Sailing Club News

The Coconut Grove Sailing Club's annual meeting is Friday, June 2 at 7:00 pm.
The Agenda consists of: Election of Officers, Approval of Annual Budget, Approval of Updated Five Year Plan, Vote on By-law Changes and Discussion of Miami Waterfront Plan.
For more information, contact the CGSC Office at (305) 444-4571
Saturday, June 10, 2006 is the Annual Installation Banquet. ($25 per person).
Cocktails & Hors d'oeures - 7:00 pm
Installation of Officers - 7:45 pm
Dinner - 8:30 pm
Music & Dancing following to Midnight
Call to make reservations: (305) 444-4571
For the June-July racing schedule. Click here.
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You know I've always had deep misgivings about the Sailing Club. I mean, this is public property that a club runs, operating in the public's interest. I love that notion but I think they have instead operated much as a private club in the members interests.
I know there are some youth programs but they have been targeted at affluent/middle class youth who could and should go and get their own damn lessons at full price. And Shake a Leg is good in itself but it serves a very limited number and segment of the community.
Wouldn't it be nice if someone got something together to introduce a few dozen West Groves teens to sailing, water safety and teach them about some employment in marine-related services? It would justify a whole lot of the public resources that are being used by the few and mostly priviledged. Work with me people!!!I'll hep in any way that I can.
We tried a program of teaching sailing to underprivileged "West Grove Youths", and the little punks practically robbed us all blind. I had to tackle one kid who tried to walk off-property with a bunch of stuff that he took from a locker on one of the club's skiffs. Brazen as hell! Another "West Grove Youth" started a fistfight with some kids from the Archimedes Club who told the "Youth" that he should stop throwing trash into the mangroves. Another stole a purse from a single mom who had brought her kids to a community program, and the youth sailing director chased him halfway to Grand Ave. before she caught him and called the cops.
So yes, miamista, we tried that. Didn't work.
And I find your insinuation that we're all a bunch of privileged rich people, living off the fat of public lands, to be patently offensive. My daughter and I keep a little, 15 and a half foot sailboat, there, and it's the only place in Miami where we can afford to do so. We're not rich enough to afford a private club, but I guess we're rich enough to be considered expendable, eh?
Btw, you can join anytime. Ale, abych nechtel byt clen, v klubu ktery by mel blbci jako vy.
Okay, my Czech is rusty, what the HELL did that mean? (I've got ten phrases down pat and they weren't among them.)
Ah, I just went to your page. That's who you are. Haven't really read... Oh, I'm sure we are well into the agree to disagree category.
Funny b/c I thought there was some horribly unfair characterizations where you chose to tar a whole group of youngsters by the action of a few. I want to believe that this was a "can't resist seeming like a bigot for the sake of humor" moment. It's was for a moment, wasn't it?
I have worked with youth from the West Grove and sent a number off to top colleges and two to elite prep schools through an organization known as A Better Chance. I didn't encounter the problems that you described but having worked with youth of all races and back grounds. I have also worked with and around incompetent youth service providers. I know that everything you say is more than possible.
So why don't we deny access to all publicly subsidized services to THOSE people? Like that solution?
I've spent time at the CGSC and I think if we are going to be honest, neither of us can pretend the membership is not skewed towards the affluent. I think, no I KNOW I said "most". Take offense, if you must, at your own mischaracterization.
I DO appreciate that public facilities are there to provide the community with access. And I entirely agree with your implied arguement that there is a need for CGSC.
I am only arguing for an increase of that access within our community. Rather than you stating that attempts had been made with mixed sucess (with a few knuckle heads making it that much harder) you chose to offend an entire community. Why am I (disapointed but)not surprised?
I was patently offended at the accusation that we're all a bunch of snobs who never try to do anything to reach out to the community. That is a totally b.s. allegation and I appreciate your climbing down from it. The CGSC may be "skewed toward the affluent" from your point of view, but compared to the private yacht clubs in the neighborhood the members of the CGSC are not so wealthy. The members that I know are middle class folks with families. Of course, you can't own and maintain a boat without having some money, but that's just reality, and you're welcome to it. Maybe there's a social program out there to fix it.
As far as my comments regarding the "youth" program, I wouldn't wish to blackball the entire west grove community -- I'd like to see the club help disadvantaged kids as much as anyone -- but I saw what I saw with my own eyes, and it was extremely aggravating. We found that we couldn't turn our backs on the kids for a minute. Exhausting, really. There may be other programs in the works, but they'll need to take a more stringent approach toward screening out the troublemakers.
I've read about your work with disadvantaged youth -- helping illegal aliens beat the system. Real honorable, that.
Thank you. You make unflattering characterizations of/about yourself FOR me.
Hey miamista, a link was just added about a summer sailing program at the CGSC that is open to anyone. If you really are so concerned about the West Grove youth why don’t you go raise some money and sponsor some of the youths to go. Let’s see if you will really do anything about problems or if you just write about them in blogs but do nothing.
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