47 AM  

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